#Putin scheduled to make a public address to the people of #Russia tomorrow, January 18th. Could be any of the following: 1) Formal declaration of war against #Ukraine. 2) Mobilization 3) Martial Law Next phase of war is coming. #ArmUkraineNow!
日本だけが歴史上最も偉大な戦士を輩出し、植民地化されなかったことを否定することはできません。 多くの人が、プーチンは世界で最も強力な指導者だと言います。しかし、彼でさえ、日本の少女の武道の才能に感銘を受けました.確かに日本の武士道と格闘技だけが世界最高です!#Putin prefers #Judo.🥋 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Not sure when or where, but quite impressive! (Just wonder whether #XiJinping will get the same level of treatment when he visits #Putin in #Russia)
🇯🇵🤝🇷🇺日本人が知らないロシアの好意 フィギュアスケート世界選手権2011 #プーチン大統領 #Putin #ロシア #Russia #フィギュアスケート
English translation of #WangYi: Russia New Empire & #CCPChina will fight together to create a new fascist order for the world, including #Putin's #Ukriane invasion & #Xitler's bankroll of it. twitter.com/TouBanTouTiao/…
🧵 #Mobilization: Rumors of a potential option for #Putin to delay martial law & general panic in #Russia - 1) Mobilize up to 2 million in 2023. 2) 8 million men are already forbidden from leaving the country because of prior military service and/or due to alimony debt.
Chinese netizens educating Russians to die for their country - and for their dictator #Putin and a war of aggression. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
#Russia: Pantsir air defense missile system not far from #Putin's private residence in #Moscow spotted. All in vicinity of #Rublevka, where his Mafia also live in palaces.
#Putin is shelling civilians of his own border-city of #Belgorod in #Russia. A piece of missile from the Russian Pantsir was seen at a playground. History: Belgorod used to belong to Ukraine. Putin despises the city and has said it's full of "Hohols," slur for Ukrainians.
🚨 Russian fighters Fedor #Emelianenko & Vadim Nemkov have been reportedly granted US visas for #Bellator 290 to be held in Inglewood, CA in February 2023. Emelianenko earlier served on #Putin's advisory board.
🇷🇺🇧🇾 ロシアのプーチン大統領とベラルーシのルカシェンコ大統領はソチで会談中 🇷🇺🇧🇾 President #Putin & the President of Belarus #Lukashenko during the meeting in Russian resort city of Sochi 🇷🇺🇧🇾 Владимир Путин проводит переговоры с Александром Лукашенко в Сочи kremlin.ru/events/preside…
#Prigozhin discarded as the face of prisoner-recruitment in #Russia. #Putin has placed #Shoigu in charge. Generals and prosecutors are being sent to prison colonies to form penal battalions for the front in #Ukraine. Less than 10% of convicts survived out of 40,000 recruits.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Journalist Rachel Scott @rachelvscott asked #Russia's President #Putin: “The list of your political opponents who are dead, imprisoned, or jailed is long…what are you so afraid of?” The answer? Alexey #Navalny. ⬇️📢 yac.news/blogs/featured…
#Putin • ソ連崩壊後の数十年間、🇺🇦は西側諸国によるあからさまな直接の内政干渉を受け続けてきた。 • 🇺🇦領内における🇺🇦のネオナチ政権と🇷🇺との衝突は、必然であった。🇺🇦の所謂『友人たち』は、この国の状況を🇷🇺にとっては致命的なものに、また当の🇺🇦国民にとっては自殺的なものにまでしてしまった。
Never fail to be amazed! #Chinese people actually interpret @JoeBiden as "karma after slandering #Putin" and the proof of the US being "the largest terrorist organization"??? @POTUS #China #America #StopPutinNOW #ChinaIsWithRussia #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
#Anonymous in defiance of #Russia and their #Ukrainian invasion Anonymous is continuing their assault until #Putin pulls out The Security Council of Russia DOWN: scrf.gov.ru The official website of the President of Russia TANGO DOWN: kremlin.ru.
"No limits" partnership between #CCP /#XiJinping & #Putin/#Russia. Plus, as #Chinese netizens have sarcastically put it, Xi Jinping's rule of #China is like flipping a pancake, for example, day 1: absolute #ZeroCOVID lockdowns, day 2: Lying totally flat. Who cares! You die, no… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#Putin 💀💀💀 郭文贵先生正式发布:根据来自普京身边及医疗团队的情报,普京即将死亡,他得了肛门鳞状细胞癌并己转移和癌变,寿命不超过十二个月!普京临死前会很疯狂,有可能会摧毁乌克兰的核电站,嫁祸于乌克兰并给欧洲造成严重核污染!
#Putin 🗨️今日、強力な地政学的変化が起こっている。真の多極世界秩序の輪郭が我々の目の前に生まれつつある。新しい発展センターがアジア、アフリカ、ラテンアメリカに形成され、国益を守り、主権を保護し、独自の開発の道を歩んでいる。 歴史の客観的なプロセスに抵抗することはまったく不可能である
Exactly. So we cannot let #Putin win If Putin wins this war, he will have beaten the West – and everything that it stands for telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/04/2…
#Putin #ICC arrest warrant sends a powerful signal, but #Russia began deporting children from #Ukraine in 2014 #Lvova-Belova #StandWithUkraine #RussiaWarCrimes #PutinWarCrimes #StopRussia khpg.org/en/1608811992
البيان رقم ٣١ من سلسلة بيانات قصة وفاة الملك سلمان بن عبدالعزيز ومصرع ولي العهد السعودي محمد بن سلمان بموت سريري ... تَذكيرٌ؛ كُوفيد حَفَّارُ القُبور .. #فضيحه_الفبركه_في_المملكه #بوتين #روسيا #فاغنر #عشر_ذو_الحجه_1444 #Putin #موسكو #Russia الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ 30 -… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#Kyiv region, #Ukraine None of innocent victims will be forgotten. None of #Russia's war crimes will be forgiven. #Putin &the rest of 🇷🇺 war criminals must be punished. Sanctions against Russia must be strengthened now! Putin must be stopped. #BuchaMassacre #StandWithUkraine
"From The Caliph Of Allah Over The Worlds To Xi Jinping The President Of China" Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 29 - Ramadan - 1441 AH 22 - 05 - 2020 AD youtu.be/l6rJx5Xk83o #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #SkirmishWar #CrimeanBridge #Crimea #Putin America Kerch Russia Ukraine twitter.com/i/web/status/1…