This is how we were recieved in #FortPortal. Abaana ba Tooro nywena mwebare kutugonza n’okutusagika, nanye nimbagonza muno, omutima ogumuteihaho. Let’s keep the hope alive because together we can accomplish so much for Uganda #PeoplePower #SongsOfFreedom #Edutainment
Door to door Campaign in Bugiri for @BasalirwaAsuman #PeoplePower
Police and the military have surrounded his house and dispersed the people they found at his home. As we speak his house is still surrounded. Impunity at its peak. Fear at its height. Whatever they do, nothing can stop an idea whose time has come. #PeoplePower
We later paid a quick visit to Father Denis Mayanja in Kitovu, an ardent advocate for peace and justice and the author of a soon to be launched revolutionary book titled #PeoplePower. May God grant him a long life and good health.