Strongly condemning the attack this evening on al-Aqsa Mosque,our first Qibla. It is inhumane for Israel to target innocents praying during Holy Ramadan. Wishing speedy recovery to our injured brothers and sisters. Will always stand by the just cause of the people of #Palestine.
Filistin’de yaşanan zulmü en güçlü şekilde duyurmak için #Filistin, #Pakistan ve #Tunus’lu mevkidaşlarımla birlikte New York’tayız. In #NewYork together w/FMs of #Palestine, Pakistan and #Tunisia to denounce in the strongest terms the atrocities occurring in Palestine.🇹🇷🇵🇸🇵🇰🇹🇳
On 73rd anniversary of Nakba when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were exiled from their homeland,people of #Palestine are still subjected to ethnic,religious and cultural cleansing.Will forever stand by Palestinian brothers&sisters in their fight for freedom&dignity.🇹🇷🇵🇸
#Filistin davasını savunmak üzere #NewYork’u ziyaretimiz. Visit to New York to defend #Palestine’s cause.🇹🇷🇵🇸 #UnitedForPalestine
Support #Palestine 🇵🇸 ↘️ End Apartheid ↘️ End Impunity ↘️ End injustice. #SavePalestine #SheikhJarrah
#Canlı 📡 #Filistin Konulu Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Kurulu Oturumu #Live 📡 United Nations General Assembly Plenary Meeting on #Palestine. 📍New York twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
My brother @OJerandi FM of #Tunisia joined in Paris our trip to NY to attend #UNGA75 Meeting on #Palestine together w/FMs of Palestine and #Pakistan. Our Palestinian brothers&sisters will never be alone. 🇹🇷🇵🇸🇵🇰🇹🇳
On our way to #NewYork together w/my brothers FM Riad Malki of #Palestine and FM @SMQureshiPTI of #Pakistan! In the #UN General Assembly, together we will stand up against Israel's atrocities and defend our Palestinian brothers and sisters.🇹🇷🇵🇸🇵🇰
Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Konseyi #Filistin Özel Oturumu Hitabımız (Video konferans) Address to the Special Session on #Palestine of the UN Human Rights Council (VTC)
Emphasized strong support for Palestinian cause to my brother FM Riad Malki of #Palestine. Israel must end occupation of East Jerusalem & West Bank and allow elections. We condemn attacks on Haram al-Sharif & forced evictions in Sheikh Jarrah, perpetrated in this Holy Month.🇹🇷🇵🇸
#Pakistan DB kardeşim Şah Mahmud Kureyşi ile İsrail’in #Filistin'e karşı zulmünü, ikili ilişkilerimizi ve Afgan barış sürecini görüştük. Discussed w/ my brother @SMQureshiPTI, FM of Pakistan, Israel’s atrocities in #Palestine, our relations and Afghan peace process. 🇹🇷🇵🇰
Türkiye-Filistin Ortak Komite Toplantısı'nın ikincisini gerçekleştirmek ve ikili temaslarda bulunmak üzere #Filistin'deyiz. In #Palestine to hold Türkiye-Palestine II. Joint Committee Meeting & bilaterals. 🇹🇷🇵🇸
Millions worldwide show solidarity for #Palestine. Israel continues its terror campaign on #Gaza killing scores, injuring hundreds, and displacing thousands. Millions worldwide say enough. #FreeAlAqsa #FreePalestine #FreePalaestine #Gaza_Under_Attack youtube.com/watch?v=Ody-Cs…
Hey @TwitterSupport stop deboosting our account due to our #Palestine tweets. You are hurting people in #Colombia, #Myanmar, and elsewhere that use this account to amplify emergency situations or human rights abuses. 😕
#Filistin Ziyaretimiz Visit to #Palestine 🇹🇷🇵🇸
#Ürdün DB'yle #Filistin’de yaşanan vahşeti görüştük. -#Kudüs'te kutsal yerlerin koruyucusu Ürdün'ün kararlı duruşunu takdir ediyoruz. Discussed atrocities in #Palestine w/FM @AymanHsafadi of #Jordan. -Appreciate firm stance of Jordan,protector of the holy sites in al-Quds.🇹🇷🇯🇴
#Filistin Devlet Başkanı Mahmoud Abbas ile görüştük. Türkiye’nin kardeş Filistin halkına ve Filistin davasına güçlü desteği devam edecek. Met w/President Mahmoud Abbas of #Palestine. Türkiye’s strong support for the brotherly Palestinian people & its cause will continue.🇹🇷🇵🇸
#ADF2022 öncesinde ikili görüşmelerimize #Filistin ve #Nepal Dışişleri Bakanları ile #Letonya Savunma Bakanıyla başladık. Started bilaterals ahead of @AntalyaDF w/FMs Riad Malki of #Palestine, Narayan Khadka of #Nepal & Defence Minister @Pabriks of #Latvia.🇹🇷🇵🇸🇳🇵🇱🇻
#Kuveyt DB Şeyh Dr. Ahmed’le #BM Genel Kurulu'nu Filistin'e destek için harekete geçirme konusunda mutabıkız. -18 Haziran’da @AntalyaDF'de tekrar biraraya geleceğiz. Agreed w/FM @anmas71 of #Kuwait to mobilize #UNGA to support #Palestine. -Will meet again at #ADF.🇹🇷🇰🇼
Images of people making Molotov cocktails may have different interpretations from the mainstream media, depending on geographic location. If it's in #Ukraine, it's heroism. If it's in #Palestine, it's terrorism.
#Endonezya DB Retno Marsudi’yle Filistin’deki mezalimi görüştük. -Kendisini 18 Haziran’da @AntalyaDF’de ağırlamaktan memnuniyet duyacağım. Discussed atrocities in #Palestine w/Foreign Minister @Menlu_RI of #Indonesia. -Pleased to host her at @AntalyaDF on 18 June. 🇹🇷🇮🇩
As Israel misses Hamas' ultimatum to remove its forces from Al Aqsa, a barrage of 1,500 rockets hit Israeli cities. Israel is escalating its attack across #Gaza, #Palestine. Caught in the middle are countless civilians. #GazaUnderAttack #FreePalestine youtube.com/watch?v=2mYkcT…
Israeli police brutality against worshippers in Al Aqsa mosque has led to an escalation between the IDF & Hamas. Hundreds of missiles have been shot between the two activating the #IronDome. #PalestinianLivesMatter #Palestine #SheikhJarrah Subscribe ⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=onUoTW…
At meeting on #Palestine, chaired by @UN_PGA Ambassador @volkan_bozkir, with participation of Foreign Ministers of @OIC_OCI members, emphasized our determination against Israeli oppression and discussed concrete steps to be taken in the upcoming period. #UnitedForPalestine