Hosted my brother @Amirabdolahian, FM of #Iran. Assessed our relations from trade to tourism & energy, from fight against terrorism to consular matters. Discussed regional developments, including #Syria, #Iraq, #Palestine & #Afghanistan. 🇹🇷🇮🇷
"Setidaknya 105 warga Palestina, termasuk 26 anak-anak, dibunuh oleh penjajah Zionist, 2022 telah menjadi tahun paling mematikan sejak 2006," kata Koordinator Kemanusiaan PBB untuk Palestina. #BDS #FreePalestine #OpIsrael #SavePalestine #Palestine
The usual mainstream media double standard on #Ukraine and #Palestine @redfishstream
Facts don't matter as the White House will always refuse to recognize the crimes committed by Israeli apartheid. @Mondoweiss #Palestine #Israel #ShireenAbuAkleh
#Filistin Ziyaretimiz Visit to #Palestine 🇹🇷🇵🇸
#Filistin Devlet Başkanı Mahmoud Abbas ile görüştük. Türkiye’nin kardeş Filistin halkına ve Filistin davasına güçlü desteği devam edecek. Met w/President Mahmoud Abbas of #Palestine. Türkiye’s strong support for the brotherly Palestinian people & its cause will continue.🇹🇷🇵🇸
Türkiye-Filistin Ortak Komite Toplantısı'nın ikincisini gerçekleştirmek ve ikili temaslarda bulunmak üzere #Filistin'deyiz. In #Palestine to hold Türkiye-Palestine II. Joint Committee Meeting & bilaterals. 🇹🇷🇵🇸
Palestinian unarmed protesters, paramedics, journalists...shot dead! Standard procedure of Israeli forces in the occupied territories of #Palestine. #ShireenAbuAkleh @redfishstream
Mine and @MintPressNews' tribute to Palestinian @AJEnglish journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, assassinated by Israeli forces today in #Palestine. How long will #Israel go unpunished?
.@AJEnglish Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was killed by Israeli forces today in #Palestine. Unarmed protesters, paramedics and journalists have been targeted by Israeli snipers. These war crimes are unpunished, covered up by the White House. @Mondoweiss
.@AJEnglish Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh shot dead by Israeli forces today in #Palestine. Unarmed protesters, paramedic teams and journalists have been targeted by Israeli snipers. These war crimes are unpunished, covered up by the White House.
Response of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni to those who Fabricate His Infection with Corona 02-06-2020 AD Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani mahdialumma.org/showthread.php… #TheWarningMoonIsOver #انقضا_التحذير_بالقمر_النذير #COVID19 #Palestine COVID-19
A video of an audio statement in Arabic titled: Admonitions of the Warning Moon are Over Imam Nasser mohammed Al-Yamani 13-Ramadan-1443AH 14-04-2022AD fb.watch/cppuDAU7JI/ #TheWarningMoonIsOver #انقضا_التحذير_بالقمر_النذير #كورونا #COVID19 #Palestine
Be Mindful of Allah, O My Beloved Global Electronic Army of Supporters Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 25-Rajab-1441 AH 20-03-2020 AD mahdialumma.org/showthread.php… #انقضا_التحذير_بالقمر_النذير #AlAqsaUnderAttack #Palestine Palestine
Kepedulian Front Persaudaraan Islam (FPI) terhadap rakyat Gaza Palestina terus berlanjut. Kali ini semenjak ramadhan FPI memberi bantuan makanan berbuka puasa dari warga untuk ribuan Keluarga dan anak yatim, faqir miskin di Gaza. #FreePalestine #SavePalestine #BDS #Palestine
عاشت المقاومة الفلسطينية #Jenin #Palestine
مجموعه بیانات در باره داستان مرگ ملک سلمان بن عبد العزیز و از پا افتادن ولیعهد سعودی محمد بن سلمان با مرگ بالینی. Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani mahdialumma.org/showthread.php… #COVID19 #TuesdayMotivations #Iran #Palestine #pattoki
War in #Ukraine: a good opportunity for #Israel to boost the colonization of #Palestine. @Mondoweiss
#ADF2022 öncesinde ikili görüşmelerimize #Filistin ve #Nepal Dışişleri Bakanları ile #Letonya Savunma Bakanıyla başladık. Started bilaterals ahead of @AntalyaDF w/FMs Riad Malki of #Palestine, Narayan Khadka of #Nepal & Defence Minister @Pabriks of #Latvia.🇹🇷🇵🇸🇳🇵🇱🇻
#InternationalWomensDay Mother #Palestine ♀️🇵🇸
For the Western mainstream media, the difference between a hero and a terrorist is who holds the molotov cocktail... mondoweiss.net/2022/02/many-p… @Mondoweiss #UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #Israel #Palestine
Images of people making Molotov cocktails may have different interpretations from the mainstream media, depending on geographic location. If it's in #Ukraine, it's heroism. If it's in #Palestine, it's terrorism.