RAW FOOTAGE: The skies of southern Israel RIGHT NOW. Dozens of rockets are being fired from #Gaza at Israeli civilians.
The Israeli Air Force just targeted 3 Islamic Jihad terrorists who fired rockets from #Gaza at Israeli civilians earlier today. Terror target civilians. Israel targets terror.
Dear world, This morning we killed an Islamic Jihad commander in #Gaza. This is why you should care:
RAW FOOTAGE: The moment the Iron Dome Aerial Defense System intercepted 7 rockets fired from #Gaza at #Israel.
We are currently striking Islamic Jihad terror targets in #Gaza.
In this footage posted by the Hamas-affiliated Shehab News Agency, you can see and hear some of the 600 rockets that have been launched from #Gaza at Israel in the last 36 hours. We will continue to protect and defend Israeli civilians.
Today is Shoham's 6th birthday. Instead of celebrating his birthday with friends, Shoham spent the last 12 hours in a bomb shelter while Islamic Jihad fired dozens of rockets at #Israel from #Gaza. We‘ll continue to defend Shoham & all the people of Israel from terror.
RAW FOOTAGE: This is what it looks like when rockets are intercepted right above your home. 10-12 rockets were fired from #Gaza at #Israel, the Iron Dome aerial defense system intercepted several.
We have started striking Islamic Jihad targets in #Gaza. Details to follow.
We struck Hamas’ military intelligence HQ in response to the 300+ rockets that terrorists in #Gaza fired at #Israel. This is where Hamas' intelligence operatives gathered information to launch attacks on Israelis. Hamas intentionally established their HQ next to a school.
OVER THE LAST HOUR: 80+ rockets fired from #Gaza at innocent Israelis. The Iron Dome intercepted several of them. We are currently striking terror targets in the Gaza Strip.
LOOK: This is one of the multiple Israeli homes hit by rockets fired from #Gaza. Yes, HOMES. Plural. Terrorists in Gaza are targeting Israeli civilians. We are targeting the terrorists.
In response to 250+ rockets fired from #Gaza at Israel, we struck a Hamas HQ. In this building, Hamas used to order terror attacks and used to transfer money, supplies & logistics for the sake of killing Israelis. Emphasis on the "used to". We destroyed it.
Attn: World Hamas and Islamic Jihad abuse the children of #Gaza indoctrinating them with hate and weaponizing them with grenades and firebombs. This child abuse must end.
WATCH: Look at what we found this morning after 20K Palestinians from #Gaza swarmed #Israel’s border fence last night.
WATCH UNTIL THE END: This is the true impact of terror. 300+ rockets fired from #Gaza at innocent #Israelis. Civilians are #NotATarget. CC: @UN
The barrage of rockets being fired by Islamic Jihad in #Gaza at Israeli civilians after our surgical strike on their commander shows exactly why he was targeted in the first place. Terror targets civilians. We target terror. #JiHadEnough
RAW FOOTAGE: Earlier this evening, air raid sirens sounded in #Tel Aviv after two rockets were launched from #Gaza at Israel.
Terrorists in #Gaza fired one rocket into #Israel last night. In response, our tanks targeted Hamas military posts in Gaza. We won’t let Hamas terrorize Israeli civilians.
What’s it like when a rocket falls right next to you? Ask almost anyone in southern Israel under rocket fire from #Gaza...or just watch this video until the end.
What's better than intercepting a rocket? Stopping it from being fired in the first place. The Israeli Air Force just attacked a squad of Islamic Jihad terrorists trying to fire more rockets from the northern #Gaza Strip at #Israel.
An update about ongoing #Gaza aggression against #Israel:
We can confirm that the Palestinian Islamic Jihad together with #Hamas are responsible for firing 200 rockets from #Gaza at Israeli civilians over the last 8 hours.
Islamic Jihad in #Gaza are firing rockets indiscriminately at civilians across #Israel. We will defend them.
BREAKING: A rocket was just fired from #Gaza at #Israel. Thankfully, the rocket was intercepted by the Iron Dome Aerial Defense System.