บทความใหม่ที่ FORSEA ทำไมเราต้องเรียกคนทำรัฐประหารในพม่าว่าเป็นกลุ่มผู้ก่อการร้าย
A new article at FORSEA by our co-founder, Dr Maung Zarni, on why we should call the junta in Myanmar a terrorist group #FORSEA #Myanmar #Coup forsea.co/we-should-call…
Vowing my support to the freedom fighters in #Myanmar at my congressional hearing testimony. Stay strong my brothers and sisters!
Check out @OpCanary's #Myanmar playlist with all the latest information about the juntas dirty deals.
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Check out @YourAnonCentral's #Myanmar playlist documenting the ongoing crisis in Myanmar.
The playlist will be updated daily as events progress.
Just found out #Myanmar military propaganda channel #MRTV has a @Twitter account (@mrtvwebportal) Earliest post of the account is on Feb4. Cannot verify if it’s setup by its respective ministry. @facebook took down army related pages on Feb21.
"Im not fighting for myself, Im fighting for my generation
Im not scared to die
We have to fight for justice and peace
We all fight together”
📣🎉🗣 Esther Ze Naw
Watch @AJ101East & @ali_fowle on defiant protest against #MyanmarCoup 👉🏽ow.ly/D8k250DX6lA
.@CNN reconstructs the minutes before 19-year-old “Angel” Ma Kyal Zin, was gunned down in the streets of #Myanmar during a peaceful protest against the #Myanmarcoup. 70+ ppl killed since Feb 1, some as young as 14. Watch 🎥👇🏽 Link: cnn.com/videos/world/2… #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
แถลงการณ์จากพันธมิตรชานมอินโดนีเซียต่อการยึดอำนาจของกองทัพพม่า A statement by Milk Tea Alliance Indonesia on the coup in Myanmar: Myanmar Terrorists Beyond Condemnation #Indonesia #Myanmar #MilkTeaAlliance #FORSEA forsea.co/statement-from…
Tokyo's passive diplomacy will only embolden the Tatmadaw, which continues to commit grave abuses with impunity. Read my latest on #Myanmar, #Japan, and the #Tatmadaw's #coup.
Days before the #coup, Hideo Watanabe, chairman of the Japan-Myanmar Association, met with Min Aung Hlaing to discuss the “promotion of ties” between the Japan Self-Defense Forces and the #Myanmar military.
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #SaveMyanmar
According to @aapp_burma, 74 ppl now confirmed killed on the deadly 14 March. This incl. youth 👉🏼 3ppl under-18s, incl. 15 yr-old girl. In total since 1 Feb, 183 ppl have been killed by #Myanmar military & security forces: aappb.org/?p=13689 #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
บทความใหม่เรื่องเผด็จการทหารพม่าที่ได้รับการหนุนจากจีนกับผลกระทบต่อเศรษฐกิจA new article on the China-backed Myanmar junta and the damage it caused on the economy by Maung Zarni, co-founder of FORSEA #FORSEA #Myanmar #Democracy forsea.co/china-backed-j…
These people, hypocrites, have no right to crticize protestors. They support the dictators yet bracing themselves a “pacemaker” outlook. That’s the most disgusting position you can ever stand. Holding the wrongdoers in power accountable is the best way to end conflicts.
Thread: A person was forced by #Myanmar security forces to remove barricades in Yankin this afternoon. 3 police asked the man to move 15 sandbags alone from protesters' barricades said "You have to clean up your people’s mess“
(File Photo)
บทความใหม่โดยหนึ่งในผู้ก่อตั้ง FORSEA ความภูมิใจที่เกิดเป็นคนพม่า ในสถานการณ์ที่เลวร้าย Maung Zarni, co-founder of FORSEA, writes "I am proud to be a Burmese" reflecting the current situation in Myanmar #FORSEA #Myanmar #Coup forsea.co/i-am-proud-to-…
Passengers wave off 3fingers salute, Drivers honk today - a form of protest in early weeks of coup in #Myanmar - Marching (or) Sit-in protests are dispersed by security forces Protesters find tacts to keep the protest to not die down
People in #Myanmar are under attack by a violent military regime. For nearly two months now, Myanmar people have been staging powerful, creative protests across the country, including a massive general strike in the government sectors. @Beyonce @adidas #SpeakUpForMyanmar
#Hokkaido University released #Myanmar's first micro-satellite from the ISS after @Reuters reported a delay due to the #coup and concerns of misuse. It says it has placed safeguards so the military will not be able to abuse the technology.
#WhatsHappeninginMyanmar #SaveMyanmar
Interesting enough, a person at #Myanmar army’s presser - claimed to be a journalist and said he could attend @WhiteHouse pressers without the need of visa. He added “Journalists here are chasing USD.”. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
บทความใหม่จาก Maung Zarni เรื่องการทำรัฐประหารในพม่า วันนี้ มันคือการปฏิวัติจากประชาชน Maung Zarni, co-founder of FORSEA, with his new article on "revolution in Myanmar" #Myanmar #FORSEA #Revolution #Coup forsea.co/revolutions-an…
#Myanmar, #Belarus, #Thailand, and #Algeria are just a few of the countries currently hosting pro-democracy mass protests in the last 5 days.
Is your country next?
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พรุ่งนี้ดิชั้นจะเป็นวิทยากรคู่กับ Maung Zarni พูดเรื่องสถานการณ์ในไทยและพม่า เวลาเย็นๆ ของไทยค่ะ Tomorrow FORSEA will organise a discussion by Pavin and Maung Zarni, on the political situation in Myanmar and Thailand #Myanmar #Thailand #FORSEA #Coup forsea.co/a-natural-alli…
Civil Disobedience Movement, which has stood in staunch defiance of the #Myanmar military junta, has been nominated for Nobel Peace Prize. Submission & Press Release from the signatories of the nomination 👇🏽#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Myanmarcoup