Arbitrary arrests against civil society continue across #Myanmar after dark.
People are organizing neighborhood watches & a pot banging alert system to counter night raids and alert victims. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb12Coup twitter.com/MayWongCNA/sta…
#Myanmar’s Computer Federation, invited to comment on the Junta's cybersecurity bill, released a statement strongly opposing the current proposal. #Feb13Coup #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar
'The #Myanmar crisis was born of impunity. More violence against Myanmar’s people will only compound the illegitimacy of the coup, and the culpability of its leaders.'
Statement: ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/…
#WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #Feb13Coup
If you are protesting in #Myanmar please take 15 minutes to read this report carefully. It’s important for your privacy and security.
Share everywhere. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb13Coup
Report: myanmar-now.org/mm/news/2448?f…
Resources: twitter.com/YourAnonCentra…
Instructions on how to document repression and abuses by the Junta with your phone. Let's hold the #Myanmar coup d'etat criminals accountable.
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #CivilDisobedienceMovement
Follow this thread and share widely. 👇🔽👇🔽
cowrote it with @benedictrogers , in solidarity with the protestros in #Myanmar. Democracies should come together to defend our common values in the face of rising tyrannies.
Opinion: The Myanmar coup is more proof that global democracy is under threat independent.co.uk/voices/myanmar…
177 #Myanmar CSOs call on #UN Sec Council for urgent enhanced monitoring & intervention amid increasing violence & arbitrary arrests by security forces. @PVamplify & ethnic CSO reps on #CivilDisobedienceMovement & coup eng 👉🏽 ow.ly/uQiq30rwQ3v Bur 👉🏽 ow.ly/fOBw30rwQ3K
Large demonstrations taking place in Osaka #Japan against #Myanmarcoup.
Watch 👉🏽 facebook.com/kiyoshi.ochiai…
#CivilDisobedienceMovement #WhatHappenInMyanmar #FightForDemocracy
Want to help #Myanmar?
Protesters call on the international community to #boycottmilitaryproducts products owned by the coup government. #Feb14Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Below is a list of products to avoid. 👇🔽👇🔽
#Myanmar the world is with you. This is from Japan where protests took place nationwide against the coup government; in support of democracy and the #CivilDisobedienceMovement .
The world demands #JusticeForMyanmar.
#Breaking: #Myanmar Military Junta is now firing at unarmed civilians, with #InternetShutdown, tanks and endless night arrest. The free world must stand against these atrocities.
All nations backing this dictatorship must be condemned!
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #SaveMyanmar
Friends from #MilkTeaAlliance and democratic countries, I think all of you should be concerned with the latest developments in #Myanmar:
Mass military presence, firing at citizens, internet cutoff… A potential massacre is happening.
Let's keep tweeting and supporting them.
Many users in #Myanmar are reporting no access to wifi, sim, or cable. Phone lines are still available.
Help us bring people back online by setting up relays.
Follow these instructions, organize with others: community.torproject.org/relay/
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb15Coup
In #Myanmar protestors refuse to be intimidated by the coup government's roaming tanks.
Despite the overnight internet shut down and raids thousands nationwide are still bravely protesting for democracy. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb15Coup
A 93 year old woman who cannot walk, a 80 year old blind man, and scared children. These are just some of the people forced to flee recent #Myanmar military attacks in Kyauk Kyi (Lerdoh) Township. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Report: freeburmarangers.org/2021/02/02/war…
The internet in #Myanmar is back online. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb16Coup #SaveMyammar
At least 426 people have been detained in #Myanmar since the military seized power in a coup on Feb. 1. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
In Mandalay, Aung Tharyar Ward, coup government forces shot at residential homes at random in an attempt to intimidate and terrorize civilians into submission. #Feb16Coup #WhatsHappeningInMaynmar #HearTheVoiceOfMyanmar #Myanmar
Original videos here: facebook.com/10000253601146…
Are your apps, settings, or text suddenly in Mandarin or other Chinese dialects?
If yes, which apps or services are they? and are you able to change them back? Let us know in the comments below. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb16Coup #Myanmar
The cyber resistance in #Myanmar takes down coup government websites.
“Our goal is to overthrow the military regime. We will fight online to annihilate the core departments and businesses that prop up the regime” #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb18Coup
Letter from Anonymous to the people of #Myanmar.
#OpMyanmar #SaveMyanmar #milkteaallience #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Rumors that the Myanmar coup government hacked our account are fake news. This is a common misinformation tactic by dictatorships worldwide.
We demand peace and democracy for #Myanmar.
#Feb19Coup #SaveMyanmar #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
US, India, Japan, and Australia demand a return of #Myanmar democracy. The UK has also sanctioned Junta generals for human rights violations.
The US renewed the Quad alliance to pressure China and the Junta criminals. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Report: sg.news.yahoo.com/biden-renews-q…
HappeningNow: #Myanmar #LGBTQ community in #Yangon march and protest against the #militarycoup. Interesting that not only they chant in normal fashion but shouting in #Burmese LGBTQ-code language.
InVid: "To achieve democracy- Our duty, Our duty."
Activists in #Myanmar have launched a support CRPH campaign. Meanwhile, @Wikipedia is censored in all languages by the Junta.
#Feb20Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar