During the funeral of Javad Heydari, killed protesting the murder of #MahsaAmini, his sister cuts her hair. For every one killed, thousands rise. #IranProtests2022 #IranProtests #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
ما باید انقلاب را در هر پلتفرم رسانه های اجتماعی به اشتراک بگذاریم، بگذاریم همه بشنوند، همه ببینند، همه بدانند. صدایمان را بلند کنیم. #IranRevolution #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی
The Islamic Republic needs to go NOW. Not another Franco. Not another Assad. No more tyrants hated by the people popped up by foreign governments. #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #Iran #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #opIran
“Iran has risen, now it’s our turn” “Death to the dictator whether in Kabul or Tehran” Brave #AfghanWomen protest Taliban and the Islamic Republic in front of #Iran Embassy in Kabul. #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #opIran
Women of the world, unite! Solidarity with each other because the oppression of women is global! #IranProtests #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #ZhinaAmini #مهسا_امینی #IranProtests2022 #Iran twitter.com/teacherdude/st…
The regime keeps cutting #Iran's internet connection to stop Iranians from posting about their slaughter of protesters. They are killing protesters to stop people from talking about their murder of #Mahsa_Amini. #IranProtests #مهسا_امینی #MahsaAmini twitter.com/netblocks/stat…
Solidarity among women is all that is needed for the end of male tyranny. These brave girls refuse to bow to Islamic Republic, no matter how many are murdered. #IranProtests #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
If your government feeds on the terror of women, your government will cease to exist. #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #Iran #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #opIran #IranianLivesMatter #iranrevulotion2022
NGOs / politicians seem determined to make #IranProtests2022 another Syria with their ignoring and undermining protesters and support for the tyrants. On October 1, go to the streets for ALL women. #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #IranProtests #opIran
A 16 year old girl, #SarinaEsmaeilzadeh was looking forward to her whole life ahead. The Islamic Republic beat her to death on Sep 23 in Karaj. #IranProtests2022 #IranRevolution2022 #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #Iran #IranProtests #opIran #IranianWomen
Baghdad, Iraq solidarity with #IranProtests because they hate the Islamic Republic too. #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #Iran #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #opIran
Friday protests in Tehran’s Sattarkhan neighborhood. Protests keep growing despite terrorist police shooting protesters. #IranProtests2022 #MahsaAminii #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
An all-girls school in #Iran today. Students chanting “this is the year of blood, Sed-Ali (supreme leader) is going to be toppled”. #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #opIran #IranianLivesMatter #iranrevulotion2022
From a woman in #Afghanistan to the people of #Iran: "I am amazed by the brave men of your society who stood by your side to claim your rights ... Continue fighting, stronger and more powerful, you are very close to victory." #AfghanWomen #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranProtests
Take the embassies! Iranians in London fight police to enter the Islamic Republic embassy. #IranProtests #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
World leaders must cut all ties with the terrorist Islamic Republic. They do not represent #Iran, they are killing Iran. #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #opIran #IranianLivesMatter #iranrevulotion2022 #IranianLivesMatter