A woman in Tehran, #Iran walks around a fountain cutting her hair in public as traffic honks in support. #WalkingUnveiled #مهسا_امینی #MahsaAmin #IranProtests #Mahsa_Amini
A man in Iran slaps a woman with expected impunity and is shocked when other men take exception. The world just changed in Iran. #IranProtests2022 #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #ZhinaAmini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
زمان ایستادن و حمایت از مردم ایران فرا رسیده است. #Mahsa_Amini #OpIran #IranRevolution
The face of #Iran. A 21 year old woman who says; "The security forces attacked me tonight for the crime of protesting. But I won’t give up. I am #MahsaAmini." h/t @AlinejadMasih #IranProtests #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
This is how girls are treated by the Islamic Republic, with her head slammed against the curb. This is how #Mahsa_Amini was killed. #IranProtests #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
"Hope for the day when we women will no longer have to fight for our basic rights," Women are #WalkingUnveiled across #Iran. "I'm sure that the women of the world are proud of Iranian women." #مهسا_امینی #MahsaAmin #IranProtests #Mahsa_Amini twitter.com/AlinejadMasih/…
Dancing & singing in public, removing hijab, cutting hair in public, what will #Iranianwomen do next? Ride motorcycles, another thing they are forbidden by the Islamic Republic. #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #Iran #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #opIran
#Iran, where women risk their lives to dance, sing or show their hair in public. For 43 years they have been forbidden these basic human joys. #IranProtests #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #IranRevolution2022 #IranProtests2022 #WomensRights
At least 53 protesters have now been killed as the world shakes hands with the genocidal dictators of the islamic Republic. #Iran professors and students announced strikes this week, "Death to the dictator!" #IranProtests #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
#Anonymous hacked two main #Iran state websites in retaliation for #Mahsa_Amini’s death and in support of the #IranProtests. #OpIran "Several other websites, including the webpage of Iranian state television, were also attacked" #مهسا_امینی #MahsaAmin aljazeera.com/news/2022/9/21…
حقوق زن حقوق بشر است! #Anonymous #OpIran را راه اندازی کرد و اکنون بیش از 100 وب سایت ایرانی از جمله چندین وب سایت متعلق به دولت ایران را هک کرده است. #IranProtests2022 #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #ZhinaAmini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution twitter.com/IranIntl_En/st…
Stop making deals with the Islamic Republic, They are not Iran. They are killing Iran. #IranProtests #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
Share this video. Shervin Hajipour used people’s comments with #Mahsa_Amini’s hashtag #مهسا_امینی) and it was shared more than 153 million times. He has been arrested and his video is deleted from his account. #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #opIran
#HadisNajafi, 20 years old, murdered by the Islamic Republic with 6 bullets to her chest, face and neck for protesting the murder of 22 year old #MahsaAmini. #IranProtests #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
This is what western governments want to sweep under the rug and silence protesters about. Women are not human to those who will not protect #WomensRights. #IranianLivesMatter #IranProtests #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution2022
معترضان جان خود را به خطر می اندازند تا شنیده شوند. جامعه بین المللی باید از همین الان وارد عمل شود. #Mahsa_Amini #IranRevolution #مهسا_امینی
Protests now in every province in #Iran. Islamic Republic admits to killing 35 but Amnesty says they shot 19 people dead - including 3 children - on Wednesday night alone. "We don't want the Islamic Republic!" #IranProtests #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
To western women who uphold and fetishize sex oppression and gender stereotypes, Iranian women are demanding an apology from you. "We don't want you to save us. Stop saving our murderers." #IranProtests #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #MahsaAminii #مهسا_امینی twitter.com/AlinejadMasih/…