#IRGC entered a high school to force the girls to sing for the Islamic Republic. The girls refused. IRGC beat them, arrested 7, 10 are hospitalized, one died. She is #Asra_Panahi. #IranProtests2022 #IranRevolution2022 #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
Yesterday, #Iran appointed THIS man to be the new commander of the #IRGC. Recently, Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami called to "cleanse the planet from the filth of the existence" of the US, Israel, their partners & allies. To many of those reading this, that means you.
⚠️Iranian patriots, Habil & Shrewin are on a dry hunger strike outside the UK Parliament calling for the British government to designate the #IRGC a terrorist organization. They both require immediate attention!⚠️ @RishiSunak @PierrePoilievre @MelissaLantsman @CBCNews @BBCNews
Death to Khamenei! Death to the dictator! Death to the #IRGC Basij! #MahsaAmini🌹 #OpIran