🇯🇵 Japan Parliamentary Alliance on China #JPAC held its second plenary meeting yesterday, with input from #IPAC advisor @AkiraIgata and discussions on Hong Kong, economic security and parliamentary action. twitter.com/Japan_pac/stat…
Bipartisan legislation led by #IPAC 🇺🇸 member Rep. @Malinowski passes unanimously through the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The bill would give temporary refuge to Hong Kong citizens fleeing persecution and expedite refugee applications. sg.news.yahoo.com/us-includes-ho…
As Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen visits the Vatican, #IPAC 🇮🇹 members from six parties rally in support of religious minorities in China. hk.appledaily.com/opinion/202010…
#LIVE #IPAC 🇬🇧 parliamentarians debate reports of forced labour in Tibet, as revealed by IPAC advisor @adrianzenz. Watch now: parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/1d…
UK parliamentarians debate reports of forced labour programmes in Tibet, amidst other human rights abuses. #IPAC 🇬🇧 co-chair @MPIainDS calls for sanctions against Chinese government officials responsible for abuses in Tibet and Xinjiang, including asset freezes and travel bans.
#IPAC member and chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet @timloughton calls for reciprocal access to Tibet. While Chinese officials enjoy broad access to the UK, British and international diplomats have been denied access to Tibet for years.
#IPAC UK member @amcarmichaelMP: "The point that you should never forget about human rights is that they are universal. If they don't matter in Tibet, if they don't matter in Xinjiang, then frankly they don't actually matter here either."
Shadow Minister for Asia and the Pacific @SKinnock calls for a "fundamental reset" in UK-China relations and supports #IPAC calls for the broadening in scope of Magnitsky legislation to sanction government officials responsible for abuses in Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang.
Democracies are still falling for China's lies | #IPAC 🇺🇸 co-chair @marcorubio writes for the @Telegraph. telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/10/0…
#IPAC 🇬🇧 co-chair @MPIainDS: It is time for Britain to impose Magnitsky-style sanctions on China. telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/10/0…
Parliamentary committee led by #IPAC 🇦🇺 members Sen. @kimbakit and @SenatorAbetz receive testimony from Australia's Uyghur community, hearing evidence of “intimidation and harassment” from the Chinese government. theguardian.com/australia-news…
#IPAC 🇬🇧 members @timloughton @amcarmichaelMP @MPIainDS and Fiona Bruce MP called for Magnitsky sanctions and demanded reciprocal access to Tibet in light of reports of forced labour and other abuses in the region. republicworld.com/world-news/uk-…
#IPAC 🇬🇧 member @Nus_Ghani MP highlights reports of forced sterilisation and birth suppression among Uyghur women and calls for the UK government to back independent tribunals investigating atrocities in Xinjiang. twitter.com/LBC/status/131…
Academics warn of ‘chilling effect’ of Hong Kong security law | The Guardian #IPAC advisor @AMFChina calls for a united front of academics, politicians and governments to mount a common defence of academic freedoms. theguardian.com/education/2020…
LIVE: UK parliamentarians debate calls for sanctions on China for abuses against Uyghur Muslims. #IPAC member @amcarmichaelMP urges the UK to use its position on the UN Security Council to lead international efforts to make legal determinations on genocide in Xinjiang.
Further coverage of statement led by #IPAC advisor @AMFChina calling for governments to respond to threats to academic freedoms from Hong Kong's National Security Law. Over 100 internationally renowned academics have signed the open letter. hk.appledaily.com/international/…
#IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @MiriamMLex highlights Beijing's coercive diplomacy and calls for reduction in EU's strategic dependency on P.R. China. Full interview with @ETtodaytw: youtube.com/watch?v=bS7asr…
BREAKING: #IPAC advisor @adrianzenz reveals the devastating impact of China's Xinjiang prison camps on Uyghur children. An estimated 250,000 children have had a parent detained. Children with both parents detained are sent to state orphanages with restricted family contact. twitter.com/adrianzenz/sta…
Finland suspends extradition agreement with Hong Kong. #IPAC has called for #NoExtradition to Hong Kong since the passing of the National Security Law in June. pledgetimes.com/hong-kong-finl…
#IPAC 🇩🇪 members @GydeJ @MargareteBause discuss concerns over Beijing's treatment of Hong Kong and Taiwan at the Bundestag Human Rights Committee. welt.de/politik/auslan…
9 #IPAC 🇪🇺 MEPs join letter to the President of the European Commission calling for closer EU-US coordination on responding to China's crackdown in Hong Kong. @MiriamMLex @bueti @LegaSve @AnnaFotyga_PE @msojdrova @EnginEroglu_FW @hildevautmans @ViolavonCramon @fxbellamy twitter.com/MiriamMLex/sta…
#IPAC 🇬🇧 co-chair @MPIainDS called on the UK government to boycott the Olympics, describing China as “dictatorial, aggressive and intolerant”. theguardian.com/world/2020/oct…
China scholars rally in support of #IPAC advisor @Anne_MarieBrady, who has faced threats and harassment after revealing links between New Zealand universities and Chinese military institutions. rfa.org/english/news/c…
#IPAC advisors @Anne_MarieBrady and @AMFChina face threats and harassment after exposing the extent of Chinese Communist Party attempts to influence academic debates abroad. rfa.org/mandarin/yatai…
Beijing criticizes Germany for allowing a parliamentary committee chaired by #IPAC 🇩🇪 member @GydeJ to host Taiwanese officials. faz.net/aktuell/politi…