#IPAC 🇨🇦 co-chair @IrwinCotler leads calls to release jailed Chinese dissident Wang Bingzhang to receive medical treatment and contact with family. theglobeandmail.com/politics/artic…
BREAKING: Denmark joins #IPAC, led by co-chairs @Ammitzboell_K (Conservative) and @uffeelbaek (Independent Greens), becoming the 1⃣8⃣th legislature represented in IPAC. They are joined by fellow members of parliament Naser Khader and Karsten Hønge. 🇩🇰 Velkommen Danmark! 🇩🇰
En tværpolitisk og stærk gruppe på fire medlemmer af Folketinget har tilsluttet sig #IPAC for at sikre en konstruktiv og kritisk holdning til Kina fra Danmarks side. Læs @Ammitzboell_K, @uffeelbaek, @naserkhaderdk og Karsten Hønge i @berlingske: berlingske.dk/kommentarer/kl…
#IPAC 🇪🇺 members have consistently called for a new EU 'Magnitsky' sanctions regime to hold perpetrators of human rights abuses in #Xinjiang and #HongKong to account. Great to see momentum gathering behind our campaign. uk.reuters.com/article/eu-com…
Uyghur activists hope for genocide ruling as tribunal takes up China's actions in Xinjiang | Taiwan News Featuring comment from #IPAC advisor @MahmutRahima. taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4008455
#IPAC 🇬🇧 member @Nus_Ghani leads UK parliamentary enquiry into suspected mass atrocities against #Uyghurs in Xinjiang. telegraph.co.uk/politics/2020/…
#IPAC advisor @benedictrogers highlights the repression of Catholics in China amidst a crackdown on religious freedoms. foreignpolicy.com/2020/09/17/chi…
16 #IPAC 🇬🇧 members joined in asking the UK Foreign Secretary @DominicRaab to support British Nationals (Overseas) passport holders arrested under Hong Kong’s National Security Law. The letter asks for comprehensive legal and consular assistance to all BN(O)s charged under #NSL.
Coverage of our #IPAC 🇬🇧 letter to UK Foreign Secretary @DominicRaab requesting consular assistance for British Nationals (Overseas) arrested under Hong Kong's National Security Law. The UK must stand firm in the face of baseless threats from the PRC. thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/d…
この報道を受け、#IPAC は責任者に対して各国がマグニツキー法に基づく制裁を行うように呼びかける内容を含む共同声明文を発表。共同議長の中谷元と山尾しおり@ShioriYamaoに加え、JPACメンバーの山田宏@yamazogaikuzoが声明文に署名をしております。 twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
Global push to strip Beijing of Winter Olympics | the Sydney Morning Herald Featuring comment from #IPAC members @MPIainDS 🇬🇧, @EconOConnor 🇳🇿, @Martijncda 🇳🇱 and @Trinesg 🇳🇴. smh.com.au/world/asia/glo…
China forces 500,000 Tibetans into labour camps | The Sydney Morning Herald Featuring joint statement from #IPAC 🇦🇺 co-chairs Sen. @kimbakit and Andrew Hastie MP. smh.com.au/world/asia/chi…
We welcome the passing of the bipartisan Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, supported by #IPAC 🇺🇲 members. We are calling for governments around the world to also urgently review supply chain risk profiles in light of reports of forced labor in Tibet. thehill.com/homenews/house…
"IPAC signatories said the law raised the unsettling prospect of arrests based on spurious and politically motivated charges becoming routine." #IPAC 🇬🇧 calls for UK to provide legal assistance to British nationals arrested under Hong Kong Security Law. hongkongfp.com/2020/09/23/hon…
BREAKING: #IPAC statement on the arrest of Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong. We commit to raising our voices in defence of the youth of Hong Kong, who have shown themselves to be global leaders in the defence of common values in the face of government hostility. #StandTogether
Featuring comment from #IPAC 🇩🇪 co-chair @MargareteBause. bild.de/politik/2020/p…
BREAKING: Belgium joins #IPAC, becoming the 19th legislature represented in our alliance. We welcome Rep. @SamuelCogolati (Ecolo) and Rep. @ElsVanHoofcdenv (CD&V) as our 🇧🇪 co-chairs. ipac.global/team/
We are delighted to also announce Rep. @G_Dallemagne (cdH) as a founding member of #IPAC Belgium 🇧🇪 ipac.global/team/rep-georg…
Foreign Secretary @DominicRaab confirms to UK #IPAC that @GOVUK is open to considering sanctions against #HongKong officials. Also confirms an emerging international strategy for dealing with the #PRC. twitter.com/MPIainDS/statu…
UK Foreign Minister responds to #IPAC 🇬🇧 co-chair @MPIainDS concerns on obstruction of democratic process in Hong Kong, does not rule out use of human rights sanctions against officials responsible. hongkongfp.com/2020/09/29/uk-…
#IPAC 🇬🇧 members lead calls for trade deals to be conditional on legal determinations of genocide claims, with reference to abuses against Uyghurs in Xinjiang. theguardian.com/world/2020/sep…
#IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @MiriamMLex comments on P.R. China's misinformation and false promises in Central and Eastern Europe. newstatesman.com/international/…
#IPAC 🇳🇱 co-chair @Martijncda campaigns for EU travel bans against Chinese officials responsible for human rights abuses. eenvandaag.avrotros.nl/item/meerderhe…
Britain must not be a safe haven for businesses profiting from Uyghur forced labour | #IPAC 🇬🇧 member @Nus_Ghani for PoliticsHome. politicshome.com/thehouse/artic…
71st anniversary of the People’s Republic of China marked by mobilisations denouncing oppression. Featuring comment from #IPAC 🇫🇷 co-chair @AndreGattolin pledgetimes.com/71st-anniversa…