Important. Canadian Human Rights Committee declares China is perpetrating genocide against #Uyghurs. #IPAC twitter.com/UyghurCongress…
#BREAKING: Canadian parliamentary committee labels Xinjiang abuses as "genocide" against Uyghurs, the first parliamentary body to do so. #IPAC 🇨🇦 co-chairs @GarnettGenuis, @IrwinCotler and other members have campaigned tirelessly for this judgement. uyghurcongress.org/en/press-relea…
#IPAC 🇬🇧 member @Nus_Ghani leads parliamentary inquiry into the use of forced labour in UK supply chains in China. twitter.com/CommonsBEIS/st…
#IPAC 🇺🇸 co-chairs @SenRubioPress and @SenatorMenendez introduce a bi-partisan resolution to designate abuses against Uyghurs in Xinjiang as genocide. The resolution demands China be held accountable under the UN Genocide Convention. Full text below 👇 rubio.senate.gov/public/index.c…
#IPAC 🇫🇷 members Sen. @AndreGattolin and Sen. @OlivierCadic raise concerns about Chinese state propaganda on Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet spreading through Confucius Institutes attached to universities in France and elsewhere.
US senators seek to declare Uighur 'genocide’ by China in bipartisan push | the Guardian Coverage of resolution co-sponsored by #IPAC 🇺🇸 co-chairs @SenatorMenendez and @SenRubioPress. theguardian.com/world/2020/oct…
#IPAC 🇳🇿 co-chairs Louisa Wall MP and Simon O'Connor MP have written to New Zealand's Prime Minister @jacindaardern calling for a bespoke lifeline visa to provide refuge for young Hong Kongers. We are delighted to work with @nathanlawkc and @hk_watch on this important campaign.
#IPAC 🇬🇧 member @DavidAltonHL among supporters of an amendment proposing traceability requirements for imported human tissue. The move would help prevent complicity in suspected forced organ harvesting in China, targeting Falun Gong, Uyghurs and others. davidalton.net/2020/10/29/lor…
Labour and National MP call on Ardern to create 'lifeline for vulnerable Hongkongers' | 1 News #IPAC 🇳🇿co-chairs Louisa Wall MP and Simon O'Connor MP have written to New Zealand PM @jacindaardern calling for a ‘lifeboat scheme’ for young Hongkongers. tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-z…
Watch #IPAC 🇨🇦 member @DavidSweetMP and IPAC advisor @benedictrogers discuss declining religious freedom in China under Xi Jinping 👇 youtube.com/watch?v=OPv-i1…
Firms complicit with the gross abuse and invasive surveillance of Uyghurs and other minority groups in Xinjiang should have no place in the European Parliament. Letter signed by #IPAC 🇪🇺 MEPs @MiriamMLex @bueti @AnnaFotyga_PE @ViolavonCramon to @EP_President on #hikvision. twitter.com/MiriamMLex/sta…
#IPAC 🇳🇿 co-chairs Louisa Wall MP and Simon O'Connor MP: "not only are we condemning what has happened there, but trying to find some positive avenues for people from Hong Kong who want to leave," newshub.co.nz/home/politics/…
#IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @bueti: "China is among the worst and most powerful perpetrators of serious human rights violations and should have no place on the UN Human Rights Council." eureporter.co/frontpage/2020…
BREAKING: #IPAC demands 🇹🇼 Taiwan's participation in the upcoming World Health Assembly and other WHO activities. As the international community unites to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic, it is wrong and dangerous to exclude Taiwan's world leading expertise. Full statement below:
Coverage of attempts to silence #IPAC advisor @Anne_MarieBrady after exposing links between New Zealand universities and Chinese military institutions. timeshighereducation.com/news/china-inf…
#IPAC 🇪🇺 member @AnnaFotyga_PE leads calls for a Bilateral Investment Agreement between the EU and Taiwan as "likeminded partners" in human rights, freedom and democracy. IPAC MEPs @MiriamMLex @EnginEroglu_FW and @LegaSve also join the initiative. twitter.com/AnnaFotyga_PE/…
#IPAC 🇬🇧 member @DavidAltonHL submits report to the UK Government linking British companies to forced organ harvesting in China. twitter.com/DavidAltonHL/s…
Coverage of #IPAC calls for Taiwan's inclusion in the upcoming World Health Assembly. "This not only threatens the health and wellbeing of Taiwan's citizens, but also creates a dangerous gap in the global network." focustaiwan.tw/politics/20201…
#IPAC 🇬🇧 member @Nus_Ghani MP seeks to bring Disney before UK Parliamentary committee to answer accusations of complicity in abuses against Uyghur Muslims while filming #Mulan. twitter.com/Nus_Ghani/stat…
Support for #IPAC calls for 🇹🇼 to join the World Health Assembly from @taipei_times editorial. "Given Taiwan’s experience, expertise and success in containing the pandemic, the WHA should allow the nation to participate in, and have access to, the WHO." taipeitimes.com/News/editorial…
Today a Parliamentary committee inquiry led by #IPAC 🇬🇧member @Nus_Ghani examined the use of Uyghur forced labour in UK supply chains. Boohoo, H&M and TikTok were among companies questioned for suspected links to abuses in Xinjiang. Re-watch the hearing below 👇 twitter.com/CommonsBEIS/st…
The Chinese government is determined to deny Hong Kong the freedoms and autonomy guaranteed to them under international law. #IPAC calls on legislators across the world to stand with the people of Hong Kong and hold Beijing to account for its abuses. hk.appledaily.com/news/20201104/…
#IPAC 🇯🇵 calls for a Japanese Magnitsky Act to enable sanctions on officials responsible for Uyghur forced labour and other human rights abuses in China. Featuring comment from IPAC advisor @AkiraIgata. nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO…
#IPAC 🇦🇺 member Andrew Hastie MP leads parliamentary inquiry investigating foreign interference in Australian universities. Concerns around the pressure put on academic freedoms by the Chinese government are expected to feature prominently. canberratimes.com.au/story/7000415/…
BREAKING: 63 #IPAC members representing 14 legislatures call on the @IntlCrimCourt to accept a complaint alleging Chinese government Uyghur genocide in Xinjiang. The ICC is uniquely placed to judge on genocide and crimes against humanity. Perpetrators must be held to account.