Much to chew on in this well-stated story by
@Diplomat_APAC on why #Taiwan's democratic strategy is proving more successful than authoritarian #China. #TaiwanCanHelp the @WHO in strengthening global #COVID19-fighting efforts & realize #HealthForAll. thediplomat.com/2020/02/the-co…
105 European lawmakers want @WHO to right its #Taiwan wrongs & make the country a #WHA73 observer. We thank our friends from #CzechRepublic, #Lithuania, #Estonia, #Germany, #Netherlands, #Ireland, #Austria, #Slovakia, #Hungary & #Spain. Politics mustn’t jeopardize #HealthForAll. twitter.com/Taiwan_Today/s…
We sincerely thank Formosa Club’s #Taiwan friendship groups from @Europarl_EN, #France, #Germany & #UK for urging the country's meaningful @WHO participation. Politics mustn't factor in the spread of #Coronavirus & jeopardize #HealthForAll. Learn more: bit.ly/2HlihDZ.
We thank #Eswatini, #Guatemala, #Haiti, #Honduras, #MarshallIslands, #Nauru, #Paraguay, #StKittsAndNevis,
#Australia, #Belgium, #EU, #Japan, #NewZealand, #UK & #US for backing #Taiwan at #EB146. Politics mustn't factor in the spread of #Coronavirus & jeopardize #HealthForAll.
#HealthForAll & #LeaveNoOneBehind don't apply to #Taiwan. Period. This is wrong & threatens the health of the country's 23 million people. We thank the #US, #Japan, #EU, #Canada & allies for urging Taiwan's @WHO participation. Read Minister Wu's statement. bit.ly/2On1uod
Thank you, @SenCoryGardner, @SenTomCotton, @SenRubioPress, @JohnCornyn, @JimInhofe, @SenatorRomney & @SenTedCruz for urging @DrTedros to grant #Taiwan observer status at @WHO meetings & gatherings. Politics mustn’t factor in the spread of #Coronavirus & jeopardize #HealthForAll.
We're fans of @Cooper4SAE. Yes! T.A.I.W.A.N. spells TAIWAN & that’s the name on nearly everyone’s lips when it comes to the country's meaningful @WHO participation. Thank you, @JustinTrudeau, for urging #Taiwan's WHA observer status. Politics mustn’t jeopardize #HealthForAll. twitter.com/Cooper4SAE/sta…
The @AmerMedicalAssn has long supported #Taiwan’s participation in international health organizations, so I was delighted to meet AMA President @PatriceHarrisMD & explore ways we can share our medical expertise to help achieve the @WHO’s goal of #HealthForAll.
As #MarshallIslands Health Minister Kalani Kaneko rightfully said, we should not compromise when it comes to achieving #HealthForAll. #Taiwan serves as a transportation hub in the #IndoPacific region, our inclusion in the @WHO matters.
The inclusion of Taiwan in the #WHA is a #HumanRights issue. It’s not a bargaining chip that can be used by any country to pressure us to give up our sovereignty. The goal of #HealthForAll can only be achieved if #Taiwan is part of the @WHO.
Thankfully, many countries understand that to achieve #HealthForAll, everyone has to be on board. So up until today, many like-minded countries including #Australia, #Canada, #France, #Germany, #Japan, the #US & #UK chose to #SpeakUpForTaiwan & help complete the #WHA story.
At an event co-hosted by @medwma & the Taiwan Medical Association, I shared how #Taiwan’s National Health Insurance has provided healthcare for all residents since 1995. Disease knows no borders. Let us help the world achieve #HealthForAll & #UHC. #WHA71 twitter.com/medwma/status/…
Thank you, @RepEdRoyce, @RepEliotEngel, & 170 members of #US Congress. Your letter truly embodies the spirit of #HealthForAll. #Taiwan will never yield to any political pressure trying to eliminate our presence in the world! twitter.com/mofa_taiwan/st…
A big thank you to #Tuvalu Prime Minister Enele Sopoaga for your enduring support of #Taiwan’s participation in #WHA. #HealthForAll means no one, including the 23.5M ppl of Taiwan, is excluded by @WHO
To achieve #globalhealth, every life counts. The people of #Taiwan should be entitled to enjoy equal participation in all @WHO events. We thank like-minded countries & int’l friends who support our #WHA participation! #TaiwanCanHelp #HealthForAll twitter.com/mofa_taiwan/st…