This is a video tribute to the people of Taiwan.
As a true friend, Taiwan always stands ready to lend a helping hand. To achieve #HealthForAll, we have highlighted the #TaiwanModel to show the world that #TaiwanCanHelp & #TaiwanIsHelping.
My heartfelt thanks to our friends around the world for voicing your support for #Taiwan's inclusion in the @WHO. Taiwan has a wealth of experience & expertise to share with the world. The time is now for us to come together to fight this pandemic & achieve #HealthForAll.
💕 Compassion & love know no boundaries.
😷 Join me in dedicating uncollected face masks via the NHI app & making a difference.
💪 We’re #StrongerTogether when striving for #HealthForAll.
🇹🇼 Yes! #TaiwanCares, #TaiwanShares & #TaiwanCanHelp.
#Taiwan is donating face masks to #CzechRepublic! We’re honored to team up with the country’s 1st European partner in combating #Coronavirus. Let’s cultivate more chances to strengthen cooperation in the face of this global challenge. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll.
日本政府からのワクチン供与はこれで5回目、計390万回分に達します。これは日本と台湾の特別な絆を示すものであり、#HealthForAll の精神を発揮するものでもあります。日本政府と国民の皆様に、深く感謝申し上げます。
As an active contributor to global health, #Taiwan should be included in international efforts to advance #HealthForAll. We are grateful to our friends from more than 70 countries around the world for standing up for our participation in the #WHA.
Nearly 2000 lawmakers from all over the world have voiced their support for #Taiwan’s inclusion in the @WHO. Their voices should not be ignored. #TaiwanIsHelping the world fight the pandemic & #TaiwanCanHelp the WHO achieve #HealthForAll.
We are grateful to all our friends around the world for speaking up in support of #Taiwan's #WHA participation. It is clear to all that Taiwan can help the international community realise #HealthForAll.
.@iingwen & #Taiwan are showing the world how a woman-led country can soundly manage the #COVID19 pandemic. The #TaiwanModel, featuring decisiveness & plenty of empathy & solidarity, is key. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp combat #Coronavirus & realize #HealthForAll. forbes.com/sites/avivahwi…
We agree. Public health should not be politicised, because without Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the @WHO, we cannot achieve #HealthForAll. Thank you to @usmissiongeneva for reminding the world that #Taiwan is a force for good with a voice that deserves to be heard. twitter.com/usmissiongenev…
#Taiwan’s exclusion from the #WHA is a loss, not just for 23 million Taiwanese, but for the whole world. To truly realize #HealthForAll, the @WHO must put politics aside, so that Taiwan can share our expertise & contribute more to global health.
The charter flight organized by @TaiwanenPeru has landed in #Miami. Passengers include #Taiwan, #US, #Japan & #Singapore nationals. This response to the global #Coronavirus outbreak proves #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll while honoring @WHO's promise to #LeaveNoOneBehind.
🙌 Combating #Coronavirus requires an #AllHandsOnDeck approach.
🙏 I’m proud to play my small part alongside @g0vtw, @MOHW_Taiwan @Taiwan_CDC and #RepublicOfCitizens.
👏 Yes! Together we can manage the #COVID19 outbreak & realise @WHO’s #HealthForAll. twitter.com/ForeignAffairs…
Grateful to our allies for standing up for the #Taiwanese people & our right to health. As a responsible member of the international community, Taiwan will keep pursuing opportunities to share our expertise, strengthen global health initiatives, & promote #HealthForAll.
But the government of #Taiwan has in no way condoned nor encouraged any personal attacks on @DrTedros. It's always believed in #HealthForAll & continues seeking full cooperation with the @WHO to share Taiwan's response to #Coronavirus with the international community. 3/3
Real questions warrant real answers. We sincerely appreciate @NikkiHaley refocusing #Coronavirus discussions on the real issue: saving lives. The truth is #TaiwanCanHelp like-minded partners such as the #US & allies manage the #COVID19 pandemic & achieve @WHO's #HealthForAll. twitter.com/NikkiHaley/sta…
Many hands make light work! Our staffers are proud to play a humble part in ensuring essential #Coronavirus-combating items are packed, shipped, loaded & freighted to #Taiwan’s allies & friends worldwide. #TeamTaiwan is making a big difference & helping realize #HealthForAll.
Grateful to the #US Congress for supporting #Taiwan's participation in the @WHO. We are committed to sharing our expertise in public health with the world & to playing our part in realising #HealthForAll. twitter.com/bikhim/status/…
Minister Wu was proud to join @iingwen at the #Coronavirus-combating news conference. He announced #Taiwan will donate 10 million face masks to the #US, #EU, other countries in Europe & allies. It's true! #TaiwanCanHelp manage the #COVID19 pandemic & realize @WHO's #HealthForAll.
41 years to the day since #TRA came into play, #Taiwan-#US ties are stronger than ever. Minister Wu & #AIT Director Christensen saw off 2 million masks set for #COVID19-hit states, with more to come. Both sides will keep combating #Coronavirus together & promoting #HealthForAll.
The inclusion of Taiwan in the #WHA is a #HumanRights issue. It’s not a bargaining chip that can be used by any country to pressure us to give up our sovereignty. The goal of #HealthForAll can only be achieved if #Taiwan is part of the @WHO.
TAIWAN is on everyone's lips in #Canberra after a #TaiwanCanHelp skywriting campaign organized by #Taiwan-#Australia doctors & professionals. The initiative highlights cooperative efforts in combating #Coronavirus & realizing @WHO's #HealthForAll.
#TeamTaiwan's good work is paying off! Millions of face masks are nearly on the ground in Europe. Soon they'll be used for combating #Coronavirus in ally #HolySee, #Switzerland, #UK & 8 #EU member states. #TaiwanCares, #TaiwanShares & #TaiwanCanHelp realize @WHO's #HealthForAll.
Thank you to the #US & @SecBlinken for supporting #Taiwan’s participation in the #WHA. We stand ready to work with the international community to address global health threats & advance #HealthForAll. twitter.com/SecBlinken/sta…
No one can isolate a friend @WHO truly wants to help. #TaiwanModel stands as irrefutable proof. It's also testament to #Taiwan's deep self-belief & ability to triumph in the face of insurmountable odds. There's no question. #TaiwanCanHelp combat #COVID19 & achieve #HealthForAll.