4. Most horrifying thing is, while this time it's an unknown woman waiting for us, next time would that be #secretpolice? In the past, we DID have cases that businessmen were kidnapped by #China's agents right in the heart of #HK, such as Xiao Jianhua and bookseller Lee Bo.
[#Nationsecuritylaw changes business-political nexus] 1. Excellent story by @TheEconomist with insights on how #NSL imperils #HK’s business environment, impartiality and gov role, while #Beijing claims the law will not affect business confidence. economist.com/china/2020/07/…
Looks like the battle for control of Legislative Council has begun! #CCP tactics for September elections appear to be suppression and disqualifying dissidents from running. If liberal democracies do not #StandWithHK, the #HK we know will disappear fast! wsj.com/articles/hong-…
Citizen News, another prominent pro-democracy online media in HK, has announced their closure just days after #HK police raided Stand News, arrested 7 and charged 2 of them with publishing seditious contents. twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
4. Clearly, it is another assault on #HK's rule of law and judicial independence & also casts doubt on whether presumption of innocence still holds under # Beijing's sweeping #nationalsecuritylaw, where citizens/foreigners can be extradited to #China's secret courts and jails.
5/ #Hongkongers are not merely the people living in #HK or speaking Cantonese, but also those who strive to safeguard liberal values and democracy that we all cherish and #StandwithHK under authoritarian oppression, no matter who you are and where you live.
Thanks @erinotoole, the leader of Canada’s Conservatives and of the Official Opposition for condemning China’s Ambassador’s threatening remarks on #HK asylum seekers and Canadians in HK & calling for Magnitsky sanctions against those responsible for imposing #NationalSecurityLaw twitter.com/erinotoole/sta…
4. Tomorrow will be the last day of primary. In face of #Beijing’s reign of terror, I am sure #HKers will further demonstrate our grim determination for democracy & liberty tomorrow. When #HKers choose not to bow to tyranny, we hope the world put #HK under the global spotlight.
🇬🇧UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss @trussliz said the #HK authorities were “attempting to silence” supporters of “freedom and democracy”. “The unjustifiable action taken against the UK-based NGO HKW is clearly an attempt to silence those who stand up for human rights in HK."
Bye bye #CarrieLam. Will you one day apologise for the damage you have done to #HongKong? #CCP #XiJinping has already handpicked #HK's new quisling Chief Executive and #HongKongers are denied any say in who governs them bbc.co.uk/news/world-asi…
Concerning to see veteran journalists leaving #HK for #UK citing a “white terror sweeping” the city that is seeing a growing number of journalists targeted under the National Security Law. ft.com/content/d9ca86…
DCer Lester Shum, who wanted to run for #Legco DC superseat, says scale of #DQ was surprising & “insane” “Only mild opposition of #NSL, which majority of #HK held this position, is not allowed. #Beijing’s clear msg - no opposition voices in #HongKong. This is end of HK polls”
5. Since their situation becomes more and more critical, especially for those running out of medication, the basic legal rights of HKers and foreign nationals should be well protected. We wish to see their immediate return to #HK safe. #Save12HKyouths #SaveTheChildren
Friends from liberal democracies of the world, thank you for #standingwithhk. Please remember this: by helping #HK, you are also helping yourselves to bring #China back to embracing a rules-based world order which #CCP has promised to do upon China’s accession to #WTO! twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
4. Clearly it is the largest election fraud in #HK’s history. But #Beijing cannot overturn the strong mandate of 610,000 #Hongkongers who had cast their ballots the city's first-ever #hkprimaries early this month.
#HongKong U legal scholar Eric Cheung: NPCSC decision on #Legco shows #HK no longer adopts the Basic Law and common law principles, but is implementing #Beijing's comprehensive jurisdiction. The decision may not fit in well with HK's logic & reasoning, but fine with mainland's
Last #HongKong governor Chris Patten: latest #IPCC report on #HongKongProtests & #HongKongPolice divided the community, a blow to hopes to return to normality in #HK, in which people can express views openly without being run off the streets
Today 20 parliamentarians have called on @MarcGarneau to undertake an audit of the financial assets and connections of #HK officials & their families in #Canada to establish the effectiveness of #MagnitskySanctions. You can read the full letter here: hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2021…
4. In fact, it is common for #China to use discretion power to return criminal suspects to #Hongkong in the past. @hkcnews_com revealed, #Beijing did send around 2-3 suspects per year to #HK over the past 5 years, even for cases that fell into China’s jurisdiction.
JUST IN: @icablenews has filed complaints to the #HongKongPolice against “violent treatment” of its 23 journalists & news workers, such as being throw tear gas canisters, sprayed by water cannon & pepper sprayed. First media org to file complaints collectively in #HongKong #HK
" #HongKong and Macao Affairs Office of the State (China) Council" attempts to undermine the Separation of Power in #HK by accusing a legislative council member breaking the law 原文: 港澳辦自行宣判郭榮鏗公職人員行為失當罪成 lih.kg/1982304 #港澳辦 #郭榮鏗 #香港 #LIHKG
3/ Not a day goes by #HK people worrying about the situtaion of them. What makes the situation so dire is that they are completely disconnected with the outside world. God knows how does the #Chinese authorities treat them in detention. #Save12HKyouths @save12hkyouths
6. In fact, throughout #hkprotests last year, #HKers were reportedly subject to brutal tortures in detention centres. As #nationalsecuritylaw allows indefinite detention w/o trials and bail, it is worrying that this kind of Chinese-style black prison will become prevalent in #HK.
1. When more nations halt dual-use exports to #HK, #HKpolice today applied for replacing its central command system for the marine unit. Police refused to disclose manufacturers and suppliers, but admitted some components of the existing system were imported from Spain.
Breaking:#ICAC has just obtained arrest warrants for me, @nathanlawkc and others for calling #HK people to boycott the “election” #HKers will not accept the latest electoral reform. No democrats can run for the office without kowtowing to Beijing. We MUST boycott the election.