#BREAKING Former #HongKong lawmaker Ted Hui announces he’s now on exile, quits Democratic Party. Says he doesn’t know which country he wants to go to, but won’t seek asylum because his “only home is #HKm.facebook.com/pg/huichifung9…
#HongKong pro-democracy camp convenor Tanya Chan on the Liasion Office claiming itself & #Beijing’s HKMAO are not bound by Article 22 of the Basic Law: it’s no longer “Western ruling #HK”, it’s Beijing directly. It’s just that office chief Luo Huining hasn’t sat in CE Office yet
Entirely unacceptable targeting of #HK pro-democracy activists overseas. Former lawmaker @tedhuichifung & his family has every right to enjoy their lives in 🇦🇺 without being attacked by CCP agents. Sending our thoughts to @tedhuichifung. twitter.com/Auhongkonglink…
This is a blatant and naked contravention of Art 25 of the #ICCPR that guarantees every citizen’s right to elect and be elected. It is an affront to open, equal and fair elections and an insult to the legislature in a separation of powers constitutional set up in #HK’s system! twitter.com/MPIainDS/statu…
.@HKDemocrats chair Wu Chi-wai just asked acting president Starry Lee to suspend the #Legco meeting on the controversial national anthem bill, asking for lawmakers 2 pause & go out 2 streets & try to see if they can ease tensions, resolve conflicts, with around 300 arrests in #HK
Thank you for speaking up for #HKers again. Last time when I met Sen. @HawleyMO in #HK was back in Oct, but I still rmb how impressed I was for his passion to help HK. Senator is right. We r fighting against the autocratic Communist China which marks this Christmas Eve notable... twitter.com/HawleyMO/statu…
Yesterday evening the @UKHouseofLords debated an urgent question from HKW Patron @DavidAltonHL on #NSL arrests in #HK. This thread covers key highlights from that debate.
6. Under new draconian law, activists will be thrown into an extremely dangerous situation. The same law has been used for crushing #China's activists like rights lawyers #WangQuanzhang. Extracting confessions through torture, black jail & secret trial will be ubiquitous in #HK.
.@icablenews reports, per sources, that the #HongKong Govt will lift the ban to dine in in restaurants tomorrow, for breakfast and lunch. This came after outpouring opposition, even from the pro-#Beijing DAB, that the all-day ban had ignored its effects on #HK workers
More coverage of #CCP threats to me & @hk_watch under #HongKong's absurd draconian #NationalSecurityLaw, over two weeks after receiving them. And an important wider story about #HK's brain drain thetimes.co.uk/article/hong-k… #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom
#HongKong Govt dismisses as unfounded rumours that mainland medical experts in town to help do nucleic acid #COVID19 tests are in #HK to collect people’s DNA. It says all tests will be done locally, nothing will be transported to mainland #China Statement:info.gov.hk/gia/general/20…
This is the #HK #Legco results from 2016. So at first there’s a cross for those #DQ’ed, it was 6; then there’s 4 more last month, & those resigning en masse Perhaps it’s time to start circling those who fled #HongKong
2. No inflow curb: test can only be achieved w/ full border seal, stay-at-home order & full population testing in short time. All don’t exist in HK. As #Hkgov now exempt tens of thousands ppl from quarantine, main factor for #HK third wave, the test is deemed to failure w/ leaks.
We’re surprised to see members of John Lee’s new #EXECO in #HK are still keen to squirrel their wealth in overseas 🏡 away from #CCP, including new Health Secretary Lo Chung-mau, who owns a flat with his wife in London 🇬🇧. #SanctionHKOfficials ceo.gov.hk/exco/eng/inter…
#HongKongPolice hv seized a semi-automatic glock pistol & more than 100 bullets in an operation on #HK Island, arresting 11 ppl. Organised crime detective Li Kwai-wah said it's the 1st time that a hand gun has been seized in 6 months of protests, and they're very concerned
HKW is honoured to announce the appointment of four prominent Canadian parliamentarians as patrons, @SenatorHousakos @SenatorMunson @IrwinCotler @jamesbezan. Thank you for your support & we look forward to continuing to work with you to stand up for #HK. hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2021…
Last week, in his final meeting before leaving Washington, DC, and two days before we were threatened under #HongKong's #NationalSecurityLaw, our co-founder and CEO @benedictrogers met with United States Congressman Chris Smith, a true champion for #HK and #HumanRights in #China
We call for the 🇨🇦 Canadian government to lift the 5 years graduation restriction for the OWP and stream B, and expand the lifeboat scheme to help Human rights defenders in #HK @KathLeungHK thestar.com/news/canada/20…
🇬🇧Stephen Vines, a veteran journalist who was based in #HK for almost 35 years, commenting on @hk_watch Press Freedom Campaign : “Like all authoritarian regimes, the government in Hong Kong is keen to operate without scrutiny and to avoid its excesses being exposed.”
Go watch my latest video on how the #CCP CAPITALIZES #HK special status as a #BLACKHAND for transporting #MISSLES 🚀. #India intercepted this HK ship with missile components. bit.ly/2N3abmo
This foreign interference from #CCP threatening 🇨🇦 journalists under the #HK #NationalSecurityLaw is completely unacceptable & must be strongly rebuffed by 🇨🇦Gov. nationalpost.com/news/canada/ho…
Convenor of pro-democracy group Civil Human Rights Front, Jimmy Sham calls on #HongKong ppl 2 dress in black on National Day on 10.1, even if their planned march on the day is banned by #HK #police. “People have been suppressed & tortured for 70 years” in #China #HongKongProtests
“Hong Kong Watch is working with lawmakers to introduce audit powers, which will allow the government to audit the Canadian assets of #HK officials and their families.” @jooeysiiu #sanctions thediplomat.com/2022/04/carrie…
#HongKong Social work sector lawmaker Shiu Ka-chun read out the lyrics to the #HongKongProtests song #GlorytoHongKong to wrap up his speech on the controverisal national anthem bill in #LegCo "Build a free, glory, #HK"
Dragonlong來自神秘東方力量團隊,首批發售5000創始nft。mint後空投$dhk代幣 🎁抽5x WL Freemint 權益 1、持有nft空投代幣 2、gamefi pfp 1️⃣關註 @DragonLongHK @Li888Real 2️⃣點贊&轉發&評論區留ETH錢包地址; #神秘東方力量 #HK🐲 $dhk #香港概念ref="/hashtag/dhk/retweet/1">#dhk🇭🇰 ⏰12h