4. The law is just the stepping stone for more interventions from #Beijing. With its ill-defined scope, the law will doubtlessly become the new weapon to crush dissents. With the new #secretpolice agency, Beijing can enforce #China's law in the territory of #HK.
#NEW major legal opinion on judicial independence in #HongKong released, featuring major judicial figures in 🇬🇧🇦🇺🇨🇦 Featuring comment from @chungchingkwong our #HK campaigns coordinator. theguardian.com/world/2022/may…
110 🇬🇧lawmakers this week have written to ⁦@trussliz⁩ calling for an audit of #HK & #CCP officials assets in the UK as a pathway to introducing #Sanctions, citing our research which has found that 5 officials & 6 lawmakers own 🏡in London. scmp.com/news/china/art…
I am thinking about @joshuawongcf today, as he spends yet another birthday in prison. Let us never ever forget #JoshuaWong, and all political prisoners in #HongKong, and let us continue to #FightForFreedom and work to #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners in #HK. twitter.com/hkdc_us/status…
4. Just like the situation in #China, religious groups in #HK are now in the #CCP’s crosshairs under #nationalsecuritylaw. The world should avoid over-optimism about the new law and should be cautious of its actual impacts. -END
Tmr #HK will hv another large-scale rally which we hope more than a million of #HKers can assemble to demonstrate our solidarity and determination. I am invited to give a speech tmr. We censure police brutality and demand for universal suffrage. We will not yield❗️see u tmr ❗️
Good to see @HeikoMaas and the German Government naming and shaming Hungary. It cannot be right that a single EU Member State is able to block EU measures to respond to the human rights crisis in Hong Kong, including an EU lifeboat scheme. #Lifeboat #HK twitter.com/StuartKLau/sta…
⚖️Tam Tak-chi, is the first person to be prosecuted for sedition under the colonial-era sedition law, which has recently seen a revival from the national security police as part of its ongoing crackdown on human rights in #HK. #FreeHKPoliticalPrisoners #FreeTamTakChi
5. Under #nationalsecuritylaw and #Beijing's #wolfwarriordiplomacy, it's worrrying that similar intimidation will happen in #HK, esp when #Chinese data companies were found actively spying the world’s influential individuals and constructing database on behalf of #CCP government.
JUST IN: David Perry QC has told #HongKong’s Department of Justice he’s not coming to #HK to prosecute pro-democracy activists over 2019 #HongKongProtests, citing pressure he’s been under in the #UK DoJ says another counsel has been appointed instead info.gov.hk/gia/general/20…
The Investigation Ep.2 - 831 MTR Terrorist Attack by Hong Kong Police youtu.be/ZOUN8Cca_Lg Credit list: Pakkin Leung@Rice Post TVB Social Record Channel LostDutch #HKGETV #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #HK #Chinazi #terroristattack #policebrutality #inhumane #antiELAB
Not content with the vague & draconian powers under the National Security Law, Commissioner of Police Chris Tang Ping-keung has called for the outlawing of @appledaily_hk & for a new law to censor the press on the grounds of 'fake news'. #FreePress #HK scmp.com/news/hong-kong…
Tens of thousands of people in #HongKong defy a police ban to attend #June4 candlelight vigil to mark 31st anniversary of #TiananmenSquareMassacre, as a #NationalSecurityLaw imposed on #HK by #Beijing looms
The very moment security chief John Lee withdrew the #extraditionbill. He was immediately showered with slogans from the pro-democracy lawmakers asking him to step down. #HongKongProtests #HongKong #HK #ExtraditionLaw
#HKbewater2021 612 Global Campaign for Hong Kong London Rally @SKinnock speaking in the largest rally in London for Hong Kong, about Beijing’s brutal crackdown in #HK “HK needs the free world, and the free world needs HK.”
🇬🇧Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, a patron of Hong Kong Watch: "We cannot afford to allow those in the #HK and #CCP to muffle those in the #UK and elsewhere who have the power and protections afforded under the law to speak out against this growing human rights crisis."
1/2 Our Patron, the last Governor of #HongKong, Lord Patten of Barnes, is publishing his diaries from his time in #HK. This weekend the Telegraph published extracts. On 1 July we will be hosting an event with Chris Patten to launch his new book telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/…
2/ According to the latest poll, 64% of the city’s population opposes #China’s blackbox #nationalsecuritylegislation that completely bypasses local legislative scrutiny. However, Beijing chooses to ignore all critics and turns #HK into another Mainland city.
🏁 #OKX 帆船队参与2022香港黄昏系列赛,在美丽的维多利亚港追风逐浪! ⛵️此次比赛中我们使用了球帆,起风时,面积巨大的球帆能更好地利用风力。正如欧易越在行业动荡时,越是扬起风帆,全球扩招、赋能加密与 #Web3 。 🔄关注+转发,送出5x#OKBKB ! #sailing #HK 摄影:Ah Lam/Iris Chow/Rokcy Lee
🎉Hong Kong Watch Annual Crowdfunding 2022🎉 ⭐️Support us: donorbox.org/hkw-annual-cro… Your generous support will enable us to continue speaking up for #HK and driving forward policy changes across the world, to make a difference in the lives of #HKers and their fight for freedom.
Thank you for standing with Freedom fighters in #HongKong! Human Rights and democracy are universally embraced values. It is what #HK and the free world stands for. Last step to pass the #HKHumanRightsandDemocracyAct❗️ #glorytoHongkong twitter.com/SenRickScott/s…
🇮🇹 S Il tenore italiano Stefano Lodola e Patrizia De Grazia, attivista e dirigente di RadicaliItaliani, annunciano 12 giorni di attività manifestazioni in giro per l'Italia in sostegno dei 12 ragazzi di #HK arrestati e detenuti in Cina da quasi due mesi. facebook.com/patty.degrazia…
4. #CCP-funded courses also function as #China's propaganda arms, with their teaching materials legitimizing #Beijing’s human rights violations in #Uyghur re-education camps in #Xinjiang and stigmatizing #HK democracy movements. news.com.au/finance/busine…
This morning @HouseofCommons will be debating yesterday's national security arrests in #HK. Follow along this thread for the key moments. #HongKong #HumanRights
Minority rights advocacy group #HongKong Unison: “Nabela Qoser is a shining example of a Hongkonger of ethnic minority background who has succeeded through hard work & is contributing to #HK. All kinds of hatred of her...contributes to discrimination” m.facebook.com/story.php?stor…