イタリア・ヴェネチアを訪問中の麻生大臣は、約1年5か月ぶりに対面開催となった #G20 財務大臣・中央銀行総裁会議に参加し、初日の日程を終えました。 世界経済などについて討議、翌日も国際課税の強化等の議論を行います。 (2枚目の左は岡村財務官、3枚目はイエレン米財務長官と)
#G7 & #G20 countries have a moral responsibility to work constructively with #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia #SudanSouth #Sudan & other countries in the region to avoid/curb adding another cycle of war, misery & refugee mass flows in the planet #UNSC #EU #AU エリトリア エチオピア
At #G20 Foreign Ministers VTC Meeting on #Afghanistan shared our views on current issues, particularly humanitarian situation and irregular migration. -International community should maintain its engagement in Afghanistan. #UNGA76
#Afganistan konulu #G20 Dışişleri Bakanları VTC Toplantısında insani durum ve düzensiz göç başta olmak üzere güncel meseleler hakkında görüşlerimizi paylaştık. -Uluslararası toplum Afganistan’la angajmanını sürdürmeli.
BREAKING: IPAC to gather in Rome for G20 counter-meeting. #IPAC legislators will meet in Rome ahead of the #G20 Leaders summit to call for a tougher response to the Chinese government's abuses. Interested journalists get in touch👋 Press release 👇 ipac.global/ipac-to-gather…
The PRC 🇨🇳 should not try to control what democratically elected politicians do or say. We are looking forward to welcoming friends from all over the world for #IPACRome #G20 meeting. #StandTogether reuters.com/world/asia-pac…
Joseph Wu heading to central Europe to bolster ties | Taipei Times Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu will speak at the #IPACRome #G20 meeting in virtual address. #StandTogether 🇹🇼 taipeitimes.com/News/front/arc…
Will Taiwan end up like Hong Kong? Nathan Law answers | Formiche .@nathanlawkc speaks to Formiche on how #IPACRome #G20 Conference will call for democratic countries to act to support Hong Kong and Taiwan. formiche.net/2021/10/taiwan…
المملكة تتصدر دول الـ #G20 في مجموعة من مؤشرات الفحوص، وتتجاوز (30,000,000) فحص لكوفيد-19، لتُساهم في الحد من تفشي الوباء، واستقرار الأمن الصحي.
🚨THIS WEEK🚨 #IPACRome #G20 👇
We can’t allow 🇨🇳 a free pass this #G20 - #HongKong, #Uyghurs, #Tibetans and #Taiwan deserve better. 👇 #NoGreenwashing #IPACRome spectator.co.uk/article/parlia…
The Chinese government cannot be allowed a 'free pass' at the #G20 Summit. #IPAC co-chair @MPIainDS on why parliamentarians are gathering from across the world for the #IPACRome conference this week. spectator.co.uk/article/parlia…
🚨THIS WEEK🚨 Speakers at #IPACRome #G20 👇
高橋洋一の霞ヶ関ウォッチ 衆院選直後のCOP26、岸田首相に求められる「強かさ」 j-cast.com/2021/10/284235… #COP26 #G20 #岸田文雄 #高橋洋一の霞ヶ関ウォッチ @jcast_newsより
Globe and Mail | Legislators from 20 countries meet in Rome ahead of #G20 IPAC co-chair @GarnettGenuis: Canada cannot return to business as usual while Canadian nationals remain arbitrarily detained in China. theglobeandmail.com/politics/artic… #IPACRome
Parliamentarians from across the world gather for the #IPACRome #G20 meeting. Follow our conference live from 10.00 CET on 29/10: youtube.com/watch?v=Zbr94x… #StandTogether
Don't miss Minister Wu's @ipacglobal conversation at #IPACRome #G20. The highly anticipated event, chaired by @Europarl_EN's @MiriamMLex & @LaChambreBE's @ElsVanHoofcdenv, will provide plenty of food for thought. ▶️Oct. 29, 11:45-12:05 (CET) ▶️Livestream bit.ly/3bATwTH twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
Reuters | Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu @MOFA_Taiwan urges 'freedom-loving countries' to work in collaboration against the rising threat of the People's Republic of China. reuters.com/article/taiwan… #IPACRome #G20
"A regime that is allowed to commit genocide and violate international agreements with impunity is a regime that will be emboldened." @nathanlawkc and @MahmutRahima write for The Diplomat on the #IPACRome Conference priorities ahead of the #G20. thediplomat.com/2021/10/the-g-…
Minister Wu joined other thought leaders at the #IPACRome #G20 conference in urging the free world to #StandTogether in committing to #DefendDemocracy. He also thanked #Taiwan's🇹🇼 fellow forces for good for choosing to #StandWithTaiwan. Bravo @ipacglobal for the excellent event!
Parliamentary alliance demanding tougher stance on Beijing meets in Rome | Le Monde Coverage of #IPACRome #G20 conference. lemonde.fr/international/…
Full text: Remarks by President Xi Jinping at Session I of the 16th #G20 Leaders' Summit news.cn/english/2021-1…
Taiwan's Wu urges partners to step up South China Sea presence | Nikkei Asia Wu says Taiwan is at 'the front line of democracy' in address to #IPACRome #G20 Conference. asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/G-20…
#IPAC welcomes the statement from #G20 democracies on increasing the transparency, diversity and security of international supply chains. Trade cannot come at the expense of our values or security. Statement 👇
Last week legislators from 14 countries gathered for the #IPACRome #G20 conference, announcing: 🇮🇳 India, the world's largest democracy, joins IPAC 🚔A campaign to end extradition to the PRC 🌐 Magnitsky-sanctions campaigns globally 🧵Highlights and press coverage below👇