These procedures have been followed by nuclear power plants across the globe and our technology is capable enough to meet these conditions/requirements. Quality of #Fukushima's treated water is the same as what other nuclear power plants in the world are currently discharging. twitter.com/hosono_54/stat…
showed around Fukushima🇯🇵🏯エアレース パイロット同期の@petemcleod が来福。福島を案内しました! #室屋義秀 #Fukushima #福島 #鶴ヶ城 #Hangar1
These procedures have been followed by nuclear power plants across the globe and our technology is capable enough to meet these requirements. Quality of #Fukushima's treated water is the same as what other nuclear power plants in the world are currently discharging.
World experts in radiation science from UNSCEAR are in Japan 19- 22 July 2022, to brief the public and scientific communities on the levels and effects of radiation exposure due to the accident at the #Fukushima nuclear power plant. unscear.org/unscear/en/eve…
DEAN FUJIOKA 自身のふるさとを思って作った楽曲 「#Fukushima」リリックビデオ急遽公開✨ youtu.be/E0tKD-1z93c 楽曲と共に是非ご覧下さい😌 このビデオは12/8リリースの New Album「Transmute」 初回限定盤B 特典DVDにも収録📀 Album詳細は特設サイトを✅ deanfujioka.net/transmute/ #DEANFUJIOKA
Before discharging treated water, radioactive substances including #tritium will be minimized to the standard level and safety assessment will be also carefully conducted. #Fukushima
#Miyagi #Japan: A magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck approximately 37 miles off the coast of #Fukushima at 23:08 in local time. U.S. citizens in Miyagi should notify friends and families of their well being and monitor local media for updates. @usembassytokyo @ACSTokyo @TravelGov
Before discharging processed/treated water, radioactive substances including #tritium will be minimized/reduced to the standard level and safety assessment will be also carefully conducted. #Fukushima to be continued… twitter.com/hosono_54/stat…
エアレース王者・室屋 地元・福島での聖火リレー“アンカー”で発信したい思い― スポニチ Sponichi Annex スポーツ #聖火リレー #TorchRelay #聖火ランナー #Tokyo2020 #Fukushima #YoshiMuroya sponichi.co.jp/sports/news/20…
I have just arrived in Tokyo, #Japan. Later today, I will meet Prime Minister Fumio Kishida @kishida230 to present @iaeaorg's Comprehensive Report on the Safety Review of the ALPS-Treated Water at the #Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
It's been 10 years since the accident at #Fukushima Daiichi. Here is my message where I take stock of what's been done to make nuclear energy safer. Nuclear safety is the key to nuclear power expansion & a stable-climate future. My full statement: bit.ly/3bztzEF
39 キャンペーン
【ワールドプレミア】 映画『#Fukushima 50』(#フクシマフィフティ)ワールドプレミア【1/26開催】25組50名様🎁 ◎登壇者 #佐藤浩市 #渡辺謙 #吉岡秀隆 #緒形直人 #安田成美 #若松節朗 監督(予定・敬称略) Twitterからはフォロー&RT 応募フォームへ▼ anemo.co.jp/movienews/newm… 〆1/14 #Fukushima50
Today I have given Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida @kishida230 the IAEA report findings of the @iaeaorg’s independent, safety review of #Japan’s plan to release treated water from the #Fukushima Daiichi plant into the sea. 📝 bit.ly/IAEAFukushimaD… (1/4)
Retweet to join this #virtualprotest Virtual Protest #4 10 years has passed since the #Fukushima nuclear disaster. Even if challenging, I believe we need the transition to renewable energy for saving our children’s future. Are you with me? #NoNukes #Nuke0Re100
福島県知事のご招待により、第12回「東日本大震災追悼復興祈念式」に参加するため福島へ向かう途中です。 移動手段は、私や多くの大使が好む、最も安全で速く快適な日本の新幹線です。#Fukushima #greateastjapanearthquake
[ENG SUB] A special feature on #YuzuruHanyu and #Fukushima by Every was broadcast on the 9 year anniversary of the 3/11 disaster in Japan. Worth watching, as we send our best wishes to everyone affected by COVID19 currently: axelwithwings.com/2020/03/22/eng…
@Taiwan_in_NL @MOFA_Taiwan @CulturalTaiwan @eballgogogo @PaddyRoomer @Taiwan_in_UK @TW_Eswatini . @Taiwan_in_UK & @TW_Eswatini, too slow! I accept @eballgogogo’s #推特吃 challenge. #TaiwanCanHelp its friends in #Japan by eating persimmons from #Fukushima. They taste superb 😍 (but sadly cannot be purchased in Taiwan.) 👉 Up next, @chimaichen.
明日11日(日)はJR常磐線・再開通記念行事でエアショー! 11:30頃~と14:20頃からの計2回予定されています。 今年最後のエアショーです。明日は是非、JR常磐線・新地駅にお越しください! #airshow #YoshiMuroya #Lexus #Fukushima