Today I have given Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida @kishida230 the IAEA report findings of the @iaeaorg’s independent, safety review of #Japan’s plan to release treated water from the #Fukushima Daiichi plant into the sea. 📝 bit.ly/IAEAFukushimaD… (1/4)
I have just arrived in Tokyo, #Japan. Later today, I will meet Prime Minister Fumio Kishida @kishida230 to present @iaeaorg's Comprehensive Report on the Safety Review of the ALPS-Treated Water at the #Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
福島県知事のご招待により、第12回「東日本大震災追悼復興祈念式」に参加するため福島へ向かう途中です。 移動手段は、私や多くの大使が好む、最も安全で速く快適な日本の新幹線です。#Fukushima #greateastjapanearthquake
World experts in radiation science from UNSCEAR are in Japan 19- 22 July 2022, to brief the public and scientific communities on the levels and effects of radiation exposure due to the accident at the #Fukushima nuclear power plant. unscear.org/unscear/en/eve…
DEAN FUJIOKA 自身のふるさとを思って作った楽曲 「#Fukushima」リリックビデオ急遽公開✨ youtu.be/E0tKD-1z93c 楽曲と共に是非ご覧下さい😌 このビデオは12/8リリースの New Album「Transmute」 初回限定盤B 特典DVDにも収録📀 Album詳細は特設サイトを✅ deanfujioka.net/transmute/ #DEANFUJIOKA
These procedures have been followed by nuclear power plants across the globe and our technology is capable enough to meet these requirements. Quality of #Fukushima's treated water is the same as what other nuclear power plants in the world are currently discharging.
Before discharging treated water, radioactive substances including #tritium will be minimized to the standard level and safety assessment will be also carefully conducted. #Fukushima
I was the minister of the nuclear power plant accident. Please refrain from spreading rumors that "untreated dangerous water stored in #Fukushima will be discharged into the ocean without proper treatment."
Peach blossom season has finally come! (c)Taro Imahara TIPP #Fukushima #福島 #桃の花 #pilotlife #lexus #breitling
These procedures have been followed by nuclear power plants across the globe and our technology is capable enough to meet these conditions/requirements. Quality of #Fukushima's treated water is the same as what other nuclear power plants in the world are currently discharging. twitter.com/hosono_54/stat…
Before discharging processed/treated water, radioactive substances including #tritium will be minimized/reduced to the standard level and safety assessment will be also carefully conducted. #Fukushima to be continued… twitter.com/hosono_54/stat…
Please refrain from spreading rumours that "untreated dangerous water stored/kept in #Fukushima will be released/discharged into the ocean without proper treatment". to be continued…
I welcome Japan's announcement on how it will dispose of the treated water stored at #Fukushima nuclear power plant. @iaeaorg will work w/ 🇯🇵 before, during & after the discharge of the water to help ensure this is carried out without an adverse impact on health & environment.1/2
#Tokyo2020 #torchrelay 初日の最終ランナーを務めました。2011年の東日本大震災によって甚大な被害に遭った福島県への、この10年間に渡る、世界中の方々からの温かいご支援に改めて心より感謝します。 最後の写真は、今日の聖火ランナーの皆さんと移動の車中で記念の1枚 #Fukushima #聖火リレー
#Tokyo2020 #TorchRelay officially started from #Fukushima today! #聖火リレー いよいよ#福島 から始まりました。皆さんの心をひとつに繋ぐイベントになることを #宇宙 から祈念いたします。
#Fukushima 吾妻山と安達太良山 今日みたいな春の日に、街中の少し高くなってるところからまだ雪を被っている山が見えるのがものすごく好きです。清々しい東北の春。
It's been 10 years since the accident at #Fukushima Daiichi. Here is my message where I take stock of what's been done to make nuclear energy safer. Nuclear safety is the key to nuclear power expansion & a stable-climate future. My full statement: bit.ly/3bztzEF
Retweet to join this #virtualprotest Virtual Protest #4 10 years has passed since the #Fukushima nuclear disaster. Even if challenging, I believe we need the transition to renewable energy for saving our children’s future. Are you with me? #NoNukes #Nuke0Re100
がんばろう、#東北! #聖火リレー はちょうど一か月後、福島から始まります。Tohoku, #Japan. #Olympic torch relay will start in 1 month, starting from #Fukushima, with the spirit of #Resilience.
\ #第44回日本アカデミー賞 /  🎥優秀賞受賞作品上映会 ⌚3/5(木)~3/11(金) 🎬T・ジョイPRINCE品川にて 🏆優秀作品賞 「#浅田家!」 「#男はつらいよ お帰り 寅さん」 「#罪の声」 「#ミッドナイトスワン」 「#Fukushima 50」 上映スケジュール詳細はこちら japan-academy-prize.jp/news/44preview…
南東北の夜景。#福島#宮城 の皆さん、地震の影響でまだ暗い夜をお過ごしの方々にお見舞い申し上げます。#Fukushima and #Miyagi suffered from big #Earthquake a few weeks ago.
My thoughts are with you, #Fukushima & #Miyagi! Another big #earthquake hit these areas. #福島 #宮城 地震の被害に遭われた皆様に心よりお見舞い申し上げます。