We will hold the next #EU #WesternBalkans summit in the region - on 6 December in Tirana, Albania 🇦🇱 to reaffirm our reinforced engagement. Western Balkans are a key priority for the European Union. The EU and the Western Balkans need each other. @ediramaal
ロシアの侵攻が始まってから1年が過ぎた本日、#EU およびEU加盟各国の駐日大使たちは声明を発表し、#ウクライナ との連帯、#日本 との連携の継続を改めて表明。この日を前に、同国のコルスンスキー大使とも会合した 🇪🇺🤝🇺🇦#StandWithUkraine 👉 euin.jp/20230224a
NO NEED TO SMOKE SCREEN PEACE & WAR IN HORN OF AFRICA WITH DAILY FABRICATED LIES: covert or overt, the Unilateral Declation of Independence (UDI) by Tigray warlords from #Ethiopia since 1991 is the NO IF/BUT issue FULL STOP! #EU #UNSC |#UNGA  #Eritrea #AUC エリトリア エチオピア
BINIAM Ghirmay’s success in world cycling championships breeds success to Eritrea and Africa. It dispelled and washed away instantly stereotyping and ongoing disinformation by the agent provocateurs #UNSC #AU #EU #AUC #Eritrea #Ethiopia エチオピア エリトリア !#VIVATeamEritrea
Benchmark of peace and stability in the Horn of Africa is not TPLF’s missiles or geopolitical solutions nor diplomatic coercion but lending ears to the people’s voice - Ballots Not Bullets #Ethiopia Now #HRC47 #EU #AU #UNSC #Eritrea エチオピア エリトリア youtu.be/hu2juffT_tY
Der Beitritt der 6 Staaten des #WesternBalkans zur #EU ist in unserem Interesse. Ihre Bürger können auf die Unterstützung Deutschlands und des #BerlinProcess zählen, sie auf diesem Weg weiter zu unterstützen. Nur zusammen können wir eine souveränere Europäische Union schaffen.
Eritrea in numbers: >Coastline:3300km -mainland:1350km -Islands:1950km >Islands:354 >Area:124,000km2 >EEZ:120,000km2 >30yrs independent >history as old as humanity >Where6.5millionJews+Christians+Islam+Anna live in peace & harmony #UNSC #EU #Sudan エチオピア エリトリア
#AB Dış İlişkiler ve Güvenlik Politikası YT Josep Borrell ile #Ukrayna'daki son gelişmeleri ele aldığımız bir telefon görüşmesi gerçekleştirdik. Had a phone call w/@JosepBorrellF, HR of the #EU for Foreign Affairs & Security Policy. Discussed latest developments in #Ukraine.
Ethiopia: Lies, Damn Lies, Axum and the West | by Jeff Pearce | Mar, 2021 | Medium #UNSG #HRC46 #UNHRC #EU #AU #UNSC #Eritrea #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア jeffpearce.medium.com/ethiopia-lies-…
Europa ist unsere Zukunft! Und Europas Zukunft liegt in unserer Hand. Ich stelle mir eine große, geopolitische und reformierte #EU vor. #ThisisEurope @Europarl_DE 1/5
1993-2021 OVERT/COVERT TERRORISTS ATTACKED HEART & SOUL OF #ERITREA #ETHIOPIA #SUDAN #SOMALIA : Under “anti Soviet Warrior” Bin Laden’s command by: 1. TPLF’s Meles & Sibhat, & 2. National Islamic Front Dr. Turabi & Beshir #UNSC #AU #EU #G7 エチオピア エリトリア THE END OF AN ERA
Appreciate the open dialogue with @davidmcallister and @Europarl_EN @EP_ForeignAff colleagues on the progress to reform and modernise #Serbia as we prepare for our strategic goal to join the #EU
CONFUSE THEM IF YOU CANNOT CONVINCE THEM IS AN OLD LOSER’S GAME:1997 #Eritrea demobilized 54,000 battle hardened troops from service. UN, WB hailed the move, but Tigray People’s Liberation Front issued a new map & declared all out savage war. #UNSC #EU #AUC エリトリア エチオピア
I was delighted to officially welcome the new Head of the European Economic and Trade Office @grzegorzewskif to Taiwan today. I look forward to working together to bring ties between #Taiwan & the #EU even closer in the coming years.
Shiftas of Tigray believe they have a sacred supremacy in the minds of their subjects divided as ሰብ(human) ሰብያሰብ(human related) ኣንካንኪኖስ(riff-raff) rather than in the historical accuracy/legitimacy of #Ethiopia #Eritrea as nations #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
İçişlerinden Sorumlu #AB Komiseriyle bir araya geldik. Düzensiz göçle mücadele ve vize serbestisi konularını ele aldık. Met with #EU Commissioner @YlvaJohansson for Home Affairs and discussed fight against irregular migration & visa liberalization.
ロシアの #ウクライナ 🇺🇦侵略により何十万人もの #難民 が発生していることを受け、#欧州委員会 は2日、避難してくる人々に #EU 🇪🇺域内での一時的保護を即時に提供することを加盟各国に提案した #StandWithUkraine twitter.com/EU_Commission/…
「政治家なしでも世界は回るが、 農民なしでは成り立たない」 農の危機が国を左右 緊張感欠ける永田町  国際ジャーナリスト堤未果氏 特別インタビュー |農業協同組合新聞 jacom.or.jp/nousei/closeup… #堤未果 #食糧危機 #農協 #農業 #食料安全保障 #EU
IS IT FALLIBLE OR INFALLIBLE IS NOT A QUESTION NOW: Disinformation & propaganda were utilized as a rule by TPLF #Ethiopia under the cover of US rubric of fighting terrorism. Its spillover effect in the region is clear. #UNSC #AU #EU #AUC #Eritrea #Somalia エチオピア エリトリア
LESSON 1: MAIN FACTS ARE CLEAR AND DRAMATIC: Who doesn’t remember Bin Laden’s migration of terrorism/terrorists from Afghanistan to #Sudan #Kenya #Ethiopia #Eritrea #Somalia after end of the Cold War right after 1991? #UNSC #EU #AU or Beshir & #TPLF Games エリトリア エチオピア
We highly commend #Lithuania🇱🇹 for its nonnegotiable stance on pursuing ties with #Taiwan🇹🇼 in the face of mounting diplomatic & economic coercion by #China. Our country will #StandWithLithuania while galvanizing support from across the free world for the courageous #EU🇪🇺 state. twitter.com/LithuaniaMFA/s…
日本と #EU は、#個人データ の移転を互いに認めることで実質合意しました。個人情報の保護水準について相互に「#十分性認定」する枠組みが今秋にも発効します。EU一般データ保護規則(#GDPR)への対応に苦心している日本企業には、一定の負担軽減になりそうです。 nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO…
Will work together w/#EU High Representative @JosepBorrellF to continue positive agenda. -More cooperation is needed on updating Customs Union,visa liberalization,irregular migration&fight against terrorism. -Discussed regional issues including #Syria, #Afganistan& #Libya.
WHO FORGETS OPEN SHOW OFF OF TERROR? TPLF’s Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) of Tigray, followed by an attack/war on >32,000 troops of #Ethiopia garrisoned on borders & the launching of missiles to #Eritrea & its capital #EU #AU #UNSC #BBC #CNN エリトリア エチオピア
Tigray Peoples Liberation Front’s missile attacks on #Eritrea/n cities&declaration of savage war against #Ethiopia since Nov2020 “for all intents & purposes is right & deal with Tigray” approach by the super & local powers is not peace herald #UNSC #EU #AUC エチオピア エリトリア