Destiny of the people and nationals in #Djibouti #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Sudan #SouthSudan is one & the same: as in past it is their duty & obligation to work hand-in-hand for peace, stability, cooperation & economic integration now #UNSC #AU #EU ዝባን ሕጊ ! エリトリア エチオピア
The Slovak delegation’s visit is at an end. Friendships were deepened, cooperation fostered & exchanges expanded. We thank #Taiwan's🇹🇼 #EU🇪🇺 partners for the strong showing of support & real commitment to forging a brighter future for both countries. Safe travels to #Slovakia🇸🇰!
Minister Wu talked topical #Taiwan🇹🇼 issues in his interview with The @Independent. He detailed strengthening support for the country from #EU🇪🇺 states, the #US🇺🇸 & other members of the free world, as well as government efforts to maintain the status quo in the Taiwan Strait.🔽 twitter.com/Independent/st…
Thousands with #Eritrea/n and #Ethiopia/n origins came out in the thousands around the world capitals in support of the democratically elected PM ABIY and protested against TPLF secessionist war of aggression urging #NoMore to all warmongers #UNSC #AU #EU エリトリア エチオピア
[📢EVERGLOW] 'Pirate Dance Challenge'⚓ @Quanninomarleyvt.tiktok.com/ZSefx7XpB/ we could be anything anything! #에버글로우 #EVERGLOW #EU #YIREN #Return_of_The_Girl #Pirate #Pirate_Challenge #하하 #HAHA
We highly commend #Lithuania🇱🇹 for its nonnegotiable stance on pursuing ties with #Taiwan🇹🇼 in the face of mounting diplomatic & economic coercion by #China. Our country will #StandWithLithuania while galvanizing support from across the free world for the courageous #EU🇪🇺 state. twitter.com/LithuaniaMFA/s…
We're pleased to see the drones donated by #Taiwan🇹🇼 to #Lithuania🇱🇹 during the trade & investment tour of 3 #EU🇪🇺 members in October being put to good use. Our countries are natural partners bound by a belief in the power of freedom & democracy to build better tomorrows for all. twitter.com/LTBorderGuards…
We welcome the @EU_Commission's decision recognizing #COVID19 certificates issued by #Taiwan🇹🇼 as equivalent to the #EU🇪🇺 Digital COVID Certificate. The move is a resounding vote of confidence in the country's #Coronavirus-combating efforts. (📸 EC) ▶️READ bit.ly/3pqT7uN
#FoodTaipei is underway! Highlights of the show include the #Lithuania🇱🇹 Pavilion. Our freedom- & democracy-loving #EU🇪🇺 friends are sharing a smorgasbord of items imbued with the #Baltic country's creativity, innovation & passion for top quality. ▶️VISIT bit.ly/30QnuRN
Hands up for top-notch offerings from #Lithuania🇱🇹! The public debut of the #Baltic country's pavilion at #FoodTaipei on #Christmas Day was a smashing success. Interest was piqued, lines were long & legions of loyal #Taiwan🇹🇼 consumers converted to the #EU🇪🇺 member state's cause.
Get up to speed on #Lithuania's🇱🇹 pushback against #China's economic & political coercion with @palkisu of @WIONews. #Taiwan🇹🇼 stands shoulder to shoulder with other members of the free world in supporting the courageous & principled #EU🇪🇺 member state. We're #StrongerTogether! twitter.com/WIONews/status…
#EVERGLOW 3rd Mini Album: Return of the girl「Galaxy ver.」「Biker ver.」正規日本輸入盤の限定特典缶バッジ公開❣️ 今日は #EU ⭐日本オリジナル特典:未公開カットトレカ・未公開カット缶バッジ付き! 販売サイト↓(판매사이트) official-goods-store.jp/everglow/ #온라인영상통화
We welcome the #CzechRepublic's🇨🇿 Government Program Statement in which the #EU🇪🇺 member state commits to continue deepening cooperation with democratic partners in the #IndoPacific like #Taiwan🇹🇼 while protecting freedom, democracy & human rights. ▶️READ bit.ly/3r63Bir
Sayın Cumhurbaşkanımızın hitabı öncesinde Ankara’daki #AB ülkeleri Büyükelçileriyle güncel dış politika gelişmelerine ilişkin ufuk turu yaptık. Had a tour d’horizon on current foreign policy developments w/Ambassadors of #EU countries prior to President @RTErdogan’s address.
Our gratitude to @PavelFischer & the @SenatCZ Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense & Security for passing a resolution in solidarity with #Lithuania, & urging #Czechia & the #EU to monitor #China's economic coercion against the #Baltic state.🇹🇼🇨🇿🇱🇹🇪🇺 ▶️bit.ly/33V0zWw
#380 EUが原発推進。合い言葉は「ドイツみたいになるな!」 EUが原子力発電をクリーンエネルギーとした指針について解説 youtu.be/TYRerYC-X08 #高橋洋一 #原発 #EU #ドイツ #脱炭素 #エネルギー政策 #SDGs #髙橋洋一チャンネル
We applaud the staunch support for #Lithuania & strong condemnation of #China's coercion against the #EU member state as expressed by @Europarl_EN group @RenewEurope. The care & concern shown by MEPs @hildevautmans, @petras_petras & @MariePierreV is highly commended. 🇹🇼🇱🇹🇪🇺 twitter.com/RenewEurope/st…
高市政調会長が元首相5人連名の書簡に抗議「さまざまな方の血のにじむような努力を水泡に帰しかねない」岸田総理も「言われのない差別や偏見を助長することが懸念される」 seijichishin.com/?p=84461 #EU #福島第一原発
Innovation & creativity are key to overcoming shared challenges & delivering prosperity for generations to come. #Taiwan🇹🇼 is proud to partner with #EU🇪🇺 member state #Lithuania🇱🇹 in cultivating opportunities capitalizing on the respective strengths of our free & open societies. twitter.com/ArmonaiteA/sta…
As an avowed free trader, #Taiwan🇹🇼 has a clear & direct interest in supporting the #EU's🇪🇺 @wto action challenging #China's measures targeting member states like #Lithuania🇱🇹. Democracies must stand together in defense of global trading norms & international rules-based order. twitter.com/MeilunasE/stat…
Thank you to the European Parliament @Europarl_EN for your support for #Taiwan. We will continue to work with the #EU & friends across Europe to strengthen our ties & uphold regional security. twitter.com/MOFA_Taiwan/st…
#EU とEU加盟27カ国の大使や大使代理は本日、#ウクライナ との強い連帯を示すべく、東京・港区の同国大使館を訪れ、コルスンスキー大使と会談した🇪🇺🤝🇺🇦 #EUinJapan @UKRinJPN
#AB Dış İlişkiler ve Güvenlik Politikası YT Josep Borrell ile #Ukrayna'daki son gelişmeleri ele aldığımız bir telefon görüşmesi gerçekleştirdik. Had a phone call w/@JosepBorrellF, HR of the #EU for Foreign Affairs & Security Policy. Discussed latest developments in #Ukraine.
#Taiwan strongly condemns #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine. Our country joins the #US, #EU & other like-minded partners in sanctioning Russia. We urge an immediate cessation of military action & commencement of dialogue aimed at resolving disputes peacefully. #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦
駐日 #EU 代表部は、エントランスに #ウクライナ の国旗を掲げ、同国との連帯を示しています #StandWithUkraine #EUinJapan🇪🇺🤝🇺🇦@UKRinJPN