🚨#MyanmarMilitaryTerrorists are relentlessly killing young people in #Myanmar #Burma. 🆘#ASEAN #UnitedNations #EU #USA need to take more decisive action to stop #impunity & these recurring grievous violations of international law. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
WHO SAYS ERITEREA NATION BUILDING WAS A SMOOTH RIDE?-THE TRUTHI IS: 1997 #Eritrea demobilized 54,000 battle hardened troops from service. UN, the WB hailed the move, but Tigray warlords issued a new map & declared all out war. #UNSC #EU #AU
パケ次期 #EU 大使は11日、エマニュエル駐日米国大使をはじめとする41人の駐日大使・臨時代理大使と共に声明を発表した #StandWithUkraine @EUAmbJP 👉 euin.jp/20221111b
Abu Dabi'de görüştüğümüz #AB Yüksek Temsilcisi Josep Borrell'le Ukrayna ve Doğu Akdeniz dahil bölgesel gelişmeleri ele aldık. Discussed regional developments including Ukraine & Eastern Mediterranean w/High Representative @JosepBorrellF of #EU in Abu Dhabi. 🇹🇷🇪🇺
Der Beitritt der 6 Staaten des #WesternBalkans zur #EU ist in unserem Interesse. Ihre Bürger können auf die Unterstützung Deutschlands und des #BerlinProcess zählen, sie auf diesem Weg weiter zu unterstützen. Nur zusammen können wir eine souveränere Europäische Union schaffen.
EUの最大汚職スキャンダルは45億回分のコロナワクチン購入 欧州議会議員のミスラフ・コラクシッチ氏は、「4億5000万人のEU居住者のために45億回分のコロナワクチンを購入することは、人類史上最も悪名高い汚職スキャンダルだ」と述べた #コロナワクチン #EU #ファイザー
企業利益の保護を口実に、EUと結んだワクチン契約書の詳細を隠蔽 #EU #新型コロナワクチン契約書 #ファイザー #モデルナ 🌟このニュースの完全版は以下のリンクGettrにてご覧ください gettr.com/post/p1vuscid8…
Wir wollen unabhängiger bei Energieimporten werden. Mit @PrimeministerGR arbeiten wir solidarisch daran. Ein Ziel ist der massive Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien. Klar ist aber auch: Die Preise müssen runter. Das gehen wir gemeinsam in der #EU an.
Καλημέρα @kmitsotakis. Die Akropolis ist beeindruckend. Die gemeinsame Besichtigung mit Dir eine tolle Idee. Gleich sprechen wir über die wichtige Frage, wie wir die hohen Energiepreise runter kriegen. Gut ist: 🇩🇪 und 🇬🇷arbeiten eng zusammen - sind Freunde in der #EU und #NATO.
「欧州委員会は直ちに偽ワクチンの契約を中止すべき」 #新型コロナワクチン #契約書 #EU #ワクチン試験 🌟もっと最新情報を知りたい場合は以下のリンクGettrにてご覧ください! gettr.com/user/himalayaj…
Pleased to mark continued progress in #Taiwan-#EU commercial ties at the 2022 EU Investment Forum. I look forward to even closer cooperation between our public & private sectors, as we work to strengthen the resilience of our supply chains & promote economic transformation.
We will hold the next #EU #WesternBalkans summit in the region - on 6 December in Tirana, Albania 🇦🇱 to reaffirm our reinforced engagement. Western Balkans are a key priority for the European Union. The EU and the Western Balkans need each other. @ediramaal
BREAKING TOP NEWS #Ethiopia is Now Africa's Second-Largest Wheat Producer #EU #AU #UNSC #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア businessinfoeth.com/ethiopia-is-no…
Power corridors/money/media tools use to justify/support Tigray warlords’ futile continued wars/conflicts against sovereignty & territorial integrity of legitimate UN members: #Eritrea #Ethiopia & #Somalia is illegal & against regional peace #UNSC #EU #AUC エリトリア エチオピア
The Adulite Ancient Empire which functioned as a major regional center for commerce and trade with Asian, European and African civilizations was located in the coast of the present day #Eritrea from 9th Century BC to 5th Century AD #EU #AU #UNSC #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
🇫🇷仏極右政党「国民連合」 #マリーヌ・ル・ペン 党首は、#EU の対 #露制裁 のせいで仏には厳しい冬になるが、その次の冬はさらに厳しいはずだと明言。ル・ペン氏は、「この状況の責任は対露制裁を決めた人物らにある」
When it comes to #Taiwan🇹🇼-#Slovakia🇸🇰 friendship, things just clicked! Minister Wu was delighted to meet with Bruno Hormy, the new @SlovakiainTWN representative. We wish our friend from the #EU🇪🇺 member state all the best & know our ties can only strengthen & deepen!
アボット元首相、ターンブル元首相、フランスのサルコジ元大統領、インドのモディ首相とそれぞれ会談を行いました。 ▼詳細はこちら kantei.go.jp/jp/101_kishida… #外交・安全保障 #日・パプアニューギニア首脳会談 #EU #日・シンガポール首脳会談  #日・ヨルダン首脳会談 #日豪首脳会談 #日印首脳会談
1998 TIGRAY WARLORDS’ COVERT & OVERT STRATEGIC PLAN AGAINST ERITREA : 1997 #Eritrea demobilized >54,000 battle hardened freedom fighters from service. UN, WB etc hailed the move, TPLF issued new map & declared all out war. #UNSC #EU #AUC #UNGA エチオピア エリトリア #Ethiopia
NO NEED TO SMOKE SCREEN PEACE & WAR IN HORN OF AFRICA WITH DAILY FABRICATED LIES: covert or overt, the Unilateral Declation of Independence (UDI) by Tigray warlords from #Ethiopia since 1991 is the NO IF/BUT issue FULL STOP! #EU #UNSC |#UNGA  #Eritrea #AUC エリトリア エチオピア
Sept 19:In simulated interview, UDI spokesman ምንያ ኾለል of the warlords in Tigray categorically rejects:African/#Ethiopia/n solution to African/Ethiopian problems calls for “international expertise” to peace talks for diplomatic win エチオピア エリトリア #Eritres #UNSC #EU
Modern day warlordism by multi billionaires in the impoverished Tigray in a habit of staging interviews in social media to show off its capacity of Webester’s Dictionary memorized words/jargons to dupe its foreign friends #Eritres #Ethiopia #EU エチオピア エリトリア
Willkommen in Berlin @GharibashviliGe! Im Europäischen Rat haben wir uns diesen Sommer darauf verständigt, #Georgien eine #EU-Perspektive zu eröffnen. Ich ermutige Georgien, die dafür nötigen Reformschritte zu gehen. Auf dem Weg in die Europäische Union helfen wir sehr gerne.
Climate-induced disasters transcend national borders & so should the solution. #NetZero2050 is #Taiwan's🇹🇼 promise to future generations. We look forward to working with the world to facilitate this vision! Watch Minister Wu's message supporting #EU🇪🇺 #ClimateAction Week🔽
Securing military hold of TPLF’s warlords over people of Tigray, under the cover of humanity, with objectives of dismantling sovereignty & territorial integrity of #Eritrea & #Ethiopia is unattainable, heinous & illegal. #UNSC #EU #AU #CNN #BBC エリトリア エチオピア