Anyone who disagrees? I pause for a reply. None, None, None. THEN NONE HAVE DISAGREED. THE MOTION IS PASSED. #Chinese people hail #XiJinping as he stays on as Emperor. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
Never fail to be amazed! #Chinese people actually interpret @JoeBiden as "karma after slandering #Putin" and the proof of the US being "the largest terrorist organization"??? @POTUS #China #America #StopPutinNOW #ChinaIsWithRussia #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
MASS SURVEILLANCE STATE #CHINA. Many #Chinese apps are now ordered to reveal users' IP addresses on the homepages out of "goodwill." PRIVACY IS A HUMAN RIGHT. WE HAVE TO STOP THIS NOW. @YourAnonCentral @EFF @jonrussell @fsf #Douyin #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
2. Five years after the secret deal was signed, no Swiss MP had ever heard of the deal. In contrast to similar agreements between #Switzerland and other countries, the one with #China is harsher as #Chinese cops can come and investigate without prior discussion with Swiss govt.
After #ChineseNewYear, #Chinese "human mines" go back to work in such conditions. What is a "#HumanMine"? I explained it here:…
"No limits" partnership between #CCP /#XiJinping & #Putin/#Russia. Plus, as #Chinese netizens have sarcastically put it, Xi Jinping's rule of #China is like flipping a pancake, for example, day 1: absolute #ZeroCOVID lockdowns, day 2: Lying totally flat. Who cares! You die, no……
#Chinese one-sidedly support Will Smith for "a beautiful job" in slapping @chrisrock who "deserves to be hit" @TheAcademy Oscars #WillSmith #China #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
Some way some how, the most ridiculous hate speech always gets the most likes in #China. Gaze into the real thoughts of the kind-minded #Chinese people. #NewYork #America #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
#Chinese people are fighting back. Most clips are from #Chongqing city today. See my previous tweets for background. #China #ChinaProtests #ChinaUprising #CCP #A4Revolution
Mother of KhantNyarHein gave a msg to #China govt. at the funeral- “I’m a #Chinese, I don’t like like China’s govt., Not at all. I lost my son today. He is precious one. I’ll not be recalcitrant to this” (Context in next tweet) #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
This is what happened to #ChineseSpyBallon according to #Douyin, the #Chinese version of #TikTok. The balloon activates the self-destruct procedure and completes the #MissionImpossible. Mind you, not shot down by a #US #F22.
Shocking & suspicious! Li Jinjin, famous #Chinese dissident lawyer, former leader of #Tiananmen Square pro-democracy movement, was stabbed to death in his office in #Flushing, #NewYork. The woman who killed him shouted pro-#CCP slogan when taken into custody. Political murder?
Wow, this is something new. "#CCP talks sh*t!" "Give me back my #freedom!""No more #lockdowns!" During clashes with the #police, #Chinese #COVID slaves are finally targeting the CCP and demanding freedom. #CCPChina #AmazingChina #COVID19 #CCPVirus
3. The paper also criticized the local judges for misinterpreting the One Country Two Systems and failing to uphold their duty to protect #Chinese national interests and national security.
It was reported that, the #Chinese #PLA #MULTILATED Indian soliders who fell under the line of duty. This is an absolutely barbaric and dishonourable move. #hkstandswithindia #TeachChinalesson
Dear @POTUS @JoeBiden, this is what #CCP says about #US and its #COVID19 situation. If you find #Chinese people hate #America, don't be surprised. It is time to ban #CCP propaganda and deport all the CCP "journalists" (aka spies) in the US. #中共國 的主播們真敢講啊。
5. Under #nationalsecuritylaw and #Beijing's #wolfwarriordiplomacy, it's worrrying that similar intimidation will happen in #HK, esp when #Chinese data companies were found actively spying the world’s influential individuals and constructing database on behalf of #CCP government.
你好,世界! 我们成功了! チーム全員、目標を達成できて、嬉しい気持ちで一杯です。 #Chinese and #Japanese #translation now available on DeepL Translator!…
Sometimes ppl ask me why #Chinese people don't fight back against #CCP. No. 1 issue: How can they organize themselves? Ppl can only use #WeChat in #CCPChina. See how this man got caught because he contacted the prostitute via WeChat. Both of them were ordered to give ID numbers.
Wow, finally, #Chinese people take to the streets to express themselves about #CCP's #COVID19 policy. They shout, "No Fangcang hospitals (…) in schools!" Not sure where. 「勤劳勇敢」的中国人民终于上街了?「拒绝方舱进学校」。不清楚是哪里。有知道的请留言。
3. Similar #China-style snooping model may expand overseas, esp when #Chinese #military contractor #Zhenhua Data was found snooping 2.4M+ of politicians, businessmen, academics, celebrities & individuals. Clearly Zhenhua is just the tip of the iceberg.…
【片场日记 Filming Set Diary】 #郑乃馨 努力学中文的样子超可爱 #Nene looks so cute when she learns #Chinese Full Edition Playlist on Watch <CHUANG 2020> on #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020
Xportify x @OpenAI 💡 What is #ChatGPT that strongly recommend by @elonmusk🚀 Feel free to experience the hottest trend AI chat in our #Discord without any registration🫡 Support for multiple languages included #Japanese #Korea #Chinese #OpenAIChatGPT #xportify
宣布冠状病毒无需疫苗或药物即可治愈的奇迹。 伊瑪目 納賽爾 穆罕默德 耶米尼 Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 公历2020年12月09日… #AGlobalTsunamiLikeVirus #像海啸一样全球性病毒 #中國 #Chinese #China #Shanghai #COVID19 COVID Omicron omicron XE
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 必须要把掌声送给 妮可 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 美国和中共的经济往来都是建立在 剥削奴隶制上的交易 。 中国人只是居住在中共土地上的奴隶。 CCP 至始至终 都没有把中国人当作公民来对待 。 剥削 欺压 圈养••• #CCP#Chinese