In #CCPChina, a man beats a woman on the street, and all the onlookers think it is OK... #中共國 人心已經冷漠至此。
#CCP is showing us in real-time what is state #terrorism. I never understand why some people in the West would openly defend the #CCP. #中共國 實時上演 #國家恐怖主義。 現在大家還沒看明白它們所謂的 #防疫 到底是啥嗎? #CCPChina #CCPvirus #COVID19 #lockdown
Somewhere in #CCPChina, kids run and caught...#VaccineMandates? #中共國 小學生打 #疫苗
The #CCP's "city managers" beat up a child who has to support his family by selling candied haws, while #XiJinping claims that everyone in #China has been lifted out of poverty...這就是 #中共國 的城管及 「全民脫貧」……
The Republic of #China is 110 years old today. The #CCP 's People’s Republic of China is only 72 years old. So who is splitting China? #中華民國 110歲了,#中共國 72歲。誰分裂誰呢?誰在搞獨立呢?
May 7, at Zhuanqiao in #Shanghai (#上海 颛桥), #COVID19 prisoners storm out of their prison. 5月7日晚,上海颛桥,#中共國 的「防疫囚徒」們反抗越獄了。 #COVID #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #CCPChina #中共病毒
The great escape in #Shanghai. How wonderful is #CCPChina! #上海 人的逃亡。#中共國 就是個大監獄。越獄越來越難了。最近出國也不容易了。 #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #中共病毒
Dear @POTUS @JoeBiden, this is what #CCP says about #US and its #COVID19 situation. If you find #Chinese people hate #America, don't be surprised. It is time to ban #CCP propaganda and deport all the CCP "journalists" (aka spies) in the US. #中共國 的主播們真敢講啊。
Heartbreaking! Such despair! No human dignity at all! #Shanghai #COVID19 #Lockdown #CCPChina #CCPvirus 心都碎了。活在 #中共國 毫無尊嚴可言,如今淪落命都要不保了……
Can you count how many people have passed by this poor old man without trying to offer help? What if he had some urgent condition and needed immediate treatment? This is #CCPChina . 有人能數清,在這個一分鍾的視頻中,有多少人見死不救?如果他有突發疾病,說不定就死了。 #中共國 日常
Don't know exactly when, where, and why this happened, but obviously in #CCPChina. Regardless of when, where, or why, no human being should be treated like this. 不知是何時何地的事,也不知爲何她被這樣拖著走。但不管何時何地,不管她做了什麼,也不應這樣。 #中共國 從來不把人當人。
An Everyday Hate Training in a Primary School in #China #中共國 的變態小學「勵志」培訓