1/ After US & EU thanked #Taiwan’s donation of millions of masks, #China is now tightening its grip on freedom of speech even on video games in Taiwan. Swordsman Love 3 or JX3, is developed by Chines company Xishanju and its operation in Taiwan is proxied by Wanan International.
Fact: #HongKong televisions are unable to watch “Phoenix TV”. Phoenix TV is a HK based TV station which only served mainland Chinese audience. 相關討論 - [一中原則] 鳳凰衛視記者被Trump問及香港是否中國一部份 女記者:No lih.kg/1961505 #鳳凰衛視 #HongKong #China #LIHKG
This is the mail @Taiwan_CDC sent to @WHO Dec. 31, 2019. “Atypical pneumonia” to #China means #SARS. Patients “treated in isolation” means human-to-human transmission. WHO should focus on fighting #COVID19, not scapegoating victims like #Taiwan.
つづきます。長く待たせてお詫び申し上げます…。 中国政府は、人民にどんな思考を望んでいるか?という話から。 あと「中国人への差別」について、少々。 #China #BoycottChina #CCPLiedPeopleDied #nnevyy
「中国人だって良い人はいます」 という論点向けのオマケ。 複雑な問題なんかじゃない。 認めたくない人間が、複雑にしてるだけだ。 #nnevvy #Taiwan #China #TaiwanisnotChina
Great decision. Controlled by authoritarian #China, the WHO is more interested in the politics of excluding democratic #Taiwan than saving lives. Here's the truth: The more you distrust it (like the Taiwanese and us Hong Kongers) the more likely you can contain the Wuhan virus. twitter.com/Independent/st…
After #AnimalCrossing, #nnevvy and #StopMekongDam sagas, my email is flooded with death emails by #Chinese nationalist trolls and Instagram mobs. But this cannibal threat is new… This is the way how #China silences critical voices worldwide.
Over 30 #hkpolice today surrounded & arrested a #HKer when he tried to put a caricature of #Xijinping with #coronavirus head onto #lennonwall in #KwunTong #HK. Clearly, #hkpolice’s only duty is to carry out political censorship & save face for this authoritarian leader of #China.
4/ When China’s offices in #HK unprecedentedly announced that they aren't restricted from interfering in local affairs of #HK, it's beyond any doubt this sensitive information will be shared to 4000 #China national security forces that now stationed in HK for future persecution.
5/ When all countries are now busy combating #coronavirus, the authoritarian regime of #China is now clamping down on democracy movements in #HongKong. I call upon the world to keep watch on #Beijing’s tyranny and #standwithhk.
『あの国の人民はどう創作業界へ影響する』 クリエイターなら。 そのクリエイターたちが好きな人なら。 読んで、ほしいです…。(6ページ) ピックアップ:いい男の枝拾い #猛男捡树枝 #FightForFreedom #nmslese #China
VP Chen refuses to shy away from the truth in the @nytimes. #Taiwan is a “good global citizen,” but has been “left as an orphan” because of #China. The reality is "no country can fight #COVID19 alone,” & #TaiwanCanHelp. @WHO can isolate Taiwan? No one! nytimes.com/2020/04/22/wor…
4/ With a politicized judiciary, and judges full of political biases, it is doubtful how #hk courts differ from #China’s courts in upholding justice & impartiality before the law. That is the reasons why #HKers are losing faith in judicial impartiality in recent years.
1/ Although #China’s liaison office has been toughening its control on #HK in recent weeks, #Hongkongers do not scare off. Tonight, thousands of #hongkongprotesters sang #GloryToHK at Cityplaza and reminded all #hkers of our cause for democracy.
6/ Tonight’s assembly shows that #coronavirus does not kill the spirit of #hongkongprotests. The plague will end one day. But under #China's authoritarian rule, #HK’s freedom, human rights and autonomy can only be protected with the arrival of democracy.
5/ Without effective checks & balances, #Policeviolence will just prevail without consequences. Under #China’s iron fist, #policebrutality becomes unerasable, only paving way to authoritarianism. It's the reason why #HKers' cause for democracy is only way to bring justice to HK.
Another day of violent clashes in #HK. Flashmob choirs and peaceful rallies ended in chaos as police rampaged across the city, targeting kids and journalists. This is a cry for help - the free world must impose sanctions on the bloodthirsty #HKgov and #China. The fight goes on.
2/ On the contrary, the pro-#China supporter was praised for his noble sentiment & sentenced to shorter periods of imprisonment, after he stabbed innocent reporters & #HKers with cleaver & knife at #Lennonwall, leaving victims broken bones, collapsed lung & post-traumatic stress.
3/ This disproportionate sentencing shows that any protest against evil and abusive law is de facto classified as a more severe crime than actual killings in this city under #China’s growing control.
Taiwan's #COVID19 strategy is spotlighting the country & its standing as a democratic & reliable international partner. Learn about Minister Wu's take on #Taiwan-#US ties, @WHO, #China's campaign of coercion & other hot topics. Yes! It's Taiwan's moment. theatlantic.com/international/…
2/ #Taiwan’s participation is critical, especially after #China’s medical advisor Zhong Nanshan has just warned of #secondwave of infections. Taiwan exclusion from WHA will only have deadly implications & risk #HealthForAll, by blocking Taiwan’s valuable experiences & expertise.
No #WHA73 invitation for #Taiwan. Overwhelming international support, ignored. Ongoing donations of essential #COVID19-combating items, ignored. Sharing the #TaiwanModel, ignored. But #China's political bleating, heard loud & clear. We'll never give in, never, never, never! JW
🇨🇳駐仏中国大使、とんでもない絵を載せる・・・ Americans, Look! Chinese ambassador to France uploaded such a disgraceful cartoon. #COVID19 #China twitter.com/AmbassadeChine…
.@demosisto confirms that core member Tobias Leung’s arrested by customs department over providing surgical face masks, for alleged violation of the Trade Descriptions Ordinance. Group had printed “not made in #China” on box as it didn’t want ppl to rush to their source &....
A police wore USA flag #supreme bag on duty to protect the building of an organization of Chinese Government in Hong Kong. 你們之中誰沒有用 OT 錢買 iPhone 的,可以向他丟石頭 原文 - 警進入中聯辦佈防 期間有防暴展示美國國旗 lih.kg/2030788 #USA #China #HongKong #LIHKG