Golden Pheasants, spotted in C China's #Henan province. by 窝虎藏龙 #China #野鳥 #birdwatching #BirdsSeenIn2022 #nature #TwitterNatureCommunity #birds #photography @Avibase
1st they took #Tibet for "peace." Then they turned #Xinjiang into a de-extremism camp. Now they're rolling up #HongKong & going after #Taiwan for "one #China," & far beyond for "my ancestors stopped by." Aren't these the signs of a looming world war? JW xinjiangpolicefiles.org
Minister Wu adds heft to @ianwill's piece on #Taiwan's🇹🇼 plan to thwart #Beijing for The @spectator. Delve into issues like the country's dogged determination to defend itself from #China's military threat & the powerful response of the people to #Ukraine's🇺🇦 brave resistance.🔽 twitter.com/spectator/stat…
#China is the most favorite partner of people from #ASEAN countries, according to a recent poll by MFA of Japan.
.@mbachelet now is not only whitewashing but also aiding & abetting #CCP fascist #China's #UyghurGenocide!!! She should resign her position. twitter.com/lukedepulford/…
Govt urged to carry out audit of UK assets of #HongKong and #China officials linked to human rights violations news.sky.com/story/govt-urg…
⬜️いま、新疆ウイグル自治区で起きていることーー「無差別」な収容、つかめぬ人心 記者がいま思うこと  「お前はいいな、外国人だから。私もどこかに逃れたい。でもパスポートもないから、行く場所もない」 #Uighur #人権侵害 #ジェノサイド #China #中国共産党 mainichi.jp/articles/20220…
これまで隠蔽されてきた、中国共産党によるウイグル自治区での民族浄化政策の様子、人権弾圧の実態が明るみになってきました。収容所では洗脳、虐待、強制労働が行われています。国連は機能していません。人々の声が力になります。ぜひこの事実を知って下さい。 #拡散希望 #Uighur #人権 #中国 #China twitter.com/bbcnewsjapan/s…
Now their plan is widely known. '140,000 Soldiers and 953 Ships': Leaked Audio Clip Reveals #China's Plan To Invade #Taiwan ibtimes.com/140000-soldier…
We thank all allies & partners for voicing support of #Taiwan's @WHO inclusion. But #China's malevolence again denies our right. The way forward is for the world to urge the #Communist dictatorship to stop lying about democratic Taiwan. The truth is we're not part of the #PRC. JW
#China & #Russia just demonstrated how comrades in arm & partners for unlimited cooperation cuddle up. That's right. We #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦, but they're something else. JW asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Inter…
Lady Amherst's Pheasant, spotted in SW China's #Sichuan province. by 二筒ertong #China #野鳥 #birdwatching #BirdsSeenIn2022 #nature #BiodiversityDay2022 #birds #biodiversity #photography @Avibase
Agree wholeheartedly, @DrTedros. Let's keep politics out of this & invite #Taiwan to #WHA75. Also, please tell #China to stop threatening Taiwanese people. JW twitter.com/DrTedros/statu…
Today, 22 May, Global Week of Prayer for #China begins Here's my special message for #HongKong & #HongKongers Be assured, #Uyghurs, #Tibet, Chinese Christians, dissidents & everyone under #CCP repression are in my prayers too #globalprayerforchina globalprayerforchina.org
People of the free world, you are now facing a nation that has at least 4 MILLION people who actively support the offensive against the home that you are living in. When dealing issues about #China, verify BEFORE you trust. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻譯運動
#China's people are suffering from lockdown. But the #PLAAF seems to care only about #Taiwan. As documented by @ModJapan_jp, the #PLAN Liaoning carrier strike group has been exercising to our east. What kind of bad lessons have the #PRC learned from #Russia in #Ukraine? JW twitter.com/MoNDefense/sta…
Blood Pheasant, spotted in SW China's #Tibet autonomous region. by 军帽213 #China #野鳥 #birdwatching #BirdsSeenIn2022 #nature #TwitterNatureCommunity #birds #photography @Avibase
Himalayan Monal, spotted in SW China's #Tibet autonomous region. by 军帽213 #China #野鳥 #birdwatching #BirdsSeenIn2022 #nature #TwitterNatureCommunity #birds #photography @Avibase
Minister Wu's @faznet interview packs a punch! Read about the lessons #Taiwan🇹🇼 learned from #Ukraine's🇺🇦 resistance, defensive measures to counter #China's rising military threat, & expanded cooperation with European countries & global partners. ▶️ bit.ly/3MuZc2m
Right now the Chinese word 潤 is the hottest word in #China. The Pinyin (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinyin) for 潤 is [rùn]. Run, many people want to run away from China. 潤學 thus became very popular. 潤學 can mean the knowledge of how to run or the discipline/practice of running away.
At #Zhuhai Customs in Guangzhou, #CCPChina. Not sure exactly what is happening. But there are a lot of rumors that people's passports and even green cards get destroyed at the Customs. It is more & more difficult for ppl to leave #China. #珠海 海關。不太明白怎麼回事。不讓潤?
Microsoft may be "committed to addressing the issue of disinformation" in America, but Microsoft Bing is right on the money in spreading disinformation in #China! @Fredhum @brendagoh_ #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 twitter.com/GBadanes/statu…