#米国ビザ 申請者の皆様へ:体調が優れない方は、ビザ面接予約日を最低14日間延期してください。面接当日でも無料で予約を変更できます。#COVID19 #感染防止
This @Telegraph article highlights the government's gold-standard response as key to limiting the spread of disease. #TaiwanCanHelp by sharing its experiences with other countries. Read @niccijsmith's firsthand take on how #Taiwan is combating #COVID19. telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/03/0…
Hey guys Take care of yourself and family I can’t wait to hear you say boo See you soon #stayhealthy #COVID19 #coronavirus
#COVID19 update: From March 15, resale of masks will be prohibited. Not only business operators but also individuals will be subject to penalty if they resell masks at prices higher than the purchase price.
Thanks @NBCNews for reporting on how the government's active, holistic approach to tackling #COVID19 is paying off. #Taiwan's open leadership & universal health coverage encourage public buy-in. The country is willing & able to share this expertise. nbcnews.com/health/health-…
Today we informed all Twitter employees globally they must work from home to support worldwide efforts to stop the spread of #COVID19. This moves beyond our earlier guidance of “strongly encouraging work from home.” blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/c…
Mapping the #COVID19 outbreak. Confirmed cases of #coronavirus outside of China starting from late January.
The UK’s Chief Medical Officer on the government’s updated advice on #COVID19 If you have: a new continuous cough OR a high temperature (37.8 degrees or higher), you should stay at home for seven days. Read the full guidance now: NHS.uk/coronavirus
昨夜のマクロン大統領の緊急放送を見ていたけどフランスも月曜から全ての学校がしばらく休校することになった。 このパンデミックで各国が緊急事態に備えている状況にあると言える。 ほぼ全てのレースもキャンセルになってしまったけど、まずは私達も健康第一それに備えて準備しましょう。#COVID19
Our government continues to take a comprehensive, proactive approach to #COVID19, and I have issued five directives to address the pandemic’s possible impact on #Taiwan's economy. Details here: english.president.gov.tw/NEWS/5984
Thanks @DrTedros & @WHO for your leadership on the #COVID19 response. We’re proud to support your work by matching up to $5M in donations to the new emergency fund, in addition to $5M in ads grants to promote accurate & helpful content about the disease. g.co/covid19-donate twitter.com/WHO/status/123…
スタジオのトイレで1人、 大声で歌いながら手を洗うー! #COVID19 #washyourhands  #確信犯
Diplomatic & international organization representatives attended an event on #Taiwan's efforts combating #COVID19 co-hosted by Minister Chen of @MOHW_Taiwan & Central Epidemic Command Center. The free flow of timely & accurate information is key to realizing @WHO's #HealthForAll.
COVID-19 can be cured, but racism cannot be cured. Don't be a monster. #COVID19 #racism
4/ When China is hardest-hit by the #COVID19, we are literally next door to the virus. However, with our secret remedies, Hongkongers still manage to keep our virus numbers low. It proves our remedies somehow work.
5/ As #COVID19 is transmitted through droplets, & surgical masks have been proved effective against droplet transmission, wear masks is the best way to keep away from virus, especially when it's commonly found that ppl cough in fully enclosed mass transportation & crowded areas.
The only thing we should be spreading right now is love. #coronavirus #COVID19
Since our last update, Google has accelerated our work to help people stay safe, informed & connected. Here’s the latest in our ongoing global #COVID19 response. We’ll keep doing everything we can to help people take care of themselves & their communities blog.google/inside-google/…
สถานการณ์วัดใจวันนี้ ณ.ประตูร้านกาแฟ คนนอกจะผลักเข้าไปหรือคนในจะดันออกมา ต่างคนต่างไม่อยากใช้มือจับประตู ... ... ... ... ฉันชนะ จบ #COVID19
【拡散希望】新型コロナウイルス感染症 #COVID19 を含めた、新興ウイルス感染症に関する基礎研究(ウイルス学、細胞生物学、バイオインフォ、分子系統学など)にご参画いただける方を急募します。スタッフ、ポスドク、大学院生、大学生問いません。ご興味ありましたら、まずはぜひ一度ご連絡ください!
It's shocking to see the world come to a standstill. However, in a scenario like this it's imperative to avoid spreading panic. Follow the standard recommendations to prevent the spread of the #COVID19 infection and stay alert. twitter.com/WHO/status/123…
#Taiwan & the #US are ramping up #Coronavirus-fighting cooperation. @MOHW_Taiwan will share best practices & work even closer with #AIT to fast-track development of #COVID19 medicine & vaccines. Yes! Taiwan & the US can help realize @WHO's #HealthForAll. ait.org.tw/ait-will-enhan…
The world is going through one of its hardest times. The only way to get past #COVID19 is not panicking and spreading awareness. Stay Hygienic. Stay Safe!
.@jacindaardern said when it comes to #COVID19, #NewZealand is "going to follow, pretty closely, the Taiwanese model. They worked up a framework for mass gatherings that’s been quite successful." Such praise is welcome, & #Taiwan stands ready to share its #Coronavirus know-how. twitter.com/NZStuffPolitic…
Together with @facebook, @Google, @LinkedIn, @Microsoft, @Reddit and @YouTube, we are committed to keeping people safe. #COVID19