Another astonishing incident that shows how CCP ruthlessly tries to conquer #COVID19: a high school student got expelled because he didn't report his parent's travel history. #ChinaLockdown #ChinaCovid #ZeroCovid #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
2021/07/15 #嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎 #COVID19 #TaiwanCDC 153萬劑AstraZeneca疫苗及35萬劑Moderna疫苗將於今(15)日下午抵臺 日本の皆様からの心温まる支援を心より感謝を申し上げます #台日友好 #日台友好
こんな大変な時だからこそ、心を1つに、頼むから外出を控え、手洗いをしよう。すぐではないかもしれないけど、いつか終わる時が来るから力を合わせよう。大好きな日本に近い台湾からメッセージを送ります. #COVID19 #横浜大洋ホエールズ #BeatCOVID19 #StayHome #JRFPA #マリオ
Take away message in the press: • #COVID19 🦠 is a product of 🇨🇳BIOWEAPON program • The pandemic was launched intentionally by CCP as BIOATTACK • Compromised scientists formed misinformation campaign • American IC & officers need to realize the truth • CCP is at War with 🇺🇸…
Never forget it! CCP-PLA made #COVID19 virus and released it intentionally out of the lab. #UnrestrictedBioweapon…
We welcome #Slovakia's🇸🇰 decision to donate 10K #COVID19 vaccine doses to #Taiwan🇹🇼. The generous gesture reflects the strength of friendship & exchanges between our freedom- & democracy-loving countries, as well as a commitment to boosting the global response to the pandemic.…
When I realized that Miles WenGui Guo is an agent for Xi, & Guo tried to undermine my evidence of #COVID19 origin, I publicly revealed it with @lude_media & Col. @LawrenceSellin in Jul, 2021. Guo’s plan failed. He claimed to send me back to 🇨🇳& led a lot of harassment against us!…
ニューヨーク州内では単純試算でこれまでに約270万人が感染、死亡率は推定0.5%に。40カ所で無作為の3000人を対象にした新型コロナウイルスの抗体検査の結果、13.9%が抗体を持っていることがわかりました。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 #緊急事態宣言
The honest words in Dr. Fauci’s mind: “It would be molecularly impossible for any coronavirus naturally evolved into #COVID19 🦠 (SARS-CoV-2). BUT there are various wild animals which can be blamed as hosts: 🦇, pangolin, raccoon dog… None of poor animals can speak in English!”…
No words! After #Beijing Shijingshan Hospital was suddenly locked down, this woman had to give birth out on the concrete pavement. What a shame! #北京 石景山医院关闭,孕妇在医院大门口水泥路面上分娩。#中共国 一次次突破人类底线。#COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #CCPChina
2 years ago, @ValuetainmentTV interviewed me after I published 1st Yan Report on #COVID19 origin. It’s suppressed seriously by @YouTube for telling CCP-lab-origin & related academic scandal. The “conspiracy” is verified on the hearings @COVIDSelect now!
【新型コロナウィルスは、ものの上で3日間生き残る】思ったよりも長い。この事実を伝えるポスターをつくりました。A4サイズのPDFがダウンロードできるので、コンビニなどでプリントして、周囲の方への啓発にご利用ください。#STAYHOME #COVID19 #PANDAID
Choices made during the #COVID19 pandemic will impact recovery, peace and stability for years to come. Let's work together to build a better for future for women and girls affected by conflict and crises.
.@Taiwan_SLD acting Rep. Wu & @HassanGafadhi signed a pact for the donation of 150K #Medigen #COVID19 vaccine doses by #Taiwan to #Somaliland. The shots will save lives, advance bilateral ties & forge progress on realizing the @WHO's vision of #HealthForAll. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp
1.35 million! China State media CCTV posted unverified covid daily infection statistics in US, and forced to issued correction after facing outcry. #COVID19 #chinacovid #TheGreatTranslationMovement
Because CCP gov pretended that Huanan seafood market was the origin place of #COVID19. Without the history of market, (+) patients presenting typical symptoms & lung signs were NOT allowed to be diagnosed & treated in 🇨🇳 at that time, according to the 1st CDC guidance @BNODesk…
Hi! I'm taking part in another amazing fundraiser called #GottaStayHome for @DirectRelief 💙 THURSDAY 11am PST Streamers will play @SEGA or @sonic_hedgehog related games! I'm playing #TSR! If we get our goal @SamsProStation will SHAVE HIS HEAD live! #COVID19 #Gaming #Sonic
When meeting with Italian President Sergio Mattarella, Wang Yi noted, with #COVID19 under control, China's economic prospects are increasingly promising. China will continue to serve as a main engine for #worldeconomy and bring new opportunities for China-Italy cooperation.
Who says that Chinese people do not have the ability to invent and create? This is how you can eat with a #mask on. 第五大发明? #CCPChina, #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID
The Voice of Dr. Yan •According to CCP, It’s practical significance of infectious diseases in achieving Xi’s global dominance against 🇺🇸 • Vampires can’t walk around freely in the sunlight. Likewise, Xi-CCP regime is terrified of exposing #COVID19 origin…
"The Olympics is the last thing we should be having in the middle of the #COVID19 pandemic...The Olympics...must be stopped." -Dr. @aokima33 of Japan Women's Medical Association 医師・公益社団法人日本女医会理 HT @tkatsumi06j
Minister Wu gave a sterling #BrusselsForum performance. Highlights included global geopolitical dynamics amid #COVID19, the #TaiwanModel, a call for democracies to forcefully defend shared values, & what makes #Taiwan an ideal partner for the #EU & #US. ➡️
@CodeMonkeyZ @xerxeswatkins @tiresumcash @elonmusk My first account @LiMengYAN119 was suspended for no reason in Sep, 2020. I had 60k followers within 2 days, and got suspended within 40 hrs after I shared the link of the first Yan Report on CCP-lab-origin of #COVID19. Please recover it! 🙏🏻…
#Taiwan & the #US are ramping up #Coronavirus-fighting cooperation. @MOHW_Taiwan will share best practices & work even closer with #AIT to fast-track development of #COVID19 medicine & vaccines. Yes! Taiwan & the US can help realize @WHO's #HealthForAll.…