#Taiwan faced great pressure from #Coronavirus. But the government & people weathered the storm. As the dark #COVID19 clouds lift, the country stands ready for the new life of the post-pandemic world. We salute those responsible: the architects & implementers of the #TaiwanModel.
ヨーロッパで猛威をふるった「欧州型」がニューヨークやブラジル、アフリカ、ロシアへ。世界で感染者が増えるにつれ変異ペースが加速し17種類に。新型コロナ遺伝情報の分析です。#新型コロナ #COVID19 #緊急事態宣言 ▶️新型コロナ「欧州型」世界で猛威 半月で遺伝子変異 s.nikkei.com/2LynBWH
⚠️ CHUTE DES NAISSANCES EN🇩🇪ET EN🇨🇭 Sur les mois janvier/avril 2022, elle atteint -10 à -15% par rapport aux prévisions. Il peut y avoir d'autres explications mais cela arrive 9 mois après le début de la vaccination de masse anti #COVID19 (avril/mai 2021) swprs.org/covid-vaccines…
英国の調査によると7人に1人が #LongCovid に悩まされている。#COVID19 甘く見てはいけない病気だと思います。他人事ではありません。私は現在仕事をしていますが、体調には波があり、1年以上経過した今なおほぼ毎日微熱があります。続↓
Reconocen la transparencia en el uso de los fondos #COVID19 (a pesar de la campaña constante de la oposición diciendo los contrarió). Sigue...
What a scene! Somewhere in #CCPChina, patients can only receive infusions outside, in the cold wind, as hospitals are all full. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #ZeroCovid #CCPVirus #CCP #China #XiJingping
⚠️NOUVELLE MANŒUVRE 🇪🇺 POUR FAVORISER PFIZER ET LES INJECTIONS ARNm La Commission🇪🇺annonce au labo🇫🇷 Valneva son intention de résilier la fourniture de son vaccin inactivé à virus entier contre #COVID19, lequel n'a toujours pas reçu le feu vert de l'AEM🇪🇺. boursorama.com/bourse/actuali…
通勤時間が不要になったことなどで生産性が高まっていると判断。「ニコニコ動画」を運営するドワンゴは、新型コロナ収束後も全社員約1000人を原則、在宅勤務とする方針です。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 #緊急事態宣言 s.nikkei.com/35Z9e7l
Prof. Luc Montagnier is a hero who advocated the CCP’s lab-origin of #COVID19 from the beginning of the pandemic! R. I. P. 🙏🏻 #UnrestrictedBioweapon twitter.com/france_soir_en…
When I pointed out publicly that CCP manipulated compromised scientists in WHO,NIH & other authorities to promote nature-origin of #COVID19 theory & mislead the world, there were numerous attacks against me. Conspiracy? NO! It is the FACT! Verified again👊🏻 nypost.com/2022/05/11/nih…
🗽 Watch me flesh out the finer details of #Taiwan's digital democracy with @dbiello of @TEDTalks. ♻️ Learn more about the #TaiwanModel & its many moving parts. 🇹🇼 Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp build inclusive, resilient & sustainable societies after #COVID19. go.ted.com/audreytang
On International Nurses Day, we salute our #HealthHeroes fighting on the front line in the battle against #COVID19.
After what #Beijing has done to #Xinjiang, #Tibet & #HongKong, no sane person would believe it could take care of #Taiwan's health needs or otherwise. Think about #COVID19 & African swine fever. Thank God we aren’t under #China's control! Please help us keep it at a distance. JW twitter.com/MOFA_Taiwan/st…
Dr. Fauci lied. DAPRA didn’t funded Gain-of-Function in 🇨🇳. Fauci must tell what he knew about coronavirus work NIH funded in WIV via EcoHealth 👉🏻Q: What else CCP has done using NIH 💰 in GOF? What happened to #COVID19? It’s from 🇨🇳 labs, is it weaponized? youtu.be/_zgoENmeddA
塩野義製薬が新型コロナの軽症者など向けの飲み薬タイプの新薬候補について治験を開始。2021年内に国内100万人分の生産体制に。開発中のワクチンも22年3月末までの実用化を目指します。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/3zmePTe
@elonmusk Wow! Why did Porf. Kristian Andersen @K_G_Andersen outburst on Elon Musk? As a US expert who promotes nature-origin of #COVID19 since Feb 2020, Andersen has got $millions of grants from Dr. Fauci during the pandemic. He also lied to media to smear me and my lab-origin evidence!
Ante el #coronavirus, sé un gato, aléjate de la gente, lávate las patitas y juzga lo que te digan 🧐🐱😂 #CuarentenaNacional #COVID19
In my article to @VanguardAfrica, I call for more solidarity & collaboration as we face the #COVID19 pandemic. I also call for alertness- repressive regimes should not take advantage of this crisis to increase violence against citizens and abuse rights. vanguardafrica.com/africawatch/20…
Trigger warning: suicide WHOEVER SAYS #CHINA'S ZERO #COVID19 POLICY IS GOOD, PLEASE WATCH THIS. In a "socialist" lockdown, people who need help are forgotten about. No social safety net. CCP doesn't care if they live or die. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
王子HDがマスクと、医療用ガウン向け不織布の生産を始めます。新型コロナによる不足に対応し、それぞれグループ会社の香川、愛知の工場を活用。初の完全自社生産となるマスクは月200万枚を手掛けます。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 #緊急事態宣言 s.nikkei.com/2Sm4FP1
まだ #コロナ は終息していません😷 日本全国のみなさん😷 世界中のみなさん😷 少しコロナウイルスが落ち着いたからといって 安心しないでください🍀 コロナウイルスはインフルエンザと違い怖いウィルスです みなさんどうか まだまだ警戒を強め! 自衛に努めてください❤️ #COVID19
2020/4/16 #武漢肺炎 #2019nCoV #嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎 #COVID19 #TaiwanCDC 中央流行疫情指揮中心表示,國內今(16)日無新增確診病例,目前國內維持395例診,分別為340例境外移入及55例本土病例。確診個案中6人死亡,155人解除隔離,其餘持續住院隔離中。
Minister Wu & @adamboultonSKY talked through the tough #Coronavirus issues. #Taiwan must be allowed to meaningfully participate in the @WHO & make available to other countries its know-how in managing the #COVID19 pandemic. Many thanks @SkyNews for the interview. #TweetForTaiwan twitter.com/JakubSzweda/st…
🇨🇦MORT BRUTALE À 35 ANS A.Exton était Dir.Relations Parlement à Santé Canada. Il a eu un rôle-clé pour pousser les Canadiens à se faire injecter toutes les doses ARNm contre #COVID19. Il vient soudain de mourir à 35 ans. La cause du décès n'est pas révélée. Les rumeurs circulent twitter.com/DiedSuddenly_/…
#Taiwan has shown @TIME & time again it's an #IslandOfResilience. The #COVID19 pandemic highlights the country's ability to tackle adversity for the greater good. Read @iingwen's thoughts about Taiwan's #AllHandsOnDeck approach to combating #Coronavirus & realizing #HealthForAll. twitter.com/TIME/status/12…