VP Chen refuses to shy away from the truth in the @nytimes. #Taiwan is a “good global citizen,” but has been “left as an orphan” because of #China. The reality is "no country can fight #COVID19 alone,” & #TaiwanCanHelp. @WHO can isolate Taiwan? No one! nytimes.com/2020/04/22/wor…
The global pandemic is not yet over, so please stay vigilant, wear a mask, & do all you can to protect yourself & those around you. Let’s make #2021 the year we truly put an end to #COVID19.
#Japan's🇯🇵 4th donation of #COVID19 vaccine doses for #Taiwan🇹🇼 is safe & sound & on the ground at @taoyuanairport. The government & people are deeply grateful for this generous gesture from a #RealFriend reflecting the strength of ties & the close affinity between our people.
マイナンバーカード情報をスマホに搭載し、行政手続きや民間サービスの本人確認を生体認証でできる仕組みを検討。10万円給付で混乱したのを受け、政府がシステム改善に取り組みます。#新型コロナ #COVID19
▶️マイナカード情報、スマホ搭載 生体認証で本人確認
11/ Read the full text of my speech here: gov.uk/government/spe… #COVID19
Watch @Surangeljr urge #Taiwan's🇹🇼 @UN🇺🇳 system participation at #UNGA. We thank the president for his friendship & recognition of the country's contribution to strengthening #Palau's🇵🇼 #COVID19 response. #TaiwanCanHelp realize the #SDGs & spur global action on shared challenges!
Minister Wu was pleased to join @guywittich in celebrating #KingsDay, or #Woningsdag2020 as it's also known given the #COVID19 pandemic. We truly appreciate the @NTIO_Taiwan head's gift of a beautiful tulip in recognition of #Taiwan helping the #Netherlands combat #Coronavirus.
At 2pm EAT, join us for a Pan-African Digital Assembly on the #DontGoViral Campaign & other efforts taken to combat #COVID19. We're hosted by @mchakchouk, Asst Director General, @UNESCO
#COVID19 is a tough teacher.🧑🏫
1 hard lesson is resilience tops efficiency in the face of systematic risks.💪
Participate in the 4ᵗʰ Presidential Hackathon & help chart a course for #SDGs: Climate Action & Resilient Islands.🏝
🥶5e DOSE
La vice-présidente🇺🇸, qui a déjà subi 4 injections ARNm #COVID19, vient d'être testée positive !
Va-t-elle se faire piquer une 5e fois ?
La "pfizerisation" est manifestement de plus en plus inefficace alors que ses effets secondaires nocifs apparaissent de plus en plus. twitter.com/DrEliDavid/sta…
#Taiwan’s efforts to help the international community fight #COVID19 has been seen around the globe. We will not accept the accusations made by @DrTedros on 4/8. Taiwan will continue to prove that we are vital members of the international community through actions. #TaiwanCanHelp
US Senator Mitch McConnell, allegedly implicated with the Russian mob, has been blocking #COVID19 relief legislation for over 160+ days while rushing to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court 9 days before the US election. twitter.com/senatemajldr/s…
Great gesture from @PuneethRajkumar 🙏 in donating 50 Lakhs to @CMofKarnataka to fight against #COVID19
Let's all fight it together!
@BSYBJP @drashwathcn #StayHomeStaySafe t.co/k0VWnwyaIB
De + en + d’études scientifiques révèlent une hausse
-de l'inefficacité
-des effets nocifs
-des décès
lorsque le nombre d'injections ARNm #COVID19 augmente.
Pourquoi Macron et Véran veulent-ils toujours plus de rappels vaccinaux ? infodujour.fr/sciences/57831…
We're enormously proud of @iingwen for winning the John McCain Prize for Leadership in Public Service. Recognition of her efforts to #DefendDemocracy & human rights, combat #COVID19 & safeguard the country's sovereignty is a celebration of #Taiwan🇹🇼 & its freedom-loving people. twitter.com/HFXforum/statu…
Israelis come together to fight #COVID19: Jews, Druze, Muslims, and Christians.
Israeli Air Force & @usairforce F-35 fighter jets completed the "Enduring Lightning 2" exercise over Israel yesterday.
Following #COVID19 protocols, we trained to maintain aerial superiority & readiness in the region together.
The 🇮🇱🇺🇸 alliance is closer & stronger than ever.
Watch Minister Wu’s enlightening interview with @MariaBartiromo via @MorningsMaria on @FoxBusiness. Learn more about #Taiwan’s #AllHandsOnDeck approach to combating #Coronavirus led by @MOHW_Taiwan & @Taiwan_CDC. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp manage #COVID19 & realize @WHO’s #HealthForAll.
#スペイン 老人施設でファイザー製ワクチン投与の全員が感染 死者も
スペインの老人ホームでファイザー社のワクチンの第1回の接種を受けた78人全員が #COVID19 に感染し、7人が死亡、4人が入院した。
Unit 81 is one of the IDF's most highly classified units. They use technology in ways you couldn't imagine to protect Israel. Although we have never tweeted about their work, their most recent mission to battle #COVID19 has been cleared for release. Today, we can say:
Israel's extreme racism & apartheid rule has Gaza’s health system in near collapse from #COVID19; 100 ventilators for 2 million people. Gaza will soon be “unable to care for critical cases,” say doctors.
Israel crippled hospitals with blockades, powercuts, & systematic abuses.