Chinese netizens descend upon #CostaRica embassy in Shanghai. When they suffer under harsh #COVID lockdown rules, they don't complain to the gov, they complain about non-citizens whom they see as privileged. Crabs in a bucket mentality. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep20 • CCP officials told the media that #COVID death toll in 🇨🇳 doesn’t matter. Yes, they really don’t care about it as long as Human Mine is available to sustain the regime • CCP’s Recognition war is applied in the origin of COVID…
To note, all the data related to #COVID are controlled by National Health Committee, which was established in 2018 as tongue of CCP-Xi regime in medical field. If the data don’t fit CCP’s political purposes, the project will be suspended. It’s part of the unrestricted tactics.
🗣️🗣️病理博士Dr.Ryan Cole🗣️🗣️ 🔥 🔥 接种“新冠疫苗”后,患癌人数增加了二十倍!!🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 接种“新冠疫苗”后,患癌人数增加了二十倍!!🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 接种“新冠疫苗”后,患癌人数增加了二十倍!!🔥 🔥 #MilesGuo #爆料革命 #HongKong #滅共 #中共病毒 #CCP #COVID #中共毒疫苗 #疫苗災難 #新冠病毒
Does this look like the Sheepdog leading a flock of docile sheep? #CCPChina #AmazingChina #CCP #COVID #COVID19
04/30/2023 川普接受福克斯采访:我可能是第一个说新冠病毒来自武汉实验室的人。 通过卫星照片和其他东西,可以看到武汉实验室周围到处都是裹尸袋。有人说我向中共国收取了那么多的关税和税收,所以他们这样做是为了把我赶出白宫。 #MilesGuo #爆料革命 #中共病毒 #CCP #COVID #中共毒疫苗 #疫苗災難
At Shi Qiaopu Funeral Home in #Chongqing City (重庆石桥铺), bodies are "overflowed" into the parking lot... #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #ZeroCovid #CCPVirus #CCP #China #CCPChina
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep19 •The #COVID tsunami continues to ravage 🇨🇳 •Human Mine first appeared in the official newspaper of CCP,“People’s Daily,” in 1984, in which Chinese citizens were described as resources like mine for the development of the regime.…
Such Award will be proven as a pathetic joke, as all the propaganda & lies, e.g. nature-origin or US-origin, in the #COVID pandemic. There will be a justice tribunal finally, NOT ONLY to Xi Jinping & CCP, BUT ALSO to the compromised scientists & campaigns! #UnrestrictedBioweapon…
Once upon a time, Chinese people felt so insulted for being called “sick man of #Asia”. But now… did they earn this title again? #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #CCP #China #CCPChina #ChinaCovidNews
Foxconn workers in Zhengzhou City, Henan province , #CCPCHINA escaping. There was a shortage of food inside the Foxconn factory after the #COVID outbreak and lockdown. only by escaping can they survive. #AmazingChina
Greetings to all on the auspicious occasion of the original, authentic, biggest #RathaJatra in Puri, Odisha. Because of #COVID restrictions, devotees can't pull the rath, but watch it on TV/online May Mahaprabhu Jagannath bless everyone with good health, happiness & prosperity🙏
No words! This story should go down in history books. 這是一個必須載入史冊的故事,所以我把它翻譯出來,留給後人。人被逼得吃屎,這是怎樣天崩地裂的悲慘故事! #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #CCPChina #Shanghai #中共病毒
A silent protest from #CCPChina during the #COVID #lockdown: My fridge is empty. #中共病毒 无声的抗议
When everyone believed Xi JinPing’s words in early 2020, the #COVID pandemic came to you. Trust Xi again? 🙉 #StrategicDeception…
However there are still numerous active bots and cyber army from CCP on Twitter @elonmusk! If you search my name, there are lots of fake accounts. Meanwhile, they post propaganda to cover up #COVID origin and act as part of CCP’s unrestricted war against 🇺🇸. Please stop them! 🙏🏻…
が出来る事でホッとしています ずっと持続感染してるのだから、身体でまだまだ悪さしてます 水痘ウィルスの様に、住み続けているのだから 皆さん罹らないで😞 #LongCovid #COVID
May 7, at Zhuanqiao in #Shanghai (#上海 颛桥), #COVID19 prisoners storm out of their prison. 5月7日晚,上海颛桥,#中共國 的「防疫囚徒」們反抗越獄了。 #COVID #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #CCPChina #中共病毒
#コロナに負けるな の想いは、 #ステイホームウィーク 中の自衛官の家族も同じです。 営内の若い隊員の為にと、自衛官の奥様が手作りマスクを寄付してくれました。 受け取った隊員達は、 #COVID-19 との戦いに決意を新たにしました。 #京都 #福知山
7月11日土曜午後4時からフジTVで「コロナ重症病棟 医師たちの闘い」で当院集中治療部若手医師の奮闘の様子が放映されます。…… #COVID #ICU
With 800,000+ lives lost to #COVID by far and 120+ deaths from #GunViolence per day, how does the #US lead by example and renew #democracy?
The Great Escape of #Foxconn workers. #Zhengzhou, Henan province, CCPChina Are you still waiting to get your #iPhone 14? You might have to wait longer! #CCP #CCPVirus #COVID #COVID19 #AmazingChina #China
The great escape in #Shanghai. How wonderful is #CCPChina! #上海 人的逃亡。#中共國 就是個大監獄。越獄越來越難了。最近出國也不容易了。 #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #中共病毒