Dr.Fauci’s friend Robert Gallo claims to find out origin of #COVID is useless for public health. It reminds me an event recently:The chained lady was kidnapped, raped, sold& abused by bastards for 20+yrs, but CCP gov stopped the investigation to protect human trafficking business
It’s my honor to visit the respectful Doctor Bob - Founder of Cognex, Robert J. Shillman - and had a very serious conversation in his studio. After over 2 yrs of pandemic, CCP’s military-origin of #COVID seems still “too sensitive” for media like @YouTube. rumble.com/vvl3tu-ep-12-c…
I will be with Benny @bennyjohnson at 9pm EST tonight on @TheBennyReport. Please join us for the updates of #COVID, #WinterOlympics and CCP’s unrestricted bioweapon program.
🇨🇭LA SUISSE À SON TOUR... Le certificat #COVID n'y est plus obligatoire nulle part. Le masque reste obligatoire dans les seuls transports et hôpitaux jusqu’au 31/03. La recommandation de télétravail est abrogée. Il n’y a plus de restriction d’entrée en🇨🇭. lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/la-…
Before upcoming report of #COVID origin by @WHO, it appears scientists in misinformation campaign with CCP got more active. Since they promote so-called natural bat viruses “close to SARS2”, maybe it’s the time for Yan Research to reveal them again, right? scientificamerican.com/article/the-la…
@MalcolmOutLoud: Is it helpful to quarantine 🇺🇸 athletes since CCP would release new Unrestricted Bioweapon in ❄️Olympic? Me: Must well-prepared, esp.anti-viral hemorrhagic fever. But CCP would infect other participants, then spread it 🌎.As how #COVID came to 🇺🇸 via 🇨🇳-Italy way twitter.com/MalcolmOutLoud…
@MalcolmOutLoud: Once CCP released new Unrestricted Bioweapon to 🇺🇸 athletes in Winter Olympic, is quarantine helpful? Me: Must well-prepared(esp. anti-viral hemorrhagic fever). But CCP could infect other participants, then spread it 🌍, as how #COVID got 🇺🇸 via 🇨🇳-Italy pathway twitter.com/MalcolmOutLoud…
Two years since #COVID pandemic happened... Was @WHO allowed to examine CCP’s labs or meet any REAL patient independently? Did WHO admit the cover-up with CCP regime, then caused the worldwide disaster? Will WHO admit lab-origin of #SARSCoV2? Is WHO responsible for public health? twitter.com/mvankerkhove/s…
🤬L'histoire retiendra que Macron, Castex et Véran ont forcé les personnes guéries #COVID à se faire injecter INUTILEMENT de l'ARNm Pfizer 4 mois après leur guérison, sous peine de ségrégation sociale. Tôt ou tard,ils devront rendre des comptes aux victimes des effets secondaires
Besides Dr. Fauci & Peter Daszak in EcoHealth, there are more comprised scientists like Dr. Gigi Gronvall @ggronvall in John Hopkins U helped CCP’s misinformation campaign. Gigi’s efforts in nature-origin of #COVID misled American investigators a lot! Should she be investigated?
I’m always asked about CCP’s “zero #COVID” data. My reply: -Never trust CCP’s data -When CCP required “zero”, no official dare to report (+) -Once outbreaks can’t be covered up, CCP always insisted the 1st case was “imported”. They blamed from people to cold chain supply to mails twitter.com/disclosetv/sta…
Strongly agree with @JamieMetzl! CCP planed for decades to divide 🇺🇸. #COVID & related issues - including mandates - caused chaos for over 2 years. It cannot be solved until a bipartisan collaboration focusing on truth of CCP’s military-origin of SARS2 & misinformation campaign! twitter.com/JamieMetzl/sta…
With Aga Wilson on NewsVoice.se - I & Omar Khan discuss #COVID situation in Asia + the CCP military lab-origin of SARS-CoV-2 & CCP’s unrestricted bioweapon strategies, including scientific misinformation campaign. Links: newsvoice.se/2022/01/dr-yan… youtu.be/Jb029vSnnsM
R u worried about “Ebola-or Marburg- like virus” in 🇨🇳? See the Gain-of-Function work rejected by DARPA: @PeterDaszak clearly stated GOF on coronavirus will be applied to other high-lethal viruses (Hendra, Nipah, Ebola, Marburg...)‼️ #COVID is real. What else CCP would release? twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
4. Winter Olympic is coming. CCP controls all the information. • Is the pathogen from nature or weaponized? • Whether such pathogen(s) from 🇨🇳 will spread worldwide like #COVID? • Will it cause a pandemic again? It requires a full investigation. People must know the truth!
#CTM Live now @JohnBWellsCTM with Col @LawrenceSellin on 🇨🇳 bioweapon program: #COVID origin, structure of CCP’s bio-warfare program and massive infiltration of 🇺🇸 virus labs! youtu.be/YzIRywWbSTQ twitter.com/JohnBWellsCTM/…
For whom suffering from #COVID-19 pandemic - EVERYONE DESERVES THE TRUTH! With millions of views+downloads, Yan Reports published on Zenodo explained it - By whom? How? Why? Welcome open debates on its CCP military lab-origin! #UnrestrictedBioweapon #StopScientificMisinformation twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
With 800,000+ lives lost to #COVID by far and 120+ deaths from #GunViolence per day, how does the #US lead by example and renew #democracy?
With taxpayers' money, #US lawmakers ignore the 800,000+ lives lost to #COVID, the groans of people like George Floyd and the broken families due to #gunviolence. Instead, they have raised 300+ bills in 2021 targeting #China based on lies and political prejudice.
LINE FRIENDS Offline Store Oct Event 백신 맞고 건강한 일상으로 하루 빨리 돌아가길 #LINEFRIENDS 가 응원합니다. #COVID #백신 1차 이상 접종자 10%할인 ~10/31까지 BT21 제품 구매하고 #Chimmy 와 폴라로이드 사진 찍자!! #강남 #홍대 10/9~10/13 일선착순 30명
Greetings to all on the auspicious occasion of the original, authentic, biggest #RathaJatra in Puri, Odisha. Because of #COVID restrictions, devotees can't pull the rath, but watch it on TV/online May Mahaprabhu Jagannath bless everyone with good health, happiness & prosperity🙏
This weekend, I set what I thought was an ambitious goal: raise $25k to help @VibhaOfficial provide oxygen & PPE to #COVID patients in India. #GISH players blew it out of the water, raising $75k+ to help 1,500 families & their communities! THANK YOU. bit.ly/GISHIndia
#COVID-19ワクチンを受けていいでしょうか? 私が主治医をしていた 肝臓移植後の方の質問への返信メールです (プライベート部分はカットしています) ハイリスク持病をお持ちの方はもちろん 一般の方へも参考になるかもしれません
A lot of you have been asking me to recap this past year, but due to #COVID-related restrictions, my "2020: Year in Review" release date has been pushed back to 2022. #HappyNewYearsEve
More Americans died of #COVID today than died in 9/11. Five of the 10 deadliest days in US history happened THIS WEEK. The virus is real. Please stay home. Please wear a mask. Please help save lives. Please. Please. Please. washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/12…