Warning! This video will break your heart. Somewhere in #CCPChina, at a #Children's #COVID19 #quarantine camp, a girl asks mom: Why isn't dinner here yet? I am hungry...A lot of others just screaming... #COVID #CCPVirus
#AmazingChina. Panic buying in #Chengdu City, #SICHUAN Province after the #CCP announced a 4-day #COVID19 #COVID #lockdown.
In #Shanghai, #CCPChina, kids are turned into a QR code and given #COVID19 #COVID #ccpvirus test...
Warning! Difficult to watch! I can't imagine how children in #CCPChina can endure this! (I definitely can't even stand just watching it!) How lucky if your children don't have to suffer this! #COVID #COVID19 #CCPvirus
In #CCPChina, if you dare to go out farming during the #COVID #lockdown #COVID19 #CCPvirus (By the way, the music is epic. Don't know which genius added it).
A village head in #CCPChina promises to bury you alive if you are found to have #COVID #COVID19 #CCPvirus.
Dr @quay_dr testified in the Senate: #COVID 🦠 has signature of gain-of-function research, with features of 2 types of forbidden gain-of-function research that are associated with BIOWEAPONS development, asymptomatic transmission & immune system evasion. - Verified AGAIN! ✌🏻
From the #CapitolRiots , the death of #GeorgeFloyd, the Robb Elementary School shooting, and America’s over 1 million #COVID deaths, we see the hypocrisy and cold-bloodedness of the kind of democracy Pelosi referred to.
A video of an audio statement titled: The Death of the King and Princes is a Major Sign .. Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 23- Dhu’l Hijjah- 1443 AH 22- July - 2022 AD youtu.be/JNHQrxhPam8 #TheDeathOfKingAndPrinces #COVID #COVID19 #SaudiArabia #jeddah
mRNAワクチン注射すると、すべての臓器が操作される #ワクチン #遺伝子 #COVID #ウイルス #脂質ナノ粒子 🌟もっと最新情報を知りたい場合は以下のリンクGettrにてご覧ください! gettr.com/user/himalayaj…
What damage would be caused if Marburg outbreak happens during #COVID pandemic? In 2021, Guinea is the 1st country with MVD outbreak in west Africa. “Since MVD at an early stage has similar clinical presentations with COVID19, it might worsen the problem.” ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… twitter.com/WHOAFRO/status…
Col. Sellin: Institute of Pathogen Biology in Beijing is part of 🇨🇳Military - e.g. Yuxian He is a PLA’s collaborator, who was trained in 🇺🇸& funded by Fauci’s NIAID. He was a key member of 🇨🇳military scientists deeply involved into creation of #COVID-19 🦠 thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/exclus…
More info of #COVID 💉: “Due to the low number of severe events observed, our estimates of effectiveness against severe COVID-19 (in 5–11-year-olds) have poor precision…Effectiveness against infection appears to decline after completion of primary cycle.” thelancet.com/journals/lance… twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
Hong Kong pro-CCP official Ho Chun-Yin is confirmed as COVID-19 (+) two days after having photos with Xi JinPing. ‼️Based on our exclusive intelligence @lude_media, Xi JinPing didn’t receive any #COVID vax - Xi knew 🦠 was weaponized, and didn’t trust 💉! timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/ho…
In #Shanghai, people are showing mid fingers to the police, while shouting "Freedom, equality, democracy, rule of law" when the police arrest a young man for protesting against the #lockdown #上海 人受夠了,喊出「自由平等民主法治」口號,還向警察比中指。#COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus
Digital control at a subway station in #Shanghai. Everyone has to scan your #HealthCode to get in, and your code must be green. You are not watching a science fiction movie. #上海, 掃碼進地鐵,美麗的新世界。 #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #CCPChina #中共病毒
Some in the US are concerned about human rights under China's proactive #COVID response strategy. Wonder if they consider over 1 million American lives cut short a serious human rights issue?
At Nongguang Dongli in #Beijing. Are they killing the #virus, or polluting the environment? #北京 农光东里,消杀还是破坏环境? #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #CCPChina #中共病毒
#ZeroCovid at a new level: After they take people away from their homes, #BigWhites now are also breaking into people's homes and zeroing out their properties. #大白 #清零 新阶段:你家的东西也得给你清零了。 #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #CCPChina #中共病毒
“You've violated a state of emergency order issued by the government," farmer told this when being taken away. Farmers are not allowed to farm during #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown. #CCP #CCPChina 农民种地也要被抓走,开天辟地头一回? “违反了国家紧急状态命令” #中共病毒
The great escape in #Shanghai. How wonderful is #CCPChina! #上海 人的逃亡。#中共國 就是個大監獄。越獄越來越難了。最近出國也不容易了。 #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #中共病毒
May 7, at Zhuanqiao in #Shanghai (#上海 颛桥), #COVID19 prisoners storm out of their prison. 5月7日晚,上海颛桥,#中共國 的「防疫囚徒」們反抗越獄了。 #COVID #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #CCPChina #中共病毒
A top horror movie for the future human beings. 留给未来人的恐怖电影。 #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #CCPChina #中共病毒