新型コロナ、日本では何故重症者が少ないか。今後の対応はどうあるべきか。帰納法的・科学的に考えて、この記事に書かれた仮説は正しいと、私は考えている。 #COVID toyokeizai.net/articles/-/363…
Greetings to all on the auspicious occasion of the original, authentic, biggest #RathaJatra in Puri, Odisha. Because of #COVID restrictions, devotees can't pull the rath, but watch it on TV/online May Mahaprabhu Jagannath bless everyone with good health, happiness & prosperity🙏
Hi, Musk @elonmusk Please check how CCP infiltrated in Twitter! The truth of #COVID origin is censored! Why my 1st account @LiMengYAN119 was suspended soon after I published the lab-origin report? Why is my current account still shadow-banned? Why so many CCP’s cyber army here?
For whom suffering from #COVID-19 pandemic - EVERYONE DESERVES THE TRUTH! With millions of views+downloads, Yan Reports published on Zenodo explained it - By whom? How? Why? Welcome open debates on its CCP military lab-origin! #UnrestrictedBioweapon #StopScientificMisinformation twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
Some in the US are concerned about human rights under China's proactive #COVID response strategy. Wonder if they consider over 1 million American lives cut short a serious human rights issue?
新型コロナの臨床経過について自験例を独断と偏見で5つに分類してみました(異論は認めます)。 ホテル療養している人が途中から発熱してきたら入院に変わりますが,最初からホテル療養の人で入院に変わる人はそれほど多くない印象なので,2)は結構多いだろうと推測しています。 #COVID-19
What a scene! Somewhere in #CCPChina, patients can only receive infusions outside, in the cold wind, as hospitals are all full. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #ZeroCovid #CCPVirus #CCP #China #XiJingping
Dr.Fauci’s friend Robert Gallo claims to find out origin of #COVID is useless for public health. It reminds me an event recently:The chained lady was kidnapped, raped, sold& abused by bastards for 20+yrs, but CCP gov stopped the investigation to protect human trafficking business
It’s my honor to receive such warm welcome from Devin Nunes, CEO of Truth Social! For 2-yr journey of telling truth of #COVID, it’s one of my biggest struggles to fight against censorship/suppression. Finally we have a new platform TRUTH SOCIAL to embrace the freedom of speech❤️
Dr @quay_dr testified in the Senate: #COVID 🦠 has signature of gain-of-function research, with features of 2 types of forbidden gain-of-function research that are associated with BIOWEAPONS development, asymptomatic transmission & immune system evasion. - Verified AGAIN! ✌🏻
#COVID seems to be racially discriminatory in the #US. Mortality rate among the white has been much lower than that among American Indians, although average Indian patients were younger.
🤬L'histoire retiendra que Macron, Castex et Véran ont forcé les personnes guéries #COVID à se faire injecter INUTILEMENT de l'ARNm Pfizer 4 mois après leur guérison, sous peine de ségrégation sociale. Tôt ou tard,ils devront rendre des comptes aux victimes des effets secondaires
#AmazingChina. After arriving at the #Earthquake site in #Sichuan Province, #CCPChina, the first thing the rescuers did was NOT to rescue survivors but to line up for #COVID19 testing... #COVID #CCPvirus
In #Wuhan today. People broke the #Quarantine line and tore down the quarantine camps. #CCP#CCPChina #COVID19 #CCPVIRUS #COVID #AmazingChina twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@elonmusk Hi, Musk @elonmusk Please check how CCP infiltrated in Twitter! The truth of #COVID origin is censored! Why my 1st account @LiMengYAN119 was suspended soon after I published the lab-origin report? Why is my current account still shadow-banned? Why so many CCP’s cyber army here?
Besides Dr. Fauci & Peter Daszak in EcoHealth, there are more comprised scientists like Dr. Gigi Gronvall @ggronvall in John Hopkins U helped CCP’s misinformation campaign. Gigi’s efforts in nature-origin of #COVID misled American investigators a lot! Should she be investigated?
#コロナに負けるな の想いは、 #ステイホームウィーク 中の自衛官の家族も同じです。 営内の若い隊員の為にと、自衛官の奥様が手作りマスクを寄付してくれました。 受け取った隊員達は、 #COVID-19 との戦いに決意を新たにしました。 #京都 #福知山
4. Winter Olympic is coming. CCP controls all the information. • Is the pathogen from nature or weaponized? • Whether such pathogen(s) from 🇨🇳 will spread worldwide like #COVID? • Will it cause a pandemic again? It requires a full investigation. People must know the truth!
In 2013 @LiuZhongjing was ridiculed for suggesting that people would try to get AIDS to avoid being organ harvested in the future. Now under Shanghai #COVID lockdown, parents are trying to get tested positive themselves in order to be with their kids #TheGreatTranslationMovement
Before upcoming report of #COVID origin by @WHO, it appears scientists in misinformation campaign with CCP got more active. Since they promote so-called natural bat viruses “close to SARS2”, maybe it’s the time for Yan Research to reveal them again, right? scientificamerican.com/article/the-la…
We appreciate the great job by Senator Burr @SenatorBurr 👍 The latest report of Origin of #COVID concludes that “SARS-CoV-2, which resulted in the pandemic was most likely the result of a research-related incident”. It’s NOT an accident! Evidence we have could help to prove it!
CCP demanded some #COVID quarantine camps to be changed into crematoriums ASAP! Meanwhile, China CDC claims just 3 COVID death on 2nd Jan. Why does CCP cheat again on 🦠? Is there any new omicron-like variants with immune escape circulating in 🇨🇳? What’s PLA’s role this time?
With 800,000+ lives lost to #COVID by far and 120+ deaths from #GunViolence per day, how does the #US lead by example and renew #democracy?
【超拡散希望】 すぐに削除されてしまうので、 ⚠️絶対に観ないでくださいw⚠️ コロナの核心💡 #Q #WWG1WGA #WakUpJapan #QAJF #COVIDIOTS #COVID #RiseUp #コロナ #詐欺 #立ち上がれ