As we head to #COP27, let us celebrate women's contributions in building a better world through their leadership in 🌱conservation 🌱agriculture 🌱renewable energy 🌱#ClimateAction As agents of change, they must equally be part of the solution towards a sustainable future.
Vice Minister & former Department of African Affairs DG Amb Koji YONETANI & current Principal Fellow in #IGES paid curtesy visit to our Embassy. We exchanged ideas & opinions on #TICAD8 symbiosis of nature, peace and climate #COP27 #Eritrea #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
We stand in solidarity with prisoners of conscience in Egypt & joined @copcivicspace petition urging Egypt to open civic space and release everyone arbitrarily detained ahead of #COP27 Sign the petition urging @AlsisiOfficial @COP27P to #FreeThemAll copcivicspace.net/petition/
We need a loss and damage finance facility. We need climate justice. We need action. Time is running out, which is why decision makers need to step up at #COP27 #GenerateAction@CYPavilion
Nuclear energy has a place at the #COP27 table — the world needs #Atoms4Climate.
Friends 🤝 Partners 🌍 Allies 🇬🇧🇫🇷 Great to meet with @EmmanuelMacron today at #COP27.
📢#国際報道2022#COPウィーク!特集を放送🔊/ きのうの放送はこちらから👇 plus.nhk.jp/watch/st/g1_20… 11/9(水)・11/11(金)の放送でも COPについて取り上げる予定💨 今月6日に開幕した #COP27 地球が抱えている課題について 向き合っていきます⚡ #未来へ17
سببُ غيابِ صَوتِ وصورةِ محمد بن سلمان عن اجتماع زُعماءِ العالم في قِمّة المُناخ في شَرم الشَّيخ .. الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ 14 - ربيع الثاني - 1444 هـ 08 - 11 - 2022 مـ 09:50 صباحًا mahdialumma.org/showthread.php… #SkirmishWar #قمر_الليله #كأس_العالم_قطر_2022 #قمة_المناخ #COP27
There is no climate justice without social justice and human rights. 4/4 Read more here: copcivicspace.net/petition/ #FreeAlaa #FreeThemAll #COP27 #ClimateJustice
Learn about climate change activist @vanessa_vash's work and why it's so important to make space for the voices of women of African descent in #ClimateAction: unwo.men/1VEL50LwZYG #COP27
Le Covid de la mort qui ne rate pas est arrivé... Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 08 Rajab - 1443e 09 - 02 - 2022 youtu.be/dz_hv_wdY50 French Macron COVID19 Algériens Donald Trump Florida #COP27 #France
I'm here at #COP27 because we need #ClimateAction and nuclear is part of the solution towards a decarbonized energy mix. #Atoms4Climate
Des Miracles Extraordinaires de la Vierge Marie.. Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 30 - Dho Al-Qiïda - 1443e 29 - 06 - 2022 youtu.be/juRTEzbWTdE France French Paris Macron COVID19 Algériens Donald Trump Florida Sénat Sénégal Général de Gaulle #GreenCollarWorkforce #COP27
The proof of sending the Imam Mahdi from the clear verses of the Glorious Qur'an Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani AD 27 - 08 - 2010 youtu.be/p3i1n3wH9F0 cryptocrash ClimateScam ClimateAction Selamat Hari Pahlawan Twitter Blue COVID19 Donald Trump Florida USA #Meta #COP27
”Global Witness found more than 600 people at the talks in Egypt are linked to fossil fuels. That's more than the combined delegations from the 10 most climate-impacted countries.” "If you want to address malaria, you don't invite the mosquitoes” #COP27 bbc.com/news/science-e…
This is a crucial moment to challenge cynicism on Net Zero. Time to help the world to power past hydrocarbons with new technology and green jobs #COP27
เตรียมพบกับการ์ตูนของผมและน้องไข่ต้ม นำเสนอปัญหาของไทยในการไปถึง #NetZero ให้เข้าใจง่ายที่สุด หวังว่าทุกท่านจะตระหนักและร่วมกันผลักดันให้รัฐบาลจริงจังกับปัญหานี้ ให้เราทุกคนสามารถพูดได้ว่า “มื้อที่สุขที่สุด คือมื้อที่เราทุกคนพ้นภัย Climate Change” ครับ #COP27 #ก้าวไกล
سببُ غيابِ صَوتِ وصورةِ محمد بن سلمان عن اجتماع زُعماءِ العالم في قِمّة المُناخ في شَرم الشَّيخ .. الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني 08 - 11 - 2022 مـ youtu.be/ZxKojLgBwcU World Cup #COP27 #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #الملك_سلمان_بن_عبدالعزيز #محمد_بن_راشد #السعودية_بنما #المغرب twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
2️⃣ سببُ غيابِ صَوتِ وصورةِ محمد بن سلمان عن اجتماع زُعماءِ العالم في قِمّة المُناخ في شَرم الشَّيخ .. الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني 08 - 11 - 2022 مـ fb.watch/gJ2vuazluG/ World Cup #COP27 #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #الملك_سلمان_بن_عبدالعزيز #الخميس_الونيس #السعودية_بنما twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
We cannot tackle climate change unless we save the great forests of the world and the natural splendours they contain. My piece with @IvanDuque bit.ly/3EqPPig #COP27 twitter.com/Independent/st…
"If we do not make a purposeful attempt to create green jobs & blue jobs and empower women, we will never be able to address climate change." @anita_bhatia1 at #COP27 side event on #ClimateChange in the Arab States and women's employment.
Women & girls are doubly affected by climate change - by the crisis itself & by its lasting impact: ⛔ Loss of livelihoods and natural & productive resources ⛔ Increase in gender-based violence ⛔ Increase in unpaid care & domestic work ⛔ Threats to access to health care #COP27
• Lula fez exames de rotina e está pronto para sua primeira missão internacional como Presidente Eleito, #COP27 no Egito. 🇪🇬 🌎 O planeta espera um governo brasileiro defensor do meio ambiente, da Amazônia. Esse é o compromisso de Lula com as próximas gerações.
📍#WildAidxWangYibo 221113 人民网 weibo ในงานแถลงข่าวการประชุมสหประชาชาติว่าด้วยการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ หรือ #COP27 ในวันที่ 12 คุณ Matt Grager ผอ.โครงการ Climate Change ของ #WildAid ได้พูดถึงแคมเปญสื่อสารในจีนร่วมกับดารา เช่น #หวังอี้ป๋อ #WangYibo
The impacts of the climate crisis are not gender-neutral; they exacerbate gender inequalities. That's why this #COP27 the #GenerationEquality Action Coalition on Feminist Action for Climate Justice, reminds all leaders: without gender equality, there is no climate justice.