Definition of “Press” Freedom in #CCPChina🇨🇳
Don't know exactly when, where, and why this happened, but obviously in #CCPChina. Regardless of when, where, or why, no human being should be treated like this. 不知是何時何地的事,也不知爲何她被這樣拖著走。但不管何時何地,不管她做了什麼,也不應這樣。 #中共國 從來不把人當人。
Do you need a gun to fight the virus? #Covid #covid19 #CCPVirus #CCPChina 端槍防疫?#中共病毒
A key strategy for totalitarian regimes is to indoctrinate the young. #CCPChina🇨🇳 has refined this strategy, and in Russia, children are raised to become good patriots. Starting at kindergarten age, they march to songs whose meaning they can hardly grasp:
So many tragedies! A couple in #Tianjin City in #CCPChina chose to jump to death together during the #COVID19 lockdown. #CCPvirus 天津某封控小区,夫妻一起跳楼 #中共病毒
#CCP is showing us in real-time what is state #terrorism. I never understand why some people in the West would openly defend the #CCP. #中共國 實時上演 #國家恐怖主義。 現在大家還沒看明白它們所謂的 #防疫 到底是啥嗎? #CCPChina #CCPvirus #COVID19 #lockdown
#CCPChina🇨🇳 certainly has a history of genocide denial.…
A silent protest from #CCPChina during the #COVID #lockdown: My fridge is empty. #中共病毒 无声的抗议
#CCPChina🇨🇳 state media tells us that “there is nothing wrong coming from state media”.
Logic with #CCPChina🇨🇳 characteristics:
Heartbreaking! Such despair! No human dignity at all! #Shanghai #COVID19 #Lockdown #CCPChina #CCPvirus 心都碎了。活在 #中共國 毫無尊嚴可言,如今淪落命都要不保了……
Although I do not quite understand all the details of this video, obviously, someone in #Shanghai gets taken away by Big Whites for #COVID19 #quarantine. This looks like more Neo-Nazism (and just some normal #CCP practice). #上海 国家恐怖新剧情。#中共病毒 #CCPChina #CCPvirus
“The police are hitting us!” Woman in #Shanghai crying and shouting. Looks the police are arresting people who broke the #lockdown barricades. #上海 這樣的瘋狂還要持續多久?#CCPChina #CCPVirus
"What is happening in #Shanghai is the result of the international situation. We are going to have a war with the #US." Can you work out the logic behind the police officer's words? I can't. 原來 #上海 的一切都是國際形勢造成的。「要跟美國打仗了!」 #CCPChina #CCPvirus #COVID19
Actually, the real story is: On Apr 14, #Shanghai government expropriated the NAXI International Community at Zhangjiang, Pudong New Area as a #quarantine site & immediately enforced it, with police using violence to evict residents. #CCPChina #CCPVirus #COVID19
Apr 14, #Shanghai, Zhangjiang, police use violence against residents who oppose the expropriation of their homes to build a #quarantine site. #上海 张江镇,警察暴力对付反对征用民居建隔离点的市民。 #CCPChina #CCPvirus #COVID19
Apr 14, Police in Zhangjiang, #Shanghai, violently dealt with citizens who opposed the expropriation of their homes to build a #quarantine site. #上海 张江镇警察暴力对付反对征用民居建隔离点的市民。 #CCPvirus #CCPChina #COVID19 #中共病毒
Apr 14, at Naxi International Community in #Shanghai, police crackdown on and evict residents so that their homes can be used as #Quarantine site for #Covid_19 #CCPChina #CCPVirus
Residents in #Shanghai take to the street, confront #CCP police & call them beats. #CCPChina #CCPVirus #COVID19 #上海 人罵 #中共 警察是畜生, 上街了,抗議了,不忍了。#中共病毒
"The police beat people up!" This is how the forceful eviction at Nashi International Community in #Shanghai begins today. Residents are evicted so that the buildings can be used as #qurantine sites for #COVID19. #CCPChina #CCPVirus 4月14日,#上海 纳什国际社区抓人的開始 #中共病毒
Propaganda art in #CCPChina🇨🇳 trying to make the ‘West’ look bad. Actually they make NATO, and even Joe Biden, look so badass. 🔥
#COVID19 prisoners/slaves in #CCPChina start to fight back. #CCPVirus 我突然想起一个新词:#疫情奴隶 #疫情囚徒 反抗了。#中共病毒
#Shanghai residents start to fight back. Banner 1: We oppose unlimited lockdown; 2: This content cannot be viewed because it violates laws and regulations; 3: People are dying; 4: List of the dead. #CCPChina #CCPVirus #COVID19
How to make people starve to death in #Shanghai and elsewhere in #CCPChina in the age of abundance? You lock everything down. #CCPVirus, #COVID19 物資極大豐富的時代,人是怎樣餓死的?容易! #中共病毒 #清零 #封控