181 years ago saw the birth of a place called Hong Kong 181 years — That’s older than many nations, including #CCPChina🇨🇳. Whatever happened on these rocks 181 years ago set off a chain of events that has formed the cultural identity and collective values of Hong Kongers today.
Disturbing! Another woman, in the same Dongji Village, Feng County, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province in #CCPChina, also chained for more than 20 years. She even doesn't have clothes. She was sold to the village around the same time as the mother of 8(story: youtu.be/FRzJ1dbRYdg)
What’s most concerning about #PengShuai’s “retirement” from professional tennis is that it provides #CCPChina🇨🇳 with an excuse to sweep her under the rug, keep her out of the headlines as @WTA season starts, and prevent her from playing tour events abroad. deadspin.com/peng-shuai-ret…
Unlike the current “leaders” in Hong Kong who are merely puppets of #CCPChina🇨🇳, Chris Patten truly represents the hearts and minds of Hongkongers. 💛 twitter.com/lukedepulford/…
Taiwan cannot even call itself ‘Taiwan’ at major sporting events. Instead, it must use the title ‘Chinese Taipei’. Young democracies, like Taiwan, are under pressure. They’re forced into playing a game where the rules are rigged in favor of totalitarian regimes like #CCPChina🇨🇳
本日は北京ジェノサイド五輪の最終日。北京五輪ボイコット活動の一環として代々木上原駅で街宣活動を実施した。寒い中、参加者してくださった皆様に感謝致します。 #Uyghur #ウイグル #UyghurGenocide #ウイグルジェノサイ #boycottBeijing2022 #北京五輪ボイコット #CCPChina #中国共産党
Meanwhile in #CCPChina🇨🇳, leaked instructions show Beijing ordering media orgs “not to post anything unfavorable to Russia or pro-Western,” when discussing #Ukraine🇺🇦 on social media platforms. chinadigitaltimes.net/2022/02/minitr…
The same Wall St. firms who lobbied against sanctions against #CCPChina🇨🇳 over Hong Kong and Xinjiang, are now also lobbying against banning #Russia🇷🇺 from SWIFT, the interbank cross-border payments system, as part of the sanctions for invading #Ukraine🇺🇦. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
Russian police have already arrested over 3000 people who attended peaceful 🇺🇦 anti-war protests in #Russia🇷🇺. Just like in #CCPChina🇨🇳 and Hong Kong, totalitarian governments are highly efficient at suppressing any voice critical of the regime, in order to ensure their survival. twitter.com/OvdInfo/status…
English translation of #WangYi: Russia New Empire & #CCPChina will fight together to create a new fascist order for the world, including #Putin's #Ukriane invasion & #Xitler's bankroll of it. twitter.com/TouBanTouTiao/…
The New York Times reports that Chinese officials asked Russia to delay the invasion of #Ukraine🇺🇦 until the Winter Olympics were finished. Of course #CCPChina🇨🇳 knew. nytimes.com/2022/03/02/us/…
The 2nd guy: “Mr. Putin is no ordinary man. He’s a genius. Putin can do judo. He can carry a thousand pounds.” #CCPChina🇨🇳 twitter.com/Byron_Wan/stat…
As most of the world cut economic ties with Russia, #CCPChina🇨🇳 increased its ties, purchasing billions of coal, wheat, and oil at good prices, while seeing 🇷🇺 decline. Beijing knew about #Ukraine🇺🇦 invasion beforehand, and did nothing. Do you think 🇨🇳 is really against the war?
Timeline of #CCPChina🇨🇳’s position on Ukraine🇺🇦
Elementary school kid in #CCPChina explains #RussiaUkraineWar: It's all because #US wants to swallow #Russia with #Ukraine️ Don't laugh at him. Here is the deal: 1. Where did he get these ideas? 2. Only officially recognized views can survive on the internet. @ZelenskyyUa
Phoenix TV, a pro-CCP🇨🇳 TV network partially owned by #CCPChina🇨🇳, has installed crews alongside the Russian invaders in #Ukraine🇺🇦. They use Traditional Chinese characters, as they also target Chinese audiences in countries outside of China. You know who your real friends are. twitter.com/ArthurKei_UA/s…
Somewhere in #CCPChina , Trafficker tortures the two women he kidnapped. 舉報人販子。
50 cent armies #Wumao in #Russia & #CCPChina are spreading a fake photo of @ZelenskyyUa holding a shirt with a Hakencruz #Nazi sign on it. The original photo was posted on Instagram in Jun. 2020. #俄罗斯#中共国 #五毛 在传播假的泽伦斯基总统手持纳粹标志的图片。原图在此。
Woman in #CCPChina Locked in a Small Dark Room for 10 Years #四川 女子在 #山東 被關小黑屋十年 #鐵鏈女 沒找到,鐵籠女、地洞女一個個出現,這回又來了個 #黑屋女 #humantrafficking #chainedwoman #lockedwoman
Ads from #CCPChina🇨🇳 state broadcaster CGTN are running on Facebook (@Meta), targeting global users with pro-Russian talking points about Russia's invasion of Ukraine🇺🇦. Even if companies boycott 🇷🇺, they can still rely on 🇨🇳 to fight its information war. axios.com/chinas-state-m…
Plunging 🇷🇺 Ruble and sanctions prompt Russia to use Chinese currency Russian banks are now offering 🇨🇳 Yuan bank accounts. Credit cards are switching over from Visa to China’s UnionPay system. #CCPChina🇨🇳’s support will only prolong the war in Ukraine🇺🇦 telegraph.co.uk/business/2022/…
According to #CCPChina🇨🇳 state-owned mouthpiece in Hong Kong: Supporting Ukraine🇺🇦 = Anti-China🇨🇳 twitter.com/ktse852/status…
Russia asked China to give it military equipment and support for the war in Ukraine🇺🇦 after Putin began his invasion. They also asked 🇨🇳 for additional economic assistance to help counter sanctions. Any support from #CCPChina🇨🇳 must be met with sanctions. nytimes.com/2022/03/13/us/…
To think that one of these #CCPChina🇨🇳 puppets will be selected by Beijing to become the figurehead of our beloved #HongKong
🇨🇳 China amplifies Russian narrative of Ukraine war Since the start of Russia's invasion of #Ukraine🇺🇦, #CCPChina🇨🇳 has portrayed itself as neutral. But domestic coverage of the war and measures to control the discussion paint a different picture of where Beijing really stands.