So many tragedies! A couple in #Tianjin City in #CCPChina chose to jump to death together during the #COVID19 lockdown. #CCPvirus 天津某封控小区,夫妻一起跳楼 #中共病毒
“The head of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in Tianjin city hanger himself inside. Withdraw your money if you have any here.” Man who recorded this video says. Nov 21, in #Tianjin City. If this is true, the problem must be huge. #ICBC in trouble? It’s one biggest
Defend #BeijingOlympics! Everyone in a community in Jinnan District in #Tianjin taken to quarantine camps. #Tianjin is 60 miles away from #Beijing. 天津津南区小区都被拉去集中营隔离。
Defend #BeijingOlympics! Everyone in a community in Jinnan District in #Tianjin taken to quarantine camps. #Tianjin is 60 miles away from #Beijing. 天津津南区小区都被拉去集中营隔离。
Today, students in #Tianjin University in #CCPChina protesting against the #COVID19 #lockdown. They demand to meet the leaders. 5月26日晚,#天津大学 爆发示威活动,抗议 #封城 #清零
Lining up for urns. The waiting number of the person who shot this is A116, as you can see in the video. At #Tianjin City, #CCPChina. Time: today or yesterday. #chinalockdown #ZeroCOVIDpolicy #COVID19 #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid #lockdown #XiJinping #CCP #China…