🇧🇾 ' Беларускія партызаны падпалілі галоўную дыспетчарскую станцыю на вакзале Баранавічы, каб пераканацца, што расійскія танкі і тэхніку не змогуць перавозіць на вайну ва Украіну ' - @BFreeTheatre #Belarus #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 twitter.com/BFreeTheatre/s…
We call on all Hackers around the world to attack #Belarus ! we are at war ! #Lukashenko @BelarusMFA we gave you fair warning ! we do not forgive ! we do not forget ! your constant lies are your failure ! #Anonymous We are coming again !
We call on all Hackers around the world in the name of #Anonymous to attack #Belarus ! we are at war ! #Lukashenko @BelarusMFA we gave you fair warning ! we do not forgive ! we do not forget ! your constant lies are your failure ! #Anonymous We are here !
🇧🇾 « Reżim zatrzymał trzech białoruskich partyzantów, którzy próbowali sabotować pracę części białoruskich kolei, aby 🇷🇺 sprzęt wojskowy nie mógł się przemieszczać. Nasi ludzie aktywnie angażują się w ruch antywojenny pomimo gróźb przemocy i aresztowania » @Tsihanouskay #Belarus twitter.com/Tsihanouskaya/…
Die Präsidentschaftswahl vom 9. August 2020 in #Belarus war weder frei noch fair. Der mutigen Opposition, die dort weiterhin für #Demokratie und Freiheit kämpft, gilt unsere Solidarität und tiefer Respekt. Demokratie geht von den Menschen aus, sie kommt nicht einfach über uns.
🚨 #Belarus: Foreign Affairs Minister Vladimir Makei is dead at 64 years old. Cause of death unknown at this time.
#Belarus: Several Russian mobilized draftees armed with machine guns allegedly escaped from the Obuz-Lesnovsky firing range in Belarus near Baranovichi on November 30th. First time I'm hearing of Russian draftees being sent to #Belarusian training facilities.
#Russia has moved 8 attackers Su-30M & Su-34 and 4 cargo planes to #Baranovichi forward airfield in #Belarus on Jan 15th in preparation for the planned offensive on #Ukraine from the north. Joint Russia-Belarus "training exercises" to take place from January 16 - February 1.
🚨 #Belarus: The KGB (yes, they never rebranded) took hostage the 15-year old brother of the proprietor of the Telegram channel "Railroaders Community of Belarus" which has been disclosing Russian troop & equipment movements on a granular level. KGB demands he close the channel. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#Russia uses airfields in #Belarus to attack Ukraine.
#Poland - How about allowing #Ukraine to use your airfields to defend the nation from fascism? Let's get Ukraine some jet fighters and bombers and stop Putin's genocide as soon as possible. ✊ twitter.com/igorsushko/sta…
#Belarus' Spetsnaz show off their talent at killing brain cells. @RyanMcbeth this is for your viewing pleasure, but calling this "Potemkin Training" may be an insult to Potemkin.
Knives out in #Russia's Game of Thrones: After yesterday's destruction of a $500m AWACS A-50U plane at a #Belarus airfield, kompromat is out on 'Hero of Russia' Lt. Gen Aleksandr Matovnikov, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Russian Ground Forces & head of ground forces in Belarus. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🚨 🧵 URGENT: #Russia's Special Operations group created by the Ministry of Defense & FSB in Dec 2022 deployed to #Belarus to conduct false-flag terrorist attacks against civilians while dressed in #Ukraine's military uniforms - Information from #WindofChange twitter.com/i/web/status/1…