🇧🇾 ' Беларускія партызаны падпалілі галоўную дыспетчарскую станцыю на вакзале Баранавічы, каб пераканацца, што расійскія танкі і тэхніку не змогуць перавозіць на вайну ва Украіну ' - @BFreeTheatre #Belarus #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 twitter.com/BFreeTheatre/s…
Hackers all around the world: target #Belarus in the name of #Anonymous
Let them know we do not forgive, we do not forget. We are united. We are relentless
#Anonymous owns fascists and oppressors. #OpBelarus
To the people of #Belarus we have no quarrel with you however if you support Lukashenko or the Belarus Government then we cannot stand by and watch- We will take action ! we are legion ! we do not forgive ! we do not forget ! we are #Anonymous #ukraine 🇺🇦
1/5 From #Belarus, #HongKong, to #Thailand - the masses have been thrust to the forefront of a global struggle against the surging offence on our values of freedom and liberty.
We have been silent for far too long ! #Russia / #Belarus Expect More. We are Legion ! We are United with Ukraine ! We are #anonymous We do not forgive ! We do not Forget ! FOLLOW US 🇺🇦
#Belarus: "Mama, I will call you back. I'm busy. Me and the girls are overthrowing the dictator" (📹🗒️🌐@franakviacorka)
Russia declared solidarity with the Myanmar junta calling it a reliable partner & promising more collaboration. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar26Coup
Meanwhile, new protests against the Kremlin-backed Assad in #Syria & Lukashenko in #Belarus are firing up.
On #WorldPressFreedomDay, we commemorate brave journalists who work at the frontiers of conflicts and suffer from political suppressions due to their investigations and reporting.
From #HongKong, #Myanmar, #Thailand, to #Belarus... they are there to safegarud truths. Thank you!
Die Präsidentschaftswahl vom 9. August 2020 in #Belarus war weder frei noch fair. Der mutigen Opposition, die dort weiterhin für #Demokratie und Freiheit kämpft, gilt unsere Solidarität und tiefer Respekt. Demokratie geht von den Menschen aus, sie kommt nicht einfach über uns.
In #Belarus, two young journalists face state repression and injustice.
Darya Chultsova and Katsyaryna Andreyeva were sentenced to two years imprisonment in a penal colony for live streaming a pro-democracy protest. #BelarusProtest #EndImpunity #JusticeForBelarus
#Myanmar, #Belarus, #Thailand, and #Algeria are just a few of the countries currently hosting pro-democracy mass protests in the last 5 days.
Is your country next?
Subscribe! 👇👇
#Belarus: Thousands of elders stage a pro-democracy protest and call for an end to the Lukashenko dictatorship.
They chant:
- "Lukashenko to the police van"
- "We believe! We can! We will win!"
(📹@Belsat_TV 🗒️🌐@Den_2042)
▪️#Mar25Coup: 309 killed; democracy protests continue nationwide.
▪️#HongKong: Bao Choy arrested for exposing link between HK Police & Triads.
▪️#Belarus: 2nd wave of protests called for this week.
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #MilkTeaAlliance
In the meantime, #Belarus' dictator #Lukashenko deployed security forces to directly shot protestors and throw stun grenades straight at #Belarusians’ backs at #Orlovskaya street in #Minsk, when they held a peaceful protest today. #PoliceBrutalityMustEnd
#Belarus: scenes from the weekend as #Lukashenko regime forces brutally attacked peaceful and unarmed pro-democracy protestors, also conducted mass arrests.
#Belarus: Artist Roman Bondarenko, 31, was beaten to death by masked regime thugs at a playground who were there to remove pro-democracy ribbons from a fence.
Belarusians worldwide are mourning his death. His community remembers him for being kind & helping children draw.
To the innocent people of #Belarus and #Russia we have no quarrel with you however if you support Putin Lukashenko or their Government then we cannot stand by and watch- We will take action ! we are legion ! we do not forgive ! we do not forget ! we are #Anonymous
[#HKers calling on #Cellebrite to halt selling phone hacking technologies to #Belarus] #standwithbelarus
1/ Phone hacking tech is one of the weapons abused by authoritarian regimes to stamp out dissidents, in particular, crackdowns on leaderless movements in both Belarus and HK.
We call on all Hackers around the world in the name of #Anonymous to attack #Belarus ! we are at war ! #Lukashenko @BelarusMFA we gave you fair warning ! we do not forgive ! we do not forget ! your constant lies are your failure ! #Anonymous We are here !