Vladimir Putin & Xi Jinping are the enemies of democracy & justice. They support Assad in #Syria, Lukashenko in #Belarus, and the military Junta in #Myanmar. They abuse protestors in #Russia & #China badly, from Moscow to Hong Kong & Minsk to Yangon we stand against tyranny.
🇧🇾 ' Беларускія партызаны падпалілі галоўную дыспетчарскую станцыю на вакзале Баранавічы, каб пераканацца, што расійскія танкі і тэхніку не змогуць перавозіць на вайну ва Украіну ' - @BFreeTheatre #Belarus #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 twitter.com/BFreeTheatre/s…
Hackers all around the world: target #Belarus in the name of #Anonymous Let them know we do not forgive, we do not forget. We are united. We are relentless #Anonymous owns fascists and oppressors. #OpBelarus
To the people of #Belarus we have no quarrel with you however if you support Lukashenko or the Belarus Government then we cannot stand by and watch- We will take action ! we are legion ! we do not forgive ! we do not forget ! we are #Anonymous #ukraine 🇺🇦
THREAD: 1/5 From #Belarus, #HongKong, to #Thailand - the masses have been thrust to the forefront of a global struggle against the surging offence on our values of freedom and liberty. #FreeBelarus #StandwithThailand #HKerswithyou
We have been silent for far too long ! #Russia / #Belarus Expect More. We are Legion ! We are United with Ukraine ! We are #anonymous We do not forgive ! We do not Forget ! FOLLOW US 🇺🇦
🚨 Belarusian partisans took credit for blowing up #Russia's A-50U Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) plane at an airfield in #Belarus. Multiple explosions extensively damaged the plane around 8am local time. Russia previously sold 2 export variants to India for $1 billion.
#Belarus: "Mama, I will call you back. I'm busy. Me and the girls are overthrowing the dictator" (📹🗒️🌐@franakviacorka)
Russia declared solidarity with the Myanmar junta calling it a reliable partner & promising more collaboration. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar26Coup Meanwhile, new protests against the Kremlin-backed Assad in #Syria & Lukashenko in #Belarus are firing up. youtube.com/watch?v=fq3yUw…
On #WorldPressFreedomDay, we commemorate brave journalists who work at the frontiers of conflicts and suffer from political suppressions due to their investigations and reporting. From #HongKong, #Myanmar, #Thailand, to #Belarus... they are there to safegarud truths. Thank you!
Die Präsidentschaftswahl vom 9. August 2020 in #Belarus war weder frei noch fair. Der mutigen Opposition, die dort weiterhin für #Demokratie und Freiheit kämpft, gilt unsere Solidarität und tiefer Respekt. Demokratie geht von den Menschen aus, sie kommt nicht einfach über uns.
In #Belarus, two young journalists face state repression and injustice. Darya Chultsova and Katsyaryna Andreyeva were sentenced to two years imprisonment in a penal colony for live streaming a pro-democracy protest. #BelarusProtest #EndImpunity #JusticeForBelarus
#Myanmar, #Belarus, #Thailand, and #Algeria are just a few of the countries currently hosting pro-democracy mass protests in the last 5 days. Is your country next? #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #WhatsHappeningInThailand #AlgeriaProtests Subscribe! 👇👇 youtube.com/watch?v=LJiMth…
#Latvia: Authorities have destroyed the bridge connecting to #Russia and #Belarus at the Friendship Kurgan on the border where 3 countries meet.
#Belarus: Thousands of elders stage a pro-democracy protest and call for an end to the Lukashenko dictatorship. They chant: - "Lukashenko to the police van" - "We believe! We can! We will win!" (📹@Belsat_TV 🗒️🌐@Den_2042)
▪️#Mar25Coup: 309 killed; democracy protests continue nationwide. ▪️#HongKong: Bao Choy arrested for exposing link between HK Police & Triads. ▪️#Belarus: 2nd wave of protests called for this week. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #MilkTeaAlliance Subscribe👇 youtube.com/watch?v=M8jm9S…
#Belarus: Hundreds of thousands take to streets in pro-democracy protests. In this scene from #Minsk, protestors are marching to the industrial part of the city to express solidarity with workers. (📹@svaboda / @nexta_tv)
In the meantime, #Belarus' dictator #Lukashenko deployed security forces to directly shot protestors and throw stun grenades straight at #Belarusians’ backs at #Orlovskaya street in #Minsk, when they held a peaceful protest today. #PoliceBrutalityMustEnd #StandwithBelarus
#Belarus: scenes from the weekend as #Lukashenko regime forces brutally attacked peaceful and unarmed pro-democracy protestors, also conducted mass arrests.
#Belarus: Artist Roman Bondarenko, 31, was beaten to death by masked regime thugs at a playground who were there to remove pro-democracy ribbons from a fence. Belarusians worldwide are mourning his death. His community remembers him for being kind & helping children draw.
To the innocent people of #Belarus and #Russia we have no quarrel with you however if you support Putin Lukashenko or their Government then we cannot stand by and watch- We will take action ! we are legion ! we do not forgive ! we do not forget ! we are #Anonymous
[#HKers calling on #Cellebrite to halt selling phone hacking technologies to #Belarus] #standwithbelarus 1/ Phone hacking tech is one of the weapons abused by authoritarian regimes to stamp out dissidents, in particular, crackdowns on leaderless movements in both Belarus and HK.
#Belarus: The 12th successive Sunday of mass protests in Minsk, Belarus against the Lukashenko dictatorship, as pro-democracy protests enter November. (📹🗒️@fulelo)
We call on all Hackers around the world in the name of #Anonymous to attack #Belarus ! we are at war ! #Lukashenko @BelarusMFA we gave you fair warning ! we do not forgive ! we do not forget ! your constant lies are your failure ! #Anonymous We are here !