FSB諜報員 #WindofChange からの14通目の手紙 #FSBletters の英訳がIgor Sushko氏から出ました。
主に「ロシアが大量動員して長期戦を構えることができない10の理由」について書かれています。ポイントをかいつまんで概要をご紹介します。 twitter.com/igorsushko/sta…
🧵My translation of a November 2022 #FSBletters from the #WindofChange inside the FSB to Vladimir Osechkin. Topics: Prigozhin, unavoidable chaos and civil war in Russia. Please share far & wide.
(Attached photo depicts a scene from the 1917 Russian Revolution)
🚨🧵My translation of the Nov 27 #FSBletters from the #WindofChange inside the FSB to Vladimir Osechkin. Subject: Games surrounding Belarus to force involvement in the war and FSB’s psychological profile on Prigozhin. Over 2,300 words. Please share far & wide.
Putin's preparations for war with Japan in the summer of 2021. Russian propaganda began to vilify the Japanese as Nazis and fascists, electronic warfare helicopters were moved to the border, and more, from #WindofChange: newsweek.com/russia-planned…
FSB諜報員 #WindofChange からの13通目の手紙
As expected, Russians are leaving occupied Crimea en masse across the Kerch bridge after a morning drone strike on Russia's Black Sea Fleet's fuel depot. ✊
#WindofChange twitter.com/igorsushko/sta…
#Russia: Seems Xi Jinping of China sent Kazakhstan President Tokaev to force Putin to sign a declaration stating "there are no winners in a nuclear war" and that "such a war should never be started." #WindofChange recently asserted that China told Russia to stop nuclear threats.
🚨 🧵 URGENT: #Russia's Special Operations group created by the Ministry of Defense & FSB in Dec 2022 deployed to #Belarus to conduct false-flag terrorist attacks against civilians while dressed in #Ukraine's military uniforms - Information from #WindofChange twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🚨🧵My translation of the Nov 18 #FSBletters from the #WindofChange inside the FSB to Vladimir Osechkin. Subject: New offensive to take #Kyiv from the direction of Belarus. Please share far & wide.
🚨🧵BREAKING: #FSBletters from #WindofChange dated April 14, 2023. Subject: #China's secret agreement to deliver weapons to #Russia.
Translation: "I can vouch for the data with the highest degree of reliability.
ロシア連邦保安庁(FSB)の内部告発文書を英語に翻訳してくれているスシュコさん。遂に彼個人を目標とした指示がFSBに出たと #WindofChange から警告が来たらしい。スシュコさんは既に対策(恐らくFBIにも連絡済み)をとっていると。FSBにとって、どれだけあの告発文書が厄介な物なのかが伺える。 twitter.com/igorsushko/sta…
warthunder.dmm.com/news/detail/95… #WarThunder #WarThunder_JP
Sergei #Surovikin, Russian army general and Commander of the Aerospace Forces, #Prigozhin, owner of #WagnerPMC, and #Kadyrov are together planning a coup to overthrow Putin according to #WindofChange.
FSB諜報員 #WindofChange からの13通目の手紙
FSB諜報員 #WindofChange からの13通目の手紙
🚨 Authorities in #France & #Spain have opened a criminal investigation into Putin's mafia working to assassinate Vladimir Osechkin on European soil. He has been exposing Putin regime crimes both in #Russia and abroad and is the recipient of #FSBletters from #WindofChange.
My hope for the New Year:
That Ukrainians & the civilized world defeat the totalitarian regime of #Russia once and for all.
That #WindofChange sweeps through all corners of Russia so that Russians find the courage take destiny into their own hands and ACT!
Glory to #Ukraine! 🕊️
🚨🧵How Ukraine foiled the FSB’s domestic false-flag terror attack to murder civilians in #Bryansk
March 2nd 2023 #FSBletters from the #WindofChange to Vladimir Osechkin:
“As briefly as possible for now, but in the evening, I will be able to provide more concrete information.
🚨🧵 #WindofChange on the #Bryansk situation:
FSB planned a false-flag terror attack on civilians to blame Ukraine.
Area was cleared of Russian military so they'd not get in the way. But #Ukraine got the Intel and the pro-Ukraine/anti-Putin Russian unit went across the border
🧵🚨 Vladimir Osechkin, recipient of #FSBletters from #WindofChange, has published interviews with Putin-pardoned convicts who contacted him to disclose the war crimes they committed under #WagnerPMC leadership in #Ukraine.
Executions of children:
🚨 #Russia is planning to seize the airport in #Moldova's capital city Chisinau - Prime Minister of Moldova Dorin Recean. Sounds like a repeat of the plan that failed in #Kyiv's Hostomel airport. False-flag terror attacks probable. April 2022 #FSBletters from #WindofChange below. twitter.com/igorsushko/sta…
As #WindofChange wrote months ago, full transformation of Russian society to fascism is complete.
#UKRAINE: Local resident in #Donetsk set fire to a vehicle belonging to fascists marked with the swastika "Z." The person spray-painted the message: "For #Bucha." The city has been under control of Russian fascists since 2014. #WindofChange ✊
Putin's purges, genocide, and relocation of civilians to concentration camps happened in occupied #Kherson as warned during the planning phase in March of 2022 by #WindofChange in the #FSBletters. Evidence collected post-liberation appears to confirm the veracity of that letter. twitter.com/visegrad24/sta…
FSB諜報員 #WindofChange からの15通目の手紙
・クリミア、ベルゴロドの高層ビルに「V」「Z」マークを描く→何百人も犠牲が出る twitter.com/igorsushko/sta…