Autumn in the Forbidden City, #Beijing
Spring in #Beijing. More people get out on weekends to enjoy the beauty of nature.
2. The letter quotes following as excuses: -@appledaily_hk coverage of my speech at @CECCgov public hearing on #HK autonomy -my @washingtonpost op-ed commenting on #Beijing’s move to expelling US journalists -an open letter to @SecPompeo co-signed by disbanded @demosisto & #HKers
6/ It’s doubtful whether those Chinese labs can refuse to hand over their DNA data if #Beijing insists on taking the data. Not to mention that #China has already stationed its #secretpolice agency in #HongKong under #nationalsecuritylaw.
5/ I call upon the US Department of State to include effective implementation of sanction measures in the forthcoming report on Hong Kong’s autonomy, as a way to send a warning signal to #Beijing not to infringe upon autonomy and basic freedoms of Hong Kong any more.
In #Beijing, containers are used to transport bodies. It was said 10 containers arrived in one day, not sure which day. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #ZeroCovid #CCPVirus #CCP #China #CCPChina
The Liangma River in #Beijing, 2019 vs 2022
"The international community has a vital role to play in supporting protestors' #democratic aspirations & pressing the #HongKong Gov & #Beijing to negotiate." Thank you for @NDI & @GeorgetownLaw's published joint report "Promise of Democratization in HK."…
Defend #BeijingOlympics! Everyone in a community in Jinnan District in #Tianjin taken to quarantine camps. #Tianjin is 60 miles away from #Beijing. 天津津南区小区都被拉去集中营隔离。
#北京五輪 フィギュア男子SPの演技を終え、高得点に父親でコーチの正和さん(左)と喜ぶ #鍵山優真 選手。2位と好位置につけました(8日)=若杉和希撮影 #Beijing #Olympic #Beijing2022 #北京 #フィギュア #Figure #Japan 北京五輪写真特集はこちら…
More savage attacks on media outlets daring to report the news—just another day in the #PRC's #HongKong! The erosion of press freedom under the #NationalSecurityLaw is a disgrace & sends a clear message: #Beijing is a true enemy of freedom. JW…
「Suchmos ASIA TOUR 2020」 開催決定! 2020年1月から台北・上海・北京・深圳のアジア4都市にて、ワンマンライブを開催します! リベンジマッチ、そして第2章の幕開けです。 チケット発売日など、詳しくは↓ #scmASIA #Suchmos #Taipei #Shanghai #Beijing #Shenzhen
5. While #Beijing's #HK chief Xia Baolong is notorious for burning crosses & demolishing churches in China, not to mention that #CCP long considers religious activities as potential threats to #nationalsecurity, it is worrying similar religious crackdown will soon extend to HK.
1. Rumor has it that #XiJinping’s mother Qi Xin died of #COVID in 301 Hospital in #Beijing on Dec 21 & her body will be transferred to Weinan City in Shaanxi Province to be buried together with Xi Jinping Xi Zhongxun. Cai Qi will be the head of the funeral committee.
Moments of this golden season in #Beijing.
Yesterday in the evening: double rainbow over the sky of #Beijing.
1. Sorry, no time to do English subtitles, but here is a summary of what this girl in #Beijing says: On Dec 17, My dad was very sick. We went to 3 hospitals to no avail. 1st hospital is Chaoyang Hospital. Minimum waiting time 4 hours. We had to go to 2nd one, Huayin Hospital.
7. Unusual CCP propaganda: Despite doubts by medical professionals, #Beijing’s propaganda machine, from #CCP mouthpiece to China’s officials, dismiss all our doubt. It fuels more concerns that the plan is a large-scale DNA collection paving way to #China-style surveillance regime
8/ When #hkgov stresses that the handling of DNA data would comply with the law, the reality turns out - it is still legal if they send the data to #Beijing. After all, given the blackbox procurement and legal loopholes, #Beijing’s real agenda is building a DNA database in #HK.
8/ When #hkgov stresses that the handling of DNA data would comply with the law, the reality turns out - it is still legal if they send the data to #Beijing. After all, given the blackbox procurement and legal loopholes, #Beijing’s real agenda is building a DNA database in #HK.
The ridiculousness, stupidity, hypocrisy of #CCP In all of UK rule in #HongKong - yes colonial - there were almost no calls for independence In 25 yrs of #Beijing's rule, as it has dismantled freedoms, the cry for independence grows Think why's that?…
“Severe pneumonia, respiratory failure, all are suffering severe pneumonia, or respiratory failure.” Man says this in perfect Mandarin while shooting this. Don’t know when or where, should be in #Beijing or northern #China judging from his accent. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases
5 years ago I was denied entry to #HongKong on #Beijing's orders- although I've always been peaceful 3 days ago, peaceful #HongKongers were beaten up by #CCP thugs in #Manchester Time to stand up to #XiJinping's goons Why should I be banned while Zheng Xiyuan roams free?
#Beijing's newly announced Law Governing Religious Clergy commands all "authorized" practitioners to love the motherland & worship communist leadership & socialism. Simply put, the #CCP is the GOD of religions in #China! How low must we go before the free world says enough? JW