… Peace loving Chinese. Also, when there are bad things, it is a Taiwanese. When there is a good thing, it is definitely a Chinese. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
After Canada bans Huawei and ZTE for 5G network, Chinese nationalists want to punish @Apple and @Tesla. Okay, but they are US companies though. smh. @PierrePoilievre @SenatorHousakos @sasapetricic @SenTedCruz @marcorubio #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
Whenever military exercises are held, their adrenalin pumping. Their pursuit of peace is reflected in the military exercises held every day. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
Do you know there is a Chinese-speaking person threatened Air Force One @usairforce @POTUS To the @JapanGov, he is also saying that he is conducting a mission for China's CCP. How should a foreign spy be treated in Japan? #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻譯運動
中共很怕 #大翻譯運動 ,其原因是不想讓世界看到中共真面目。其實,中共黨媒一不留神就自己向世界交代。今天《環球時報》社評:中共在美國放棄對立之前,需要俄羅斯幫忙。這種表達比大翻譯運動效果更好。
Apparently COVID was made by Moderna. In case anyone hasn't noticed, yes we're being sarcastic. Plus is the source "dailyexpose" or Daily Mail? Can't even get the source right smh. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
That Russia may have used Phosphorus bombs against #Azovstal receives great support and praise from China. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
Part 2 of what the Chinese got to say about phosphorus bomb. People do take war lightly these days, even when talking about incendiary weapons. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動 #UkraineRussiaWar #Mariupol
大翻譯運動 烏克蘭俄羅斯戰爭 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻譯運動
中露両軍は日本海、東シナ海、西太平洋海域で合同空中の戦略的巡航を遂行し、中国のネットユーザーのナショナリズムと反日情緒に刺激を与えた #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
Hot comments on Chinese TikTok about Russian hackers declaring war on 10 countries. They're starting to support the Cyber Army now #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動 #russianhacker #hacker #AnonymousOfficial
'#COVID19 is bio warfare designed by US, and those propose to live with COVID must be brainwashed by the west', said Shenzhen official health commission. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻譯運動…
【Another day of brainless #AntiUS propaganda in China】 World: cases of #monkeypox found in several counties. China: America, please spare the earth / Americans are the virus on earth. @SenTedCruz @RepMTG @IngrahamAngle #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
Seems that they are getting more wild in their stories. Sooner or later, they will be regarded as a bunch of liars and cheaters. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻譯運動
People of the free world, you are now facing a nation that has at least 4 MILLION people who actively support the offensive against the home that you are living in. When dealing issues about #China, verify BEFORE you trust. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻譯運動
我無話可說,讓這些蛆出名就好 #大翻譯運動 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
大翻譯運動的重要性會隨著時間慢慢顯現出來~ #大翻譯運動 #TheGreatTranslationMovement