Don't just report the "evidence" from Russia inside the Great Firewall, and don't just discuss it inside, come on, go outside and let the world people know the "truth"
These Chinese commenters are doing everything to spare Russia and to discredit Ukraine and U.S..
Moral of the story: People will become retarded if you feed them retarded information. No offence.
Why do the Chinese overwhelmingly support Russia and Putin?
So we can see comments by chinese who havent even been to Lithuania.
Watched too many movies I see. Poison Gas inside the teeth.
Tan Junchao, a Vice-Dean from Zhengzhou University of Light Industry and an exvellent CCP member. He recently went on hot news cause he published adult content in group chat and lied about being hacked
Their classic remarks seem to explain why a group of Chinese support Russia: "When Russia is defeated, we will be all slaves!!!"
@mich261213 @mbk_center @vkaramurza
Thanks to a fan for his contribution, this is a photo he took at the risk of being caught by the police, suspected to be propaganda on the outer wall of the Russian embassy in China.
Chinese Propaganda is so pathetic that it starts to become a comedy. We are confident nothing was wasted in Olympic 2022.
Some Chinese will feel incredibly happy when they see the Russian flag rising. They may not have been to Russia in their life, but Russia becomes their second motherland...
Chinese Authority to people: you will be penalised for three generations; Chinese Authority to enterprise: relax, you will NOT be penalised for violating our laws. Special Communism Operation?
Again, the colonizer are exploiting Africans but this time round, they are exploited on their own land for the profit of Chinese businessman.
The best Russian propaganda does not necessarily speak Russian. Do you feel the 'hate' wave China's state media have created against the US?
What a tragedy: an infant died because of China's Inhumane zero covid policy. What's even worse is that we would not know this if the mother didn't speak out now (one year after)
A Chinese: Pulling China into the world system is not to protect China's security, but to protect the world's security.
These pro-North-Korea lunatics in China may look funny but they pose real threat to freedom of the world because they will do whatever CCP tells them to. #StopChinaNow before it's too late!
Yes, China's People Daily job is speaking on Russia's behalf and literally millions of people are waiting for this "good news" from #Azovstal for 80+days.
Even if it is a live interview, the state media still got everything under control. You, the citizen, remember there is something you can't say.
This is a magical thing that when Chinese media reports the shooting in the US (such as Milwaukee), it's hard to find some sympathy comments. What's more, why do people curse basketball player?
@Bucks @Giannis_An34
Thanks to our friends for translating what outside the great fire wall could not see.
Disgusting Pro-Russian and alleged comments from certain Malaysians on Facebook news page.
Eliminating poverty is China's greatest achievement. If salaries are not paid on time, we are now not so sure what poverty means.
80RMB = 11.6USD