支持 #大翻譯運動 !中共通過秘密渠道迫使美國社交媒體Reddit註銷了大翻譯運動的發起群組,這說明中共怕了。無論在哪個國際社交平台,都可以繼續大翻譯運動。遇到了,請隨手轉發。 twitter.com/ZL97292647/sta…
#大翻譯運動 來活啦 給烏克蘭人民和政府 翻譯一下唄
#大翻譯運動 首先在美國社交媒體Reddit發起,不到一個月該群組即被中國騰訊為主要股東的Reddit站方註銷。Twitter還在繼續。大翻譯運動成為中共近年最擔憂的海外民主運動,中共黨媒《環球時報》把這個運動定性為西方敵對勢力和台獨勢力操縱的。該運動為何讓中共害怕?戳穿了中共欺矇國際社會的面具。 twitter.com/niubi/status/1…
中共很怕 #大翻譯運動 ,其原因是不想讓世界看到中共真面目。其實,中共黨媒一不留神就自己向世界交代。今天《環球時報》社評:中共在美國放棄對立之前,需要俄羅斯幫忙。這種表達比大翻譯運動效果更好。
大翻譯運動 烏克蘭俄羅斯戰爭 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻譯運動
'#COVID19 is bio warfare designed by US, and those propose to live with COVID must be brainwashed by the west', said Shenzhen official health commission. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻譯運動 twitter.com/Nkmqpl58JJWX7j…
A leaked memo from the National Bureau of Statistics of China indicates that the official economic stats of Jan and Feb are so fake and distorted that the Bureau has to ask its subsidiaries to re-examine and provide numbers more sensible. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻譯運動
Un memo filtrado del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas de China indica que las estadísticas económicas oficiales de enero y feb son tan falsas que el Instituto tiene que pedir a sus subsidiarias que las reexaminan y producen números más sensatos. #LaGranTraducción #大翻譯運動
@TGTM_Official This video was earlier created in 2020, as CCP’s most harmful lie that should be always remembered by the whole world. 這是最應該被全世界認識到的、危害最大的中共謊言之一了。全世界人都是中共的受害者。 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
我無話可說,讓這些蛆出名就好 #大翻譯運動 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
哥倫比亞大學撤回錄取通知! 一位中國學生,申請上美國哥倫比亞大學化工系後,竟在WeChat上說要買槍去轟死美國人😱, 接著被 #大翻譯運動 給翻譯寄去學校...成功抵擋下恐怖攻擊!
The Communist Youth League of China celebrates it's 100 years anniversary with propaganda and indoctrination of the Youth. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
A US green card holder was denied exit of China because he would "endanger national security" if he is allowed to go outside. . @USA_China_Talk @USAmbChina #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
Be careful, embassies of the United States @USA_China_Talk. This 4304k-followers Weibo blogger wants PRC to bomb your embassies accidentally.😲 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
The so called peace loving Chinese. Seldom we see someone cheering on the invaders who not only invaded their country also a score of others. Maybe something to do with the education? #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
The result of years of indoctrination from the education system and propaganda from the regime, children in China are hating a group of people they do not know and have not met. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
Disgusting Pro-Russian and alleged comments from certain Malaysians on Facebook news page. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動 #东方网 #orientaldaily #东方日报
Someone call the cops! Maybe only in China, fish have lungs and are a vector to corona virus. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動 #PETA
“The world can not afford losing Russia”? More like these Chinese commenters can not afford losing Russia. Congratulations to #Lithuania for receiving a "nick name" - "Old Bowl". @SamRamani2 @LinkeviciusL @LindseyGrahamSC #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
Is it true that @EmmanuelMacron and Xi Jinping were on a phone recently discussing deepening cooperation between Europe and China? Well, good luck! @JesLudwig @BBCSteveR #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
Chinese propaganda uses kids to justify #Russia invading #Ukraine and desperately quotes fake accounts’ comments. Do they think TGTM is going to miss it? @navalny @EtoBuziashvili @apmassaro3 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動 twitter.com/CarlZha/status…
Now we have comments from Chinese Social media making "peaceful remarks" against Poland. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
After the Russian military parade, Is there anyone else who doesn't know what "Ura" means? Let's see how the Chinese official media explained it! @TheresaAFallon @KenSilverstein1 #ChinaWithRussia #RussiaUkraineWar #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
A Chinese language study book used by a #Singaporean private Montessori Education school, helping their kids to know that China is a powerful country. @straits_times_ #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動