1/ Arrested on August 30, my phone was seized by #hkpolice. The phone can only be unlocked with passwords. Before court resumed yesterday, I have NEVER provided any passwords to #police, nor received any notice nor warrant for a search of my mobile device.
When performing elected lawmaker's duty to mediate the situation, Roy Kwong was arrested after being smashed to the ground by #hkpolice. #police knelt on his head, peppersprayed and beat him with batons. It shows how unchecked police force tramples upon our representative system.
[Forces can’t take away our future] 1. Two days ahead of another rally on Aug 16, it is horrifying to know Thai #police just forcibly arrested student leader Parit Chiwarak @paritchi & bundled him into a car, to crush our Thai fellows’ call for changes. twitter.com/FREEPEOPLE_TH/…
[In the face of tyranny, #Hongkongers stand with the oppressed #Belarusian] 1. Although #police unreasonably fired rubber bullets and tear gas at protesters last week, tens of thousands of #Belarusian still took to streets and voiced their anger on #policebrutality.
こんなカッコつけてますけど、 打ち合わせが遅かったため、帰りに定食屋さんによったのであーる。爆笑 #色眼鏡 #昔よくavexにこーゆう人いた #時代は巡るよねー #眼鏡 #glasses #police #ファッション #小物 #byくぅ
Just in: A #Hongkong freelance photojournalist was arrested by #Belarusian #police in #Minsk, with bag and camera confiscated when covering #BelarusProtest and #UnityMarch against #Lukashenko today, per @dbchannel_hkers.
Police just chased citizens into a #STAMPEDE inside Harbour City. We will not give up but we need the support of you, friends of HK to let the world see the #gravity of #police #brutality here. #StandWithHongKong Credits : @StandNewsHK
Some thirty citizens were surrounded by #riot #police outside Apple Store, #CausewayBay. #HKPF also fired pepper guns and tear gas in #Central. Credits:HK Golden Facebook Live
「ワイルド&セクシー! 高杉真宙が初めて見せる『男の色気』」(ベストタイムズ)best-times.jp/articles/-/4624 #police
Despite #BelarusProtest in #Minsk, #Lukashenko secretly inaugurated today. According to #HK media @dbchannel_hkers, armoured cars are everywhere in city w/ heavy #police presence. It's rumored metro service will be suspended tonight alongside internet shutdown. #StandWithBelarus
Commission for Ae-rou 💙 Will start posting from the beginning of my 2020 commissions 😂 #police #daddy #ikemen #bara #muscle #abs
5/ Bursting into tears, Andrew criticized #police for shamefully arousing people’s sentiment in order to justify their violent suppression.
[Touchstone for online liberty: @netflix & @YouTube might be the next target under #NSL] 1. Soon after recent book censorship in libraries, streaming platforms might be the next target of censorship under the new law, as it mandates #police online censorship w/o court scrutiny.
Someone attacks reporter in front of the police’s line of defense, but the police do nothing. 假如俾人打嘅係警察,你認為當場會發生咩事?(20分題) 原文:立場做咩 lih.kg/1547489 ●來源:香港沒有香港味、立場新聞 #reporter #journalist #police #HongKong #chinazi #LIHKG
#HongKong #police fire 2 live rounds after officers came under attack of protesters on Waterloo Road/Nathan Road in Yau Ma Tei. Don’t know what the two men (in white & red t-shirts) helping to hit protesters were doing #HongKongProtest
3. Worse still, he may face graver charges if #police crack his clients' phones w/ phone hacking tools like #Cellebrite & find any suspicious conversations. He hopes his bail can be granted & #12hkyouths can come back safe. After all, #Hongkongers hope he can be released soon.
4/ In the police station, it’s like hell! #hongkongprotesters were severely beaten with heads covered with blood. Even though they have already lost consciousness, #police kept torturing them by beating their faces with batons and dragging them on the floor.
Black man wrongfully jailed for a week after face recognition error, report says Lawyer says #police didn't check man's height, weight—or the mole on his face. #privacy #surveillance #acab #FTP #AI arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20…
2. Despite only 4 of us, #hkpolice abused the 4-people gathering ban to disband our booth. We were surrounded by over 50 #police. Once again, #coronavirus measures were used to suppress political dissents in #HKpolicestate.
#CCPChina, how a mother desperately prevents for daughter from being taken away by #police/#BigWhites in the name of fighting #COVID19 #COVID #CCPvirus #AmazingChina
2/ Yan (medics) said #hkpolice pointed guns at him & smashed him with batons when he was providing the first-aid service during #PolyUSiege. Inspector tried to plant evidence by putting a gas bomb into his bag. Luckily his bag was full at that time so #police’s move was in vain.