#DeNA #baystars #nihongo
#ありがとう #忘れない #YK twitter.com/hochi_andoh/st…
This is interesting. “Kochira” is literally “this way” so a 2001 Bablefish translation would’ve been “Summit this way” but this the result of an AI/frequency-based system realizing that on the web the word is often/usually used with hyperlinks. Sometimes smart is dumb! #nihongo twitter.com/AntiXeelee/sta…
よっ友(とも) [Slang]
= a “friend” of yours whom you occasionally bump into at a certain place (e.g. at school/work) and say よ (Hi), but don’t actually start a conversation with because you are not that close to each other and you know its gonna be awkward.
左利き (left-handed) also means "heavy drinker" because in the Edo period workers like carpenters and miners would hold a hammer in their right hands and a chisel in their left hands.
"chisel" is ノミ just like 飲み (drink), so this phrase was born as a pun. #nihongo twitter.com/8AndAHalfTails…
#nihongo: everyone knows about the versatility of "yabai," but how about its cousin "egui"?
in my anecdotal experience, some younger people are using it as much as (more than?) "yabai" for the meaning of "awesome; amazing; incredible; cool"
If you're in Japan and feeling a bit tired, you're not alone.
What 五月病 ("May Disease") means in Japanese.
#nihongo #studyJapanes