おつかれさまでした~! Itu adalah hari olahraga yang menyenangkan🥳(翻訳が合っているかは分かりません・・・) #holoIDCup2022
YAGOOさん気軽に景品にされがちw お疲れさまです皆さん〜!!YAGOO's prize is the most popular and useful in hololive. Thank you for holding such a great event!🎉 #holoIDCup2022 #HarimauWIN #BigGarudaSpirit
🏆holoID CUP 2022🏆 FINISH!! Thank you so much everyone for today!! #holoIDCup2022
OTSUKARESAMA #holoIDCup2022 !!!!!!! GARUDA TEAM WON !! WOOOOHOOOO!!! #BigGarudaEnergy !!! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Thanks for watching, everyone !! I am so happy that I'm able to participate ! Thanks a lot for Moona and Ollie who organized the event as well !! Otsuuuuu !!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH #holoIDCup2022!! We are 最強 and we will 👊TONJOK👊 all the 邪魔ピーポ!!! Great teamwork, and super great fun!!! Big thank you for the organizers as well! #BigGarudaEnergy, BIG LOVE 💝💝
IDカップ本当に楽しかった~✨ ルールで混乱してポンしたりサボテン死んだりしたけど、最後に練習の成果でてよかったぜぇ‼ 誘ってくれたIDのみんな、そしてムーナ先輩とオリー先輩ありがとうございました♡ GARUDAチーム最高❤ TONJOK サボテン🌵 #BIGGARUDAENERGY #holoIDCup2022
otsukaresamadeshita!!! im having a lot of fun ✨ its okay, harimau team gonna come back stronger next time 😎 we all did great and thank you so much for Moonasenpai and Olliesenpai too who make everything's possible!!! Good Game Well Played. 🫡 #holoIDCup2022
とっても楽しかった! 言葉の壁を越えて同じ時間を過ごせたこと、 嬉しく思います☺️💓 勝っても負けても最高だ!!! また遊びましょう!Terima Kasih✨ #holoIDCup2022
Garuda優勝!! I was camera person for Team Garuda, hope you all had fun watching!!! For those who missed it, here is the VOD: ➡️youtu.be/f21Zx5QF0zk #holoIDCup2022 #BigGarudaEnergy
Thanks for coming to the stream! It was such a blast and we also had fun with everyone!! Special thanks to the organizers too for organizing such a fun event✨ #HarimauWIN STILL IN MY HEART ご視聴ありがとうございました!めっちゃ楽しかった〜!!🥳🥳🥳 #holoIDCup2022
otsukare! i’m sorry i couldn’t join, i had a really bad migraine and slept through my alarms… :( but i’m glad i could practice with everyone before the event day. thank u moona senpai & ollie senpai for organizing the event! otsukare to both teams!💕 #holoIDCup2022 Garuda love
Check out our team's POV here if you missed it! 今日のチーム視点枠のアーカイブはこちらで見れます〜! #holoIDCup2022 twitter.com/anyamelfissa/s…
NYAHELLO~🐱💘 #holoIDCup2022 とっても楽しかった~!✨ 会場や種目のクオリティも高くて めちゃくちゃ尊敬したにぇ! そして #BigGarudaSpirit 😎✌ 最高のTeamだったにぇ!🌟 みこはわためぇをfishingできてよかったにぇ🎣🤣
【CAMERAMAN'S STORY】 #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine #holoIDCup2022 was tons of fun!!! 🏆 As the cameraman of Team Garuda, I want to talk about Garuda during prep and mostly, about today's event! See you soon! 8 PM GMT+7 / 22:00 JST youtu.be/gK7XogryREo #BigGarudaEnergy 🦅
おつカメラマンさまでした!#holoIDCup2022 #Reinessance
"Where is my Elytra Kronii??" -Kaela #inKaela #kronillust #IRySart #holoIDCup2022
Hey, i want to talk about the recent event while we cleaning up the holoID server!✨ Stream start at 8:00 WIB/GMT+7 URL➡️youtu.be/LDciHyZL0PM #MoonArchitect #holoIDCup2022